A photo from open sources
It has long been no secret that the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was not, and no Tatars with the Mongols did not conquer Russia. But who and why falsified history? What was hidden behind the Tatar-Mongolian yoke? If you analyze historical facts, it becomes it’s obvious that the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented in order to hide the consequences of the “baptism” of Kievan Rus. Definitely it becomes clear that those forces that stood behind Christianity, in further and fabricated history, juggling historical facts for yourself and your goals. 1. Genghis Khan Previously in Russia for 2 people were in charge of government: the Prince and the Khan. Prince He was responsible for managing the state in peacetime. Khan or “military Prince “took the reins of control during the war, in peace time on his shoulders lay responsibility for the formation of the horde (army) and keeping it on alert. Genghis Khan is not name, and the title of “military prince”, which, in the modern world, is close to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Army. And the people who wore such a title, there were several. The most outstanding of them was Timur, it is precisely about him that they usually speak when they speak of Genghis Khan. IN surviving historical documents this man is described as a warrior tall with blue eyes, very white skin, powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which is clearly not consistent omens of the representative of the Mongoloid race, but fully suitable for description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov – “Ancient Russia and Great Steppe “.). In modern” Mongolia “there is not a single national epics, which would say that this country was once in conquered almost all of Eurasia, exactly, as there is nothing about the great conqueror Genghis Khan. 2. Mongolia State Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when to the nomads, living in the Gobi desert, the Bolsheviks arrived and informed them that they are the descendants of the great Mongols, and their “compatriot” created in their time the Great Empire, which they were very surprised and rejoiced. The word Mughal is of Greek origin, and means Great. With this word, the Greeks called our ancestors – Slavs. It has nothing to do with the name of any people It has. 3. The composition of the army of the “Tatar-Mongols” 70-80% of the army “Tatar-Mongols” were Russians, the remaining 20-30% were to other small peoples of Russia, in fact, as now. This fact clearly confirms a fragment of the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh “Battle of Kulikovo”. It clearly shows that they are fighting on both sides same warriors. And this battle is more like a civil war than war against a foreign conqueror. 4. What they looked like “Tatar-Mongols”? Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Henry II Pious, who was killed on Legnitsky field. Inscription next: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with the Tatars at Lignitz on April 9, 1241 “How are we we see this “Tatar” completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons. On the next image – “Khan’s palace in the capital of the Mongol Empire Hanbalik “(it is believed that Hanbalik is supposedly and there is Beijing). What is “Mongolian” and what is “Chinese” here? Again, as in the case of the tomb of Henry II, in front of us are people clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, streltsy caps, the same broad beards, the same characteristic saber blades called “elman”. The roof on the left is an almost exact copy of the roofs of old Russian Teremov. 5. Genetic examination According to the latest data, obtained as a result of genetic research, it turned out that Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences the genetics of Russians and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols is colossal: “Differences of the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely Central Asian) really great – it’s like two different worlds … “(oagb.ru). 6. Documents in period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke Over the period of existence Tatar-Mongol yoke not a single document is preserved on Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian. 7. Lack of objective evidence supporting the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke There are currently no originals of any historical documents, which would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. But there are many fakes designed to convince us of the existence of a fiction called the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.” Here one of those fakes. This text is called The Word of Perdition. Russian land “and in each publication is declared” an excerpt from not extant poetic work … Oh Tatar-Mongol invasion “:” Oh, light bright and beautiful Decorated Russian land! You are famous for many beauties: lakes you are famous for many, rivers and springs of local veneration, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, marvelous beasts, diverse birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and terrible princes, honest nobles and many nobles. You all overflowed, Russian land, O Orthodox Christian faith! .. “In this text does not even hint at the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.” But in This “ancient” document has the following line: “You are all overflowed, Russian land, O Orthodox Christian faith! “Until Nikon’s church reform, which was carried out in mid-17 centuries, Christianity in Russia was called “Orthodox.” Orthodox it began to be called only after this reform … Therefore, this the document could be written no earlier than the middle of the 17th century and no has no relation to the era of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” … At all maps that were published before 1772 and not subsequently corrected, you can see the following picture. Western part of Russia called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartaria … In this small parts of Russia were ruled by the Romanov dynasty. Moscow Tsar until the end of 18 century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or the duke (prince) Moscow. The rest of Russia, which