The ancient Vedic texts say that the first the descendants of the gods who settled on the Eurasian continent were blond, and their pale skin had absolutely no hair cover.
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06 these “god-like” signs are mentioned in the sacred Veles book and legends of the Slavic peoples of pre-Christian period. In particular, it is narrated that the arias who created after the death of the continent Arctida a powerful state in Asia and then moving west were light-haired and tall growth. Sign of godlike relationship Blonde hair were considered a sign of proximity to the divine family in early Egypt and among the Celts, in Ancient China, Scythia, and among the Huns, before their mixing with European tribes. Traditions of the Hopi Native American people long before discoveries of America by Christopher Columbus said that the “golden century “for their people will come again after they arrive “white-headed”. In contrast to the eastern, in cultures Anglo-Saxon countries a sure sign of divine kinship was dark hair color, possessed by representatives of the disappeared continent of Lemuria and Atlantean civilization. Priests and rulers of these mythical peoples sunk into oblivion were the ancestors of many states of Western Europe, contributed to the prosperity of Ancient Egypt and the states of the ancient Sumerians. But the abundance of hair on human skin in both eastern and western ancient cultures it was considered a reminder of the fall that occurred at the dawn of civilization. Evidence of the diabolical nature of man, according to the layman medieval Europe, was also “fiery” hair. It was assumed that one of the ancestors of the red-haired once sinned by Satan himself, and since then innocent descendants bear the indelible demonic seal. For this reason, for the opinion of a number of historians, most women burned at the stake in period of the holy Inquisition, were red.
A photo from open sources Ancient beliefs and traditions Ethnographers and esotericists believe that hair related ancient beliefs and traditions are echoes of ancient legends about the divine nature of humanity. In particular, in all cultures The world’s hair is considered the storehouse of vitality. So, in the Ancient Egypt, China and Russia did not cut their children naked. Long time in Christian rite of baptism performed a ritual during which cut a small strand of hair, rolled it into wax and dipped in a vessel with holy water. If a wax ball sank, it was a sure sign that the child will die soon. If he surfaced – the baby has a long life. Married women of Slavic tribes, Judea, East and Asian countries carefully hid the hair under the headgear and loosened it only then when engaged in witchcraft. In Russia, pregnant women were prohibited get a haircut before childbirth, so as not to take away the power from yourself and the future baby.
A photo from open sources
Our ancestors combed only with their own scallops, which traditionally made of birch trees! pine, oak or juniper. And this was done not only for reasons of personal hygiene. It was believed that the alien race of Cheska-confuses on the head “other people’s troubles Also among the Slavs it was not customary to throw out strands after cutting and combing. One of the beliefs says that a bird can fly in, collect hair and make a nest, after which their former owner will have a head Get sick until the chicks hatch and fly away from their homes. Beliefs related to the need to take care of own hair, existed in the ancient world. In particular, the historian Herodotus, who had the good fortune to see manuscripts from the famous The library of Alexandria described one of the scrolls in which precise instructions were given on what to do with cropped hair and nails, so that they do not become the prey of evil priests. Religious practices Even in ancient pagan religions, hair was given special meaning. For example, in the princely families of Rus with a rite The initiation of the boys coincided with the ritual (shearing). during which they shaved their heads, leaving only one strand. Simultaneously the boys were first mounted on a horse and given them military weapons. A kind of continuation of that tradition during the time of Christianity the monastic tonsure ritual, representing a complete rejection of worldly fuss and the transition to the highest stage of spiritual life. IN funeral rites of ancient Greece cut off a strand of hair to the deceased, thereby releasing his soul into the afterlife. In Moravia, Poland and In Romania, it was customary to lay a pillow under the head of a deceased, filled with hair cut from his head during his lifetime. According to legends. The Lord sometimes lets the soul of the deceased in the earth peace so that she could see her relatives. On this pillow she longs for a meeting with loved ones, and goes down with heaven … The requirement to shave your head, which arose in ancient Egypt, in many religions it is a sign of complete obedience to God. Such the rules have been adhered to in China for centuries Middle East and Islamic countries. On the head was left only a small bundle of hair for which the faithful after his death spirits could raise to heaven. However, the highest degree of religiosity consisted in a complete rejection of haircuts. A vivid example is the biblical naeorei (vowed) Samson, whose incredible strength consisted in his long hair … The second after blood A photo from open sources As the biblical legend says, Samson, having sinned with the Philistine, lost his hair, and with it his strength. This, according to a number of paranormal researchers phenomena, one of the first mention of the so-called hair magic, often used by sorcerers and priests to achieve their always good, goals.
According to esotericists and magicians, hair is in second place by the power and effectiveness of magical effects after human blood. By means of the magic of sorcerers, healers removed the damage and let diseases, they loved their loved ones and even untangled the so-called karmic nodes. In particular, the Siberian sorcerers existed the practice of removing the birth curse. For the ceremony took locks of hair from three generations of the same family. At the same time, her senior representative should have been at death. When he was dying, the strands were woven into a small pigtail, which was then cut into small pieces. Then they were mixed with the earth and scattered in the wind. In the old days Russia and Western Europe used hair fortune tellers. They are beautiful they knew how rich their information is, which contains key information about the fate of man, his ancestors and descendants. In ancient chronicles, facts are cited reporting how the wise men of the northern Slavic tribes, only running a palm through the kinsman’s hair, they could see his whole fate. In Pomors, even today, hereditary witches often use a technique in which cut human hair is lowered into silver bowl with spring water and stare at it surface. According to the fortunetellers, they soon begin to look open pictures of the future life of man. Specialists in paranormal phenomena are convinced that hair is one of the most powerful energy substances of people, peculiar antennas that connect us with the cosmic mind as during earthly life, and after it. Sergey K0ZHUSHK0 “Secrets of the twentieth century” november 2012
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