A photo from open sources
The main element of the coming year is a tree, its flowers are green and blue. Symbols of the year astrologers and magicians recommend use as amulets and talismans. For example, bring luck can a green sheep from a tree. If you need a money talisman, a pigtail made of sheep is perfect for him or goat hair, which you can weave yourself.
Like an amulet that protects against the action of negative energies, It is recommended to use a blue wooden goat figurine. Her can carry with you (for example, in your pocket), and can be put on a shelf at home or if the figure is very small, hang it on neck on a chain.
The bell will also become a wonderful amulet, because not without reason from time immemorial bells hung cattle on the neck: in addition to performing practical functions, they drove away evil spirits from animals …
Turning to an amulet or a talisman for help, you need to rub it and speak out loud or mentally your request. Talisman can also recharge with energy, for this it should be put on the window in moonlit night, or put in the sun, or hold next to any heat source … It’s not worth talking to strangers that you use this cute little thing as magical artifact.
In general, any of the images can become a talisman. patroness of the year – no matter what it is made of and what color is it. Jewelry is quite suitable for this. pendant-goat, and any other decoration, if present “goat” stone. It can be purchased by yourself, but it will be better if they will give it to you, especially a loved one. Remember: gifts that are made from the heart carry a special energy!