The sun has gone crazy: what awaits us in the coming years?

The sun has gone crazy: what awaits us in the coming years?Photo from open sources

Since September 4, the Sun has had seven serious flashes, ascertain NASA employees, all of them are high category X, and the most powerful explosion reached level X9.3, which was called the strongest for all years of observations of the luminary, except for mean information of past centuries.

The most famous Japanese scientist Kazunari Shibata (Kazunari Shibata) Kyoto University of Astrophysics in charge Hida and Kwasan Observatory, a tireless physics researcher solar plasma and space weather, gave an interview about this Kyodo News.

A photo from open sources

In it, he prophesies further, even more serious flashes on The sun is coming soon that could become for humanity catastrophic, since space satellites, electricity, internet and mobile, finally “collapse” nuclear power plants and lead modern society to complete collapse. Moreover, the scientist emphasizes that nothing depends on us: the Sun gone crazy, and we can only hope for the best.

However, psychic and sorcerer Artem Besov, who is also concerned activity of our luminary, which is why I made my forecast for the future, based on clairvoyance, believes that this is not the Sun, but humanity has gone crazy:

People played too much, literally wallowing in money, debauchery and wars, forgetting about their spiritual beginning. Strong flash on our Luminous, strange meteor activity, finally frightening hurricanes of the last days and other natural disasters – these are only signs that humanity is going crazy, and space for us sends signs – he noted.

Hard times are coming for humanity. Esoterics almost unanimous in the opinion that this year is still possible call it good, then it will only get worse. Therefore, we have designated the current year 2017 is crystal, the next is gray, and 2019 is difficult, 2020 – scary. After that, the situation will begin to improve. However, this, again, I emphasize, not because the Sun will be wise, and humanity will begin to understand at least something, and even through suffering, but change for the better …

According to the warlock Besov, there will be no end of the world, but the world will change dramatically in the coming years. And the worst thing about this awaits those who do not understand and do not want to understand the laws of the universe, too immersed in the passions of this physical world that is not by chance all spiritual leaders at all times called illusion.

The sun

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