The riddle of one of the most famous artifacts

The riddle of one of the most famous artifactsPhoto from open sources

About Chandragupt’s stainless iron column, which stands near the capital of India, Delhi, as if decorating the entrance to the architectural Qutb Minar ensemble, today every schoolchild knows – after all one of the wonders of the world described in ancient history books of the world.

Although two hundred years ago, before the popularization of her English orientalist Alexander Cunningham, this artifact was known unless the Indians themselves. However, few people still know that in India, in the city of Dhar, there is a second similar iron column, only erected a century and a half earlier than Delhi, and besides which is much larger than the pillar of Indra.

Where wishes come true

What is the miracle of the amazing column of Chandragupta (Indra), which, judging by the inscription on it, this year marks 1600 years? It turns out that it is made of almost pure iron (99.72 percent), which in itself is unique, as it is for modern metallurgy is an impossible task. In addition, this iron the pillar for some unknown reason does not rust. And this is despite what he stands in a rather humid environment, where, for example, all summer and autumn pours incessant monsoon rains.

Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, i.e. foreign tourists and locals – everyone is eager to see and touch to this column, because it is not only unique, but also sacred. According to legend, such a touch harmonizes the body and soul, and therefore a person ceases to hurt and finds happiness. True, today the pillar is fenced and therefore it’s very touching problematic, though it doesn’t stop people from believing that The Delhi pillar is able to fulfill wishes in such a “communication” with him.

A photo from open sources

Scientific and not quite scientific versions

However, scientists around the world do not care about this side of the column Chandragupta, as well as a similar pillar in Dhar, and why these iron artifacts are not susceptible to corrosion. Put forward various version. If you discard the religious, the most acceptable looks the theory that these unique columns were built aliens. However, orthodox scholars do not like this version, as religious, because neither in God nor in aliens they believe.

Therefore, various “scientific” versions are put forward, which, however, scrupulous consideration does not withstand any criticism. The most plausible is the theory proposed by the chairman. National Committee on the History of India by Dr. Subbarauappa, according to which the Chandragupt column is much older than the inscription on it (done later). But because the iron pillar, as, however, the column in Dhar could have been poured in the “great iron age”, which India experienced in the first millennium BC.

However, the version of Dr. Subbarauapp is not faultless. For example, many scientists do not understand why from that great era only these two iron pillars, if the ancient Indians could to make stainless metal? Another thing is interesting: English scientists took samples (small pieces) of both columns (in Delhi and Dhar) and took them to the UK. Surprisingly, in London, samples rusted. Corrosion of the “mysterious iron” torn away from relatives columns – this is generally beyond any scientific understanding …

Inconvenient artifacts

However, India has always been famous for such artifacts. It’s enough to mention, for example, the ancient ritual dagger, which was found in the ruins of the city in the late nineteenth century and quite recently brought to Europe. Scientists, having analyzed the metal, from who made this dagger, were at a loss – on Earth there manufacturing technologies something like that. German archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff believes that the dagger, like the Delhi column, is an extraterrestrial origin …

By the way, such inexplicable, and even more precisely – there are many inconvenient artifacts for science in the world, and every year archaeologists are finding new ones. But the general public is nothing about them He knows, because they are not shown to her. Be free, scientists hid and the Delhi column, which does not allow them to sleep peacefully, because it does not fit into the framework of the “scientific” idea of ​​our the world …

Ancient artifacts India

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