The strange feeling of people not belonging to this the planet

The strange feeling of people not belonging to this planetA photo from open sources

There are people who constantly live with the feeling that they are not from of this world that the Earth is an alien planet for them. Moreover, somewhere in the depths of the locked memory of such people hold memories about a completely different world – much more harmonious and perfect.

If you experience such feelings, thoughts, and memories, don’t be frightened: as independent researchers of this phenomenon say, in the last incarnation, you most likely lived on a planet with more a developed civilization, which is why it seems to you to be on Earth scary, and people themselves – primitive, aggressive and even crazy. Such souls who came to Earth from higher dimensions – thousands, and here they usually feel social outcasts.

Coming from other worlds

Possessing more mature and pure souls, such people from the very childhood yearn for their “home” – good and beautiful. Subconsciously remembering such high vibrations as divine love and light, consciously they cannot understand why they are so ill on Earth, why are they not like everything that constantly oppresses them and how to deal with it.

A photo from open sources

From early childhood, such people are very lonely, in most they have no friends, although by nature they are exclusively kind and responsive, ready to help everyone. However, constantly encountering ingratitude and meanness, these children often locked in themselves, at best, sooner or later find the same “white crow”, after which their life on Earth is more or less is getting better. Voluntary oblivion for such souls – the only condition that allows them to live in our prison society (it’s not for nothing that some researchers call the Earth a planet-prison) and not go crazy (although this happens). But the question is: why these developed souls incarnate on Earth and why they all become here more and more?..

Why is all this happening?

Despite the apparent evidence that these souls fall here for some offenses committed in his bright world, on in fact, they come to Earth for a completely different purpose. They are are voluntary to help earthlings move from third to higher fourth dimension, namely on such a transition stage is currently our civilization.

The land for such souls has always been the school in which they received a unique experience, and today it is even more an excellent platform for accelerated spiritual growth. And therefore to us in a multitude souls flock from other planets to work here for the good divine creation. Thanks to these embodiments of vibration of our planet are changing and the transition to the fourth dimension is taking place faster and more successful. By the way, on Earth itself there are quite a lot of souls, already ready for such a transition, but they need help – it is her and the aliens incarnated here are having it.

You also do not belong to this planet?

If you also feel like an outcast on Earth, contact your intuition, look for your own kind in this world, decide any tasks based on their ability for deep, sincere love and forgiveness. And in no case do not give up before “impenetrable” wall of cruelty and unreasonable characteristic of most earthlings.

A photo from open sources

One must understand, experts say, that every soul comes to Land with a unique program. The more serious task you voluntarily set yourself, so your life here will be harder and more painful. Sometimes it’s just unbearable, when a person (especially not finding soul mates) rolls down to exhausting struggle with everyday problems, endless troubles and losses …

Or maybe souls from other planets still go to Earth from purpose of punishment? Honestly, this is hard to believe, because in harmonious society there are no crimes, and therefore no punishments, otherwise what harmony is this? Therefore, whatever one may say, bright souls come here with completely different tasks and at the same time – always voluntary! ..

A life

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