A photo from open sources
Scientists managed to get closer to unraveling the mystery of Stonehenge. FROM using high-tech underground analysis archaeologists discovered near the megalithic complex previously unknown monuments. Their further study, the researchers hope, will help understand the origin and purpose of the ancient structure. Archaeologists from University of Birmingham discovered several previously unknown monuments in the megalithic complex Stonehenge. Via underground scanning scientists managed to create the most detailed a map of this ancient structure, which may allow reveal the secret of his destiny. W. Gaffney, prof. University Birmingham: “We discovered 17 new monuments of the late era Neolithic – the one to which Stonehenge and many others megaliths. Newer monuments are smaller, although closely related with large stones of Stonehenge, they could be smaller ritual shrines or something like that. ” Photo from open sources Built between III and I century BC AD, the stone circle could be a temple, a burial place, astronomical calendar or all at once – researchers are still so far they cannot come to a single version. It is still unknown and how ancient builders managed to move stones weighing 45 tons Over these riddles, archaeologists have fought for 500 years, but today changed the focus of research from Stonehenge itself to its surroundings. Photos from open sources Archaeologists have presented the most detailed a map of Stonehenge and its surroundings. They used various tools to view an area at depth 3 meters. The first results suggest that the cult monument was not alone, but was surrounded by 17 located near the shrines. Further, detailed analysis of this volumetric the data set will present a completely different vision of how Stonehenge system has evolved over a long period time. On a plot of 12 square kilometers, scientists used the latest technology for measuring the magnetic field, electromagnetic induction and resistance – all at a depth of up to three meters. More recently, archaeologists say, such a study was just impossible. Photos from open sources “[The building] has three rows with a roof pillars. It is approximately 300 square meters and they are a little trapezoidal shape, which is interesting because in the same period on the continent, about 100 to 200 years earlier, we we also find a similar type of trapezoidal buildings associated with megaliths [giant stones], “said Professor Wolfgang Neubaer, director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, who was also involved in the study. The course is aligned east – west, and the cavities that were found one at each end, indicate sunset and sunrise. This particular alignment is closely related. with the position and orientation of Stonehenge, which was built like us we assume 300-500 years later. Large time sharing indicates that both monuments were not conceived or planned as a whole. “Structures lead builders. Once you have some items are available, others occur because previous ones already exist, “explained Professor Gaffney. Further analysis will show more precisely how this place has evolved over time. “We starting to see an increase in research interest in this area representatives from different disciplines. This is important because it tells us of the changing attitude towards Stonehenge, “summed up Professor Gaffney. Photo from open sources Professor of the University Birmingham: “We call this data connection – an opportunity work with large amounts of information of a different nature. Now in archeology is taking place many, many small revolutions. ” Photos from open sources Next Dr. Nick Snashall, National Trust Archaeologist for the Avebury and Stonehenge World Heritage Site, said: “Using 21st century techniques, a landscape research team Stonehenge “turned” our knowledge of this ancient, precious and a very special majestic structure. Their work showed the presence of previously hidden places and buildings, clearly demonstrating how much of the history of this world famous archaeological treasure is still unknown. “New discoveries are hoped scientists will let them establish what used to be in place Stonehenge. The answer to this question may shed light on origin and destination of one of our most mysterious places the planet.
Time Stones Megaliths Stonehenge