The occultists have long said that the Atlanteans and the ancients the Egyptians in the construction of their sanctuaries were able to move them massive stone details with the help of sound, that is, owned acoustic levitation. Serious science refers extremely to this. skeptical, preferring historical reconstructions, painting the tens of thousands of slaves involved in construction, and ropes with blocks. How to move huge blocks similar to is this stone from the Baalbek complex? A photo from open sources Flying stones In the early 1930s Swedish engineer Henri Kjelson watched monks in Tibet erected a temple on a rock 400 meters high. Stone – Diameter about one and a half meters – he reached the small yak horizontal platform located at 100 meters from the cliff. Then the stone was dumped into a hole corresponding to the size stone and a depth of 15 centimeters. 63 meters from the pit (engineer for sure measured all distances) stood 19 musicians, and behind them – 200 monks located on radial pins – several person on each. The angle between the lines was five degrees. A stone lay at the center of this structure. The musicians had 13 large drums suspended on wooden beams and turned sounding surface to the pit with a stone. Between the reels in six large metal pipes were located in different places, too directed by the bell to the pit. Near each pipe stood two musician blowing into it in turn. By a special team this orchestra began to play loudly, and the choir of monks – to sing in unison. And so, as Henry Kjelson said, four minutes later, when the sound reached its maximum, the boulder in the pit began by itself swinging and suddenly flew off a parabola right to the top of the cliff! In this way, according to Henry’s story, the monks ascended to the temple under construction, five to six huge boulders every hour! In what focus? Being an engineer, and also an aviation engineer. Kielson tried to explain the incredible phenomenon in terms of sound meaning. Henry knew very well that when learning something from the series out there every little thing is important. Those associated with aviation, know that very often it’s the little things “paid for by lives pilots and passengers. Kjelson measured all distances – from pit to rock, from pit to standing musicians and monks and so on and got numbers, all multiples of the number “PI”, as well as the proportion of gold cross-section and the number 5,024 – the work of “PI” and the golden ratio.
A photo from open sources, the stone was in the center of the circle, formed by an orchestra and monks who sent sound oscillations in the pit – a reflector of these oscillations. They raised 400 meters boulder! Sounds grew smoothly (four minutes, or 240 seconds) were quite beautiful, and the vibrations were harmonious. IN the result is such a creative effect. It is creative – after all the construction of the holy temple was underway! The stone flew up a parabola – at first he walked almost vertically (vibrations, reflected from rocks, did not allow the boulder to approach it), then he started deviate towards the top. Closer to the cliff there was less the number of monks on the lines of radii, therefore, fluctuations and their reflections were weaker, and to the top their number in general began to fall sharply, and the stone, following the path of the smallest Resistance, it’s just got to the place of erection of the sanctuary! Quite it is likely that in the same way the ancient builders of the pyramids and other global structures moved heavy blocks to significant distances and great heights. Triumphal experiment Physicists, in general, the possibility of a controlled acoustic levitation allowed. Moreover, mastered the technology of managing it first in one, and then in two planes. Many probably have seen macro videos with a drop hanging in the air water. Such experiments were carried out, for example, by scientists from Switzerland. But it was not possible to achieve a three-plane process control for a long time to nobody. And in January of this year, experts from Tokyo Yoichi Ochiei University, Takayuki Hoshi and Yoon Rekimoto forced with the help of sound waves, small objects soar in space different shapes and weights. Japanese directional sound matrices emitters located at specific points allow move them along complex paths. First, the scientists operated on already familiar droplets of water, pieces of polystyrene with a diameter of 0.6 to 2 millimeters, as well as small radio components, but the crown a series of experiments became hoisting a cube from a child’s the designer to the top of the toy pyramid. Realities and prospects Japanese experts say that their system of manipulating objects in space has two original features. The force acting on an item is the result of the addition of several directed ultrasound beams waves. This allows you to get a standing sound wave and fix its minima and maxima at strictly defined points in space. Using one or more directional emitters the Japanese change the parameters of this standing sound wave, make move it in space along the trajectory they need, and that causes the object held by the wave to move. Specifically in The experiments used four speakers emitting sound waves with a frequency of over 20 kilohertz that are not audible to human ear and come from four sides, intersecting each other in limited space. Using sound of different power, they able to move objects of various shapes made from materials with different densities, while controlling them position in space to the nearest millimeter. Experimenters assure that after some time in exactly the same way will be able to manipulate objects of any mass and volume. Left just learn to pick up a sound of a certain frequency and power. They also say that acoustic levitation will help in the future to fully overcome gravity. Using this technology to create a new type of aircraft already interested in NASA engineers. As for its use in construction in antiquity, the authors described it differently. The medieval Arab scholar al-Masoudi wrote that first they put a “magic papyrus” under the stone, then hit on it with a metal rod. This allowed the stone to come off land and soar along the stone-paved trail bounded by metal poles. So megalith moved along the path on distance of about 50 meters, and then fell to the ground. Process repeated every time until the stone was placed in the right place. Nowadays, knocking rods and blowing in copper pipes, we must assume nobody will be. Most likely, the Japanese will build something quite high tech. Of course, if everything goes according to plan. Valdis PEYPINSH
Water Time Stones Levitation Japan