Three perspectives on one issue: Chinese coronavirus

Three views on one problem: Chinese coronavirusPhoto from open sources

The new Chinese coronavirus, called 2019-nKoV, spawned a lot all kinds of fears, assumptions and even predictions. let’s take a look at it from certain positions (views and beliefs), radically different from each other. It will allow evaluate it more or less objectively, that is, to understand: is it the devil is terrible how he is painted.

Opinion about the coronavirus of a famous epidemiologist

Harvard Professor, MD Eric L. Feigl-Ding (Eric L. Feigl-Ding) believes the 2019-nKoV coronavirus is product of scientists of China. Its basic reproductive rhythm reaches 3.8 Ro, corresponding to a thermonuclear pandemic. Simply put, at 75 percent of cases this virus will infect people and require emergency medical care.

A photo from open sources

According to the American professor, by February 4 in Wuhan there will be Already about 200 thousand people infected with the 2019 nKoV virus. Besides Moreover, the pandemic has already broken out into the vastness of China and the globe in overall, and therefore constraints such as reduced travel in China, a thorough check of passengers arriving from China, will not be as effective as we would like. it an uncontrolled epidemic, while WHO still hasn’t declared a global emergency.

Dr. Feigl-Ding is one hundred percent sure that this “escaped” from Wuhan’s laboratory’s virus, which makes it much more dangerous than epidemics, generated by nature. On what are so terrible the assumptions are not clear, but presumably an epidemiologist with a global knows and understands this much better than a simple layman and even a scorched conspiracy theorist.

Opinion about the coronavirus of other American scientists

And here is Dr. William Schaffner from the University of Vanderbilt (Tennessee, USA), which is considered one of America’s most experienced vaccine specialists say that the danger of Chinese coronavirus is too exaggerated. If his compare with the “ordinary” flu, blowing annually more than half a million the inhabitants of our planet, it is surprising the hype in the world press and internet about it.

A photo from open sources

This is very similar to the situation, the virologist echoed Shaffner Baylor College of Medicine Peter Hotez when, let’s say the crash of an airplane that killed about two hundred man, causes in the world press a wave of “tragic” articles, while journalists do not write anything at all (not even mention on this occasion) that as a result of local wars or even elemental hunger (for example, in Africa) in the world at large tens of thousands of people die every day, including a huge amount of children.

The same thing happens with flu, you won’t surprise anyone and You won’t make a sensation in the newspaper, but a pandemic, and supposedly bursting out of a military laboratory, it’s a real bomb for the press …

Opinion on coronavirus in terms of ancient prophecies

Chinese coronavirus was not spared and supporters the approaching Apocalypse. They immediately got out of the “dusty storerