The world’s population is growing faster than was expected

The world's population is growing faster than expected.A photo from open sources

Recent UN estimates show that the world’s population will grow even faster than previously thought. How modern society can deal with critical overpopulation planets?

It’s no secret that the number of people on our planet is growing with menacing speed. For this reason, at the turn of the next century Earth’s population can reach over 12 billion people.

New Projections Unveiled This Week by the Organization United Nations showed that previous estimates did not correspond to reality. Most likely during the following several decades, they will be exceeded by at least 150 million people.

A huge problem is not only critical overpopulation parts of the world like Africa and Asia, but also the fact that life expectancy of modern people has increased significantly. According to the results of calculations and analyzes, scientists concluded that the average life expectancy of people born this year will be about 70 years old. As expected, those born in 2100 will be live even longer, on average up to 83 years.

Increase in population as well as life expectancy people will lead to a shortage of food and clean water. This is especially acute will be felt in developing countries.

The report says there is an 80 percent probability the fact that already in 2030 the world population will be about 8.6 billion people, in 2050 – about 10 billion, and in 2100 – 12.5 billion

A life

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