A photo from open sources
The famous comedy animated series “The Simpsons” overlooking American television screens for 28 years, has a mysterious property predict the future. Funny yellow family, so loved viewers, at one time successfully predicted the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, discovery of Higgs boson by European scientists, victory Donald Trump in the presidential election and many other important world events.
A photo from open sources
Moreover, these predictions were made many years before upcoming events, for example, the presidency of trump “The Simpsons” foreseen back in 2000, when no one imagined this could not. And so it is with almost all the predictions. The Simpsons families. So blame the creators of the animated series in that they just use a leak of information does not work. There’s some kind of mysticism …
Here is another example of such mysticism: the other day the corporation “The Walt Disney Company “acquired for 52.4 billion dollars 21st Century Fox movie studio, which has become one of the largest financial transactions in world history. And who would have thought: back in 1998 “The Simpsons” already joked about what ever “Foxes” will certainly become a Disney subsidiary.
Suspicious viewers say that all this cannot be just a coincidence. Whether the creators of the cult cartoon are clairvoyant (a seer has obviously clambered into their team), or the powers that be provide them with information about what will happen in the future, if we assume that this is possible. Or maybe a secret the Earth’s government has a very peculiar sense of humor and from time to time for fun brings to life the jokes uttered heroes of a comic series from the TV screen? ..
Donald Trump Time