The United States is working on the creation of bee drones. Scientists look with apprehension

The United States is working on the creation of bee drones. Scientists are watching with concern.A photo from open sources

On Earth, colonies of bees are dying, scientists are already sounding the alarm, because without these beneficial insects people will be left … no, not without honey, this is not so bad, but without basic food plants, which bees pollinate, leading to planetary hunger.

For this reason, researchers of this problem, for example the USA, are already with might and main work on the creation of bee-drones, which in the future could would replace bees by pollinating plants. Here’s what it says about it Professor Shashi Shekhar – leading specialist in the field mapping:

Of course, scientists around the world are primarily looking causes of bee extinction to eliminate them. But apparently, this due to climate change on the planet, we are witnessing it personally say, in California, where trees began to die massively. Behind them, I think insects, birds and so on will follow. Therefore robotic bees – this is a kind of safety net, although no one can say with one hundred percent confidence, where we will go, stepping this expensive.

The professor’s fears are not in vain, since drones can be easy to reprogram to perform completely different tasks, to for example, to transport any toxic substances, then have to direct the destruction of humanity, as is well shown in one of the episodes of the series “Black Mirror”. On this occasion, you can remember another fantastic story about a planet where they dominated insect robots – they simply destroyed any other mind. Moreover their self-reproduction was so well established that people those who came to this planet realized that they with their ultra-modern laser weapons lose to these mini-robots, and because they were forced to simply fly away as soon as possible …

The world with killer robots awaits someone for sure

Here is such a bleak prospect, as they say, wherever you throw – wedge everywhere. It is no accident that warnings flashed on the Internet about the threat of man-made looming over humanity intelligence. Not only scientists are talking about this today, but also clairvoyants, even time travelers. Another such See the entry below. On her an unknown man hiding his a person, allegedly for security reasons, says that he arrived from 3300 years, in order to warn humanity that he will have to fight robots that come out of obedience and decide destroy their masters, that is, people.

Perhaps all these travelers with their horror stories – no more than fakes of Internet pranksters however let’s remember statements of the sages of the Ancient East who said that a man cannot think of anything himself, he only “spies” Pictures from the information field of the Universe. Hence such amazing coincidences in literature, cinema (especially in science fiction) with the realities of reality. It turns out that the events of films, such as “Terminator” or “Matrix” may well become a reality in in the future, they’ll even surely become, since they were “spied” somewhere science fiction. Another thing is that in our multidimensional universe, not everyone from the living, it will fall into that terrible world. Cleaner souls, I think, will choose a planet for themselves without robots …

The world with killer robots awaits someone for sure

Here is such a bleak prospect, as they say, wherever you throw – wedge everywhere. It is no accident that warnings flashed on the Internet about the threat of man-made looming over humanity intelligence. Not only scientists are talking about this today, but also clairvoyants, even time travelers. Another such See the entry below. On her an unknown man hiding his a person, allegedly for security reasons, says that he arrived from 3300 years, in order to warn humanity that he will have to fight robots that come out of obedience and decide destroy their masters, that is, people.

Perhaps all these travelers with their horror stories – no more than fakes of Internet pranksters however let’s remember statements of the sages of the Ancient East who said that a man cannot think of anything himself, he only “spies” Pictures from the information field of the Universe. Hence such amazing coincidences in literature, cinema (especially in science fiction) with the realities of reality. It turns out that the events of films, such as “Terminator” or “Matrix” may well become a reality in in the future, they’ll even surely become, since they were “spied” somewhere science fiction. Another thing is that in our multidimensional universe, not everyone from the living, it will fall into that terrible world. Cleaner souls, I think, will choose a planet for themselves without robots …

Universe Drones Insects Bees Plants Robots USA

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