The prophecy of Helena Roerich about Germany led Merkel in real shock

The prophecy of Helena Roerich about Germany brought Merkel in a real shockA photo from open sources

Helena Roerich, as an esoteric philosopher and author of “Agni Yoga”, They know not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Know her amazingly accurate predictions of the future, however the predictions of this seer Merkel only recently became aware of Germany. And they say Angela then began to drink sedatives.

In her Living Ethics, Elena Roerich clearly said that at twenty the first century, any events on the world stage will take shape in Russia’s benefit, since this country is the spiritual center of the Earth, defined by the Higher powers. And therefore all attempts, for example, of the same Germany to increase its importance at the expense of a neighboring superpower, will look like a funny bark at Moska on the Elephant.

Despite this, Roerich writes, Germany until 2025 will try to build the machinations of Russia, thereby only dishonoring itself, because this will constantly fall into stupid situations and increasingly lose their political and economic significance in Europe. Later, Germany will finally realize that it plays a role Yarmorochka Petrushka and will even beg Russia to take it into her composition, arguing that there are many ethnic Germans in the Russian Federation, and because a separate German region as part of a huge superpower will only be a boon to all.

By the way, recently on the Web flashed information that Germany awaits “feudal fragmentation” – disintegration into separate principalities. Well, perhaps, to Russia in 2025, Germany will begin join in parts – due to a not-so-wise policy the current leadership of Germany …

Germany Russia

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