They dug a grave, and dug up the bones of a giant, who lived 200 years ago

They dug a grave, and dug up the bones of a giant who lived 200 years agoA photo from open sources

Independent researchers have long been arguing that on our Giants once lived on the planet, and it wasn’t individual tall people whom you can meet today, and whole peoples.

The question remains: when did the giants and why did they become extinct?

Famous Russian researcher of antiquity, writer Sergey Alekseev in the proposed small video tells quite an interesting story about how in childhood he witnessed amazing event: in the cemetery they dug a grave for the deceased grandmothers, and dug up the bones of a real giant.

The grave was dug by my father and uncle Ilya, the last one was very a tall man at that time – under two meters tall. So here the giant’s dug shank was on his chest, the skull was like the huge cauldron that stood in our bath, and the giant’s teeth (measured matchbox) reached 5 centimeters.

But most of all then the boy was struck not even this, but that the calm with which the bones of the giant were perceived by adults: they say this old people, they were all like that. And safely dug up the remains of a giant back, which, according to Alexeyev, were not more than 200 years. So these very tall people lived quite differently long…

A photo from open sources

The writer does not specifically name the coordinates of that graveyard as immediately stipulates that in his books also on purpose distorts the names of people, the names of villages, because, with one on the other hand, fears barbarians and black archaeologists, and on the other – understands: these findings have not yet come.

Indeed, what is the use of the fact that in America in before last and past centuries, the remains of thousands were extracted from the earth giants? Where is all this now? They are not even mentioned in academic history books and archeology. That does not want writer Alekseev a similar fate for Russia, and therefore, telling his amazing case from distant childhood, only emphasizes that similar shocks generously endowed with his fate, made the inquiring mind of the boy, and then the young men doubt some generally accepted postulates and ultimately made of him a good researcher. Well, of the storyteller, of course, because what good is research if people don’t know about them, if secrets stories will remain closed to millions. For example, for the writer himself remains a mystery why on Earth giants are almost completely extinct, and, apparently, very fast. Moreover, this riddle surprises and torments many Earth history researchers …

Giants Russia

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