Russian paranormal researcher Valery Khachanov cut a photograph from a magazine several years ago a mysterious Peruvian drawing on a stone and realized that he would not peace until he decides the meaning of each line and hook
Having studied a lot of foreign and domestic literature, meeting with a dozen “luminaries” in this area, o made a sensational discovery, decoding world-famous images in the desert Nazca. According to his version, “Paracas Chandelier” is one of central figures of Nazca, is nothing more than … a passport Earth abandoned by an alien civilization.
A photo from open sources
“For some reason,” Khachanov believes, “scientists do not pay attention to the fact that the surface of the Earth is dotted with huge, incomprehensible, various drawings. It never occurred to anyone to consider them with the point of view of ordinary human logic …
The Nazca desert is covered in gigantic images. Modern scientists attribute the complex of drawings in the Nazca desert to a local Native American culture. The English astronomer D. Hawkins calculated that for manual creation of these ground images would not have required less than one hundred thousand man-years! Incredible is that about this grandiose and laborious work is not mentioned in any ancient Native American legends and legends nor in Spanish chronicles.
The drawings are made perfectly: perfect lines, platforms, elongated rays, triangles and trapezoid. Spirals, zigzags, sine waves. Khachanov with supporters believes that done by someone tremendous amount of work to create hundreds of kilometers of drawings allows you to put forward the version that Peruvian ground figures are traces of the activities of the Unknown Mind from Space.
A photo from open sources
Doctor of Archeology Maria Reiche – a major authority among explorers of the mysterious desert. Breaking its surface into sectors, she singled out individual drawings. Ever since scientists of the world are thinking about deciphering “monkeys”, “bear”, “birds” and spiders. Khachanov proposed his own theory.
– Until then, the secrets of Nazca were not revealed for two reasons. Firstly, it was necessary to find the key to the language of drawings. Secondly, each image was erroneously isolated from the complex. This is a big error. The whole world knows the “monkey” pattern. But it’s only fragment of the big picture!
According to Khachanov, the key to unraveling the secrets of many millennia is the “Paracas Candelabrum”, located on an almost 400-meter hillside of the Paracas Peninsula. The age of this sign is calculated at least two millennia. The history of its occurrence remains completely unsolvable mystery.
– “Candelabra of Parax” – Earth’s passport. It contains all information about our planet: left branch is fauna, right branch is flora, the whole picture is the face of a person.
The central trunk symbolizes the development of human civilization. Near the top, a mark resembling a nail is visible. how on a scale, it shows at what point our planet reached the first (in the Universe there are only six!) levels of civilization. it happened in 1945 when the United States detonated two atomic bombs. A “cap” at the top is the designation of a split atom. If rotate the candelabrum 180 degrees (the cap is at the bottom), then it will be a crucifix, and the “nail” will be a nail driven into the feet of Christ – a warning symbol that the planet may die from nuclear explosion of unheard of power as a result of conflicts.
A photo from open sources
Who left this information? Super civilization from the constellation The lion. This is confirmed by many cultural monuments depicting this powerful predator. They were left as a special landmark system. Later, the “lion theme” became extremely popular in creativity of peoples of almost all countries of the world. Note: our planet is literally dotted with sculptures and other images these animals. For example, the facade of the Mexican church of the XVIII century Santa Maria de Okotlan with the mouth of a roaring lion, Indian and Chinese dramas decorated with maned heads, Notre Dame Cathedral, on the portals of which there are 19 lions; and how many of these animals on banners, coats of arms, Europe? Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russian Ringleaders boasts magnificent sculpture the lion. Unless the Eskimos of Alaska are familiar with the king of beasts.
The information that they left us in the form of gigantic figures is not designed specifically for archaeologists. “Read” the information you need with high altitude, only then their meaning becomes clear. Photographed images need to be stored in a computer and rotate along the coordinate axes. All pictures give rotation images of a lion, a robot, a bird, a spaceship, a man and women. If you turn the “bird” 90 degrees, you’ll get image of the principles of genetic engineering. And even data on how on the first man appeared on the planet.
It is believed that in the experiment on the removal of Homo sapiens, on Earth was attended not only by the “fathers” of the constellation Leo, but also representatives of the constellations Scorpio, Sagittarius, Sail, Hounds Dogs. How did this happen? Let’s take a look at the first picture in the diagram Mary Reiche.
This is a symbolic depiction of dinosaurs living on Earth. tens of millions of years ago. Wavy lines indicate a flood. Then came some creatures resembling men and women. The planet was lifeless, but SOMEONE wanted to populate it with reasonable creatures, namely primitive people. Most likely after Flood on Earth appeared 3-5-meter robots. Russian and foreign scientists have proven that authorship blueprints of the Nazca desert cannot be attributed to ancient civilizations Indians.
Computers have calculated that to perform such a colossal work would take tens of times more time than they were set aside in history. Only robots could do this. Similarly the situation is with the version that the pyramids in Giza (Egypt) and the Sphinx built by the ancient Egyptians. This is definitely intentional disinformation. Before the appointed time, mankind should not had to know the truth about their origin.
Information in the Nazca desert is not designed for earthlings. More than two thousand years ago, when she appeared, people could not know about nuclear bomb, nor about genetic experiments. In that case, to whom Was this information addressed? The conclusion suggests itself: those who flew in and will still fly to Earth. The sign is not accidental located in the place where the Andean ridge passes! There is amazing the diversity of fauna and flora, and the sign is clearly distinguishable during the flyby the planet. And next to the “Candelabrum” is a small figure; she was called the “astronaut” and they believe that she is peculiar autographed artist images.
In general, say researchers from different countries, the oldest images carrying encrypted information on Earth lots of. For example, the underwater pyramids in the Atlantic, which, reaching 600 meters in height, three times the size of the pyramid Cheops. Scientists put forward a hypothesis that these colossi were created so that the Earth has an exact orientation in space. After all, its deviation from the axis is even half a degree will inevitably bring terrible disasters.
THEY constantly monitor that this did not happen. Those information available to scientists of a number of countries – the USA, Germany, England, Russia, Australia – allow us to say that we not only created, but now they also patronize and monitor our behavior. Earthlings are controlled. Moreover: information that they left on the planet, protects people from hostile actions from the outside. At the same time, they warn humanity against penetrating deep into the Earth – there is something that people it’s impossible to perceive yet. The same applies to the moon; so many astrophysicists reasonably believe that the moon is artificially created base of aliens.
Super civilization, leaving information about his visit to the planet Earth must be sure that information will be treated exactly where necessary, by those who need it, and when necessary. Technical information left in numerous desert drawings Nazca, as well as in similar cyclopean formations of other places: Egypt (Sphinxes and pyramids), England (Stonehenge), etc.
A huge amount of other related data is left in ancient temples, pyramids, barrows, figurines, rock graphics, jewelry, etc. A lot of information is encrypted in churches, but on Earth, unfortunately, partially collapsed, unrecovered nuclear energy information, genetic engineering etc. However, what has been preserved will be quite enough to understand the design of aircraft, principles of operation of their power plants, their technologies manufacture.
The hypothesis associated with the appearance of man, the creation in prehistoric times of cyclopean structures of particular complexity and accuracy, there will be many more. And this, of course, is not the first and not last: people tend to seek truth.
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