occupied almost the entire mainland Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovy at that time called Tartaria or the Russian Empire (see map). In the 1st edition The British Encyclopedia of 1771 on this part of Russia is written The following: “Tartaria, a vast country in northern Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartaria. Those Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan living on northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India and finally Tibetan living northwest of China … ” Where did the name Tartaria come from? Our ancestors knew the laws. nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, like Now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those time. People who have gone much further in their development others who could control space and matter (manage the weather, heal diseases, see the future, etc.), called the Magi. Those of the Magi who knew how to manage space on a planetary level and above, called Gods. That is, the value the words of God, our ancestors did not at all what it is now. Gods were people who went much further in their development, than the vast majority of people. For the average person their abilities seemed incredible, however, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each god had their limit. At our the ancestors were patrons – God Tarh, he was also called Dazhdbog (the giving God) and his sister are the Goddess Tara. These gods helped people in solving problems that our ancestors could not solve by yourself. So, the gods Tarh and Tara taught our ancestors how to build houses, cultivate land, writing, and much another that was necessary in order to survive after disasters and eventually restore civilization. Therefore, still most recently, our ancestors told strangers “We are the children of Tarh and Tara … “. They said that because in their development, indeed were children in relation to Tarkhu, who had considerably advanced in development, and Tara. And residents of other countries called our ancestors “Tarhtar”, and hereinafter, due to the difficulty in pronunciation – “Tartars”. From here and the name of the country happened – Tartaria … Baptism of Russia And is the baptism of Rus here? – some may ask. As it turned out, very much moreover. After all, baptism was far from peaceful way … Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, practically everyone could read, write, count (see. article “Russian culture older than European “). Recall from the history curriculum, at least the same “Birch bark letters” – letters written by a friend friend peasants on birch bark from one village to another. At our the ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as I wrote above, this is not was a religion. Since the essence of any religion comes down to blind adoption of any dogma and rules, without a deep understanding of why you need to do just that, not otherwise. Vedic worldview gave people just an understanding of the real laws of nature, understanding how the world works, what is good and what is bad. People have seen what happened after the “baptism” in neighboring countries, when under the influence of religion is a successful, highly developed country with an educated by the population, in a matter of years plunged into ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy were able to read and write, and then far from all … Everyone perfectly understood what was carrying “Greek religion”, which was going to baptize Kievan Rus Prince Vladimir the Bloody and those who stood behind him. Therefore none of residents of the then Kiev principality (a province that broke away from Great Tartary) did not accept this religion. But they stood behind Vladimir great forces, and they were not going to retreat. Baptism of Russia … On the lands of Kievan Rus established the so-called dual faith. Most of the population formally recognized the imposed religion of slaves, and she continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, however, not flaunting it. And this phenomenon was not observed only among the masses, but also among part of the ruling elite. And such the situation continued until the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who came up with how to deceive everyone. But the Vedic The Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartaria) could not calmly look at the machinations of their enemies that destroyed three quarters population of the Kiev Principality. Only her response could not be instant, due to the fact that the army of Great Tartary was busy with conflicts on its Far Eastern borders. But these the retaliatory actions of the Vedic empire were carried out and entered modern history in a distorted form called Mongol-Tatar invasion of the hordes of Batu Khan to Kievan Rus. Only by the summer of 1223 did Vedic troops appear on the Kalka River Empire. And the united army of Polovtsy and Russian princes was completely broken. So we were driven into history lessons, and no one could really explain why the Russian princes fought with “enemies” so listlessly, and many of them even sided with the “Mongols”? The reason for this absurdity was that the Russian princes who accepted alien religion, knew perfectly well who and why came … So, not there was no Mongol invasion and yoke, but there was the return of the rebellious provinces under the wing of the metropolis, restoration of state integrity. Batu Khan had a task return Western European under the wing of the Vedic empire province-state, and stop the invasion of Christians in Russia. But strong resistance of some princes who tasted yet limited, but very large power of the principalities of Kievan Rus, and new riots on the Far Eastern border did not allow to bring these plans to completion. Conclusions As always, the winner writes a story. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which the principality of Kiev was baptized, and with purpose to nip all possible issues, and was later invented “Tatar-Mongol yoke”. Children brought up in the traditions of the Greek religion (cult of Dionysius, and later – Christianity) and rewrote a story where all cruelty was blamed on the “wild nomads “… Igor Tischenkov.
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