The church world knew about the prediction of Nostradamus: after the death John Paul II will live only two supreme pontiffs. And then – The End of the World … However, the French forecaster is not the only author of a gloomy prophecy. In the year 1590 French Benedictine monk Arnold de Villon appeared in the abbey of San Benoit in the Italian city of Mantua and asked Permissions to work in the library archive. Permission was received, and the delighted Benedictine set to work. As a keepsake involuntarily comes the novel of the Italian writer Umberto Eco “Name roses “, which was put on a magnificent film: gloomy monastery walls, steep staircase leading to mystery of darkness libraries where ancient folios are stored in the dust of centuries … Probably Arnold de Villon fell into the same dusty gloom. You can even to suggest that Umberto Eco, while conceived in his novel, was inspired the story of an inquisitive monk. John Paul II died in 2005 year Photos from open sources Among archival wealth, to which nobody touched for centuries, he discovered a book with yellowed from time pages. Opening it, de Villon from the first lines realized that in something unusual in his hands. Subsequently, trembling with excitement, he said that he spent the whole night over the find, and in the morning he couldn’t recover from what you read. Having barely rested, the monk returned to manuscript; it was the work of Malachi O. Monguar – the saint who lived five centuries ago. Blessed his enemies Malachi was born in 1064 in Ulster. Since childhood, he was passionately committed to faith, spent days in prayer, and at night under the direction of a hermit, who lived in a cell at the city cathedral, comprehended religious the sacraments. Upon learning of the youth’s zeal, the bishop appointed Malachi deacon, his duties included the funeral of the urban poor. Through several years Malachi became a priest; he sought to attach to Christianity of the locals, who for the most part were ignorant pagans. Zealots often threatened him reprisal, but he, following the example of Jesus Christ, blessed the enemies his … Benedict XVI abdicated
Photo from open sources The spiritual authority and charm of Malachi brought him a reputation as a saint. He became famous throughout Ireland, Everywhere people came to him for a blessing. The pope himself saluted him by inviting an audience at the Vatican. Chronicles of Toy epochs testify that the pope in the presence of cardinals laid his miter on the guest’s head and said: “Let everyone prostrate themselves in front of him! For this man is revealed to us by God himself! “Malachi spent a few months in Rome. Every day, he and Dad prayed, and at night retired to the Vatican library, and until in the morning the Vatican guards saw him bending over the manuscript. What he wrote remains a mystery: having left Rome, Malachi carried away his labor with myself. On All Saints Day, November 2, 1148, Malachi died. It happened in the abbey of Clairvaux, in France. After his death the manuscript created in the Vatican was transmitted from one monastic library to another and eventually ended up in Mantua, where he lay five centuries, until the inquisitive Arnold de Villon discovered him. Doubts of de Villon On the pages of the work of St. Malachi speech talked about the Popes of past years, who stood at the origins of the papacy, and about those about whom the author could know during his lifetime, but the main thing is that it is unbelievable! – there talked about the pontiffs who were just about to lead catholic church in the centuries to come. Irish saint, as it were looked forward centuries, predicting the activities of everyone future Pope, formulating a prediction in the form of a proverb or aphorism. The last pope in the Malachi manuscript was 112th account (recall that John Paul II was the 110th). Then, argued author, the Apocalypse will come … Francis became Pope from March 13 2013
Photos from open sources Arnold de Villon was not a man simple-minded. Recovering from an amazing find, he subjected doubt the authenticity of the text that struck him: is it not under century-old dust some kind of scam? His contemporaries – Benedictine monks were eager to accept the prophecies that already concerned past events. But the big question is: how is the church community will relate to the part that contains the predictions of the coming events? After all, Malachi died five hundred years ago, his name is almost forgotten, and the clergy, even if they thought of him, then in connection with his unusual views. In the eyes of the Catholic Church, his activities wore the shade, as they would say now, of the front. So can you trust the revelations of this saint who owned the definition papal domination, corresponding to the Latin “nature is perverse” ?! However, two arguments shook Villon’s doubts. At the end of the 16th century, when he shook off the dust from the labor of Malachi, the struggle in Europe barely subsided with heretics whom the faithful followers of the papacy accused of perversion of true faith. And in the manuscript, Villon found the words, predicting this fight five centuries before real events! Another argument was the aphoristically formulated future. Of the 78th Pope – Leo XI, of which Arnold de Villon could judge as contemporary. In the prophecy of Malachi, this Pope was called “Man water. “Leo XI ruled for a very short time – no more than a month, but according to Bibles, water – a symbol of insecurity, short duration … In five years after Arnold de Villon discovered the Malachi manuscript, he published a book dedicated to his find – “Prophecies about Papach. “However, Catholic Rome did not endorse this publication, and the monk’s discovery has remained forgotten for many years. Predictions of malachi Now, after a while, it is curious to read the characteristics of Malachi Popes, who led the Catholic flock. So, about Pope Urban VIII (first half of the 16th century) the saint said: “Lily and rose.” This formula denotes the main event in European religious and political life of that period – the reconciliation of the English Protestants, whose symbol was the rose, with French Catholicism, the symbol of which is a lily. Reconciliation happened by the conclusion of the marriage of King Charles II and Marie Antoinette, daughters of Henry IX.
Photo from open sources Description 97th Pope, Pius VII, – “The Stolen Eagle.” This pope led the Vatican at the beginning of the 19th century. Napoleon, whose emblem was an eagle, put him in prison, from where the Pope after the fall of the emperor went out and continued his activities pontiff. An even closer example is Papa BenoitHU, 104th in a row (1914-1922). His maxim, according to Malachi, is “The extermination of Christians.” And indeed, these were the years of world wars, revolutions, the deaths of millions of Christians … But, of course, the most intriguing prediction is about the Popes with the 111th 112th. If you believe to the Irish saint, the last popes in the history of the Catholic Church, and possibly humanity … The motto of the 111th Pope Malachi proclaims “The Triumph of the World”, which sounds optimistic. About 112th but he says that his kingdom will become short, and accompanies his the prophecy of such a summary: “The world will endure a heavy sentence.” Not is there a warning here about the near finale of the old Christian world order?
Photos from open sources. However, back to the above. Nostradamus. Is there a connection between his difficultly understood quatrains and forgotten saint Malachi? Professionals who have studied the legacy of that and another, believe that Nostradamus knew the Malachi manuscript, moreover, his quatrains are inspired by the work of an Irish seer. So, for example, about the reign of the 112th Pope Nostradamus says: “Total blood will flood the earth, people will live with their mouths shut, and unpredictable will come … “A heavy sentence … Author of the article: Natalia Kolesnikova
Vatican Water Time Life End of the World Nostradamus