The most interesting of the Altai archaeological 2018 finds

The most interesting of the Altai archaeological finds of 2018A photo from open sources

Of course, archaeological finds in the Altai Territory last year there were many, because in this ancient land people lived hundreds of millennia back. Nevertheless, out of all this set, it is worth highlighting three particularly interesting discoveries. They will be discussed.

A tool of labor that is more than a million years old

The most important artifact can be considered the oldest tool, found in the Charysh district as part of an archaeological project “Journey Through the Ages.” Five expeditions worked in these places, in which, in addition to professionals, more than three hundred participated volunteers.

And here is the result – the cut was chopped, which is supposedly more than a million years. At least, so experienced archaeologists: Sergey Sitnikov, Mikhail Safronov (leader Archaeological Society of Altai Territory), Roman Belousov and a number others. This find, in their opinion, proves that Siberia was one of the regions where humanity was born. Apparently, on the territory of Altai anthropogenesis also took place: here lived primates evolved into humans. For example, the famous ones are already on the whole world Denisovans – Homo altaensis (so named after Denisova Altai cave where human remains were discovered), as recently proved world luminaries from science, lived in these parts of at least 300 thousand years ago.

A photo from open sources

If the estimated age of the find is confirmed, it will be the oldest stone tool found in Russia.

Swastika on ceramics suggests that there is no time in Altai lived arias

The second most important discovery, which Altai is proud of seekers, became a fragment of a ceramic product with a swastika. It turns out that here once lived Aryan tribes, migrated from their ancestral home. Or they left footprints in the way their stay when rushing to Europe.

A photo from open sources

Despite many years of experience in archaeological work in Altai, Mikhail Safronov sees such a sign on fossil artifacts only second time. However, the scientist says, the swastika proves the presence of the ancient Aryans on this earth …

Lotus bronze signet

The third find of the past year, which archaeologists also consider great luck is the top of the signet ring with the image on it is a lotus flower. As researchers suggest, this a fragment of at least one and a half thousand years. It is perfectly preserved and striking in its beauty, although time has somewhat oxidized color metal. Now Mikhail Safronov is preparing a report on unique discoveries in order to obtain permission for further, more in-depth archaeological research of the area where these artifacts were discovered.

A photo from open sources


Upon completion of the procedure, all findings of scientists (including shown in the main photo: spindle, weighting spindles, bone tools for twisting fibers in the manufacture of ropes, fragments of ceramic dishes) will become exhibits of Altai State Museum of Local History, and therefore they can be see not only in the pictures, but also personally if you ever lucky enough to visit these parts.

Altai Ancient artifacts Russia

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