The war in Syria and the prophecy of Isaiah (“Lettera43”, Italy)

The war in Syria and the prophecy of Isaiah (Photos from open sources

The Vatican warns: “The third world war will begin in Syria war. “Some of the many Christian communities that exist in the world, make the most terrible predictions. On the eve of the announced attack on the regime of Bashar al-Assad the evangelical Christians of the conservative from the USA foresee the Last Judgment or the Apocalypse. New apocalyptic blog in connection with the destruction of Damascus writes about the near doomsday, on the use of atomic and chemical weapons. President Barack Obama is the new Antichrist who has come to the world to fulfill the prediction of the great biblical prophet Isaiah. Bible curse “Behold, Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will be a pile of ruins, – wrote the great prophet in Old Testament. – And they will remain with him, as happens with upholstery olives, two to three berries at the very top, or four to five on fruitful branches, saith the Lord the God of Israel. “” That day man will turn his gaze to his Creator, and his eyes will be directed to the Holy Israel (..) On that day, fortified cities it will be like ruins in forests and mountain peaks left before the sons of Israel – and it will be empty, “Isaiah wrote in his book in the 8th century BC Isaiah: “the noise of nations” and “emptiness after the horror “Usually in church sermons always it speaks of the blissful and blinding light of Damascus. To this city the persecutor of Christians Paul was sent. He was blinded, after which converted to Christianity. This story is told in New Testament. Much less often mentioned more ancient and mysterious biblical stories regarding the Syrian capital. In prophecy Isaiah, the preceding epistle of Christ, speaks of “the noise of the nations many. They make noise like the sound of the sea. “” The roar of the tribes ” How not to associate the prophetic exclamations of the prophet with contention “well-wishing coalition” whose members are going to drop bombs and missiles to Syria in the fight against the Assad regime? “The peoples howl strong waters roar, – so the prophecy about the end of Damascus continues. – Evening – and here is the horror! And before morning it is no more. ” prophecies can even affect the imagination of atheists. Day of Ancient Prophecies But Ultra-Conservative American evangelicals and without Internet sites are seen in the ongoing fulfillment of the biblical curse for those (Syrian President Assad and former Iranian President anti-Semite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) who hated the people of Israel and his God. Judgment Day close and, according to Pastor Carl Gallups, author books “The Rabbi Who Found the Messiah” (Il rabbino che trovò il Messia). “We belong to the first generation present at these dramatic and amazing events, ”he said enthusiastically. Christian Radio Wnd. – Ancient prophecies come true on our eyes. “Apocalypse and destruction of Damascus, the coming of God and eternal peace evangelical christians in the fall of damascus see part of the destructive process, accompanied by wars, persecution, hunger, epidemics, inevitable misfortunes (the rise of the Antichrist), which will end with the Second Coming Christ, as John the Evangelist writes in his Revelation. Eternal good eternal evil will prevail. Humanity will be reborn. Almighty God will come in glory to judge the living and the dead and give them salvation or condemn forever. Believers who prepare for a devastating coming satans, skeptics say that over the past centuries Damascus has been fire and sword at least seven times (by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Ottoman Turks). Almost every time on the site of the city ruins remained. Obama Antichrist B theological plan Obama (Nobel Peace Prize laureate) appears as the embodiment of antichrist. Jesus about the time of his second he said: “No one knows when this day will come and this hour. “Therefore, do not make hasty prophecies. In during World War II, attempts were made to make a final decision the question of when the Nazis wanted to destroy the Jews when there was dropped an atomic bomb on Japan. But then no one was waiting for the eternal of the world. True, then there was no talk of Damascus.

Barbara Ciolli Barbara Obama War Time Israel Italy End of the World Syria

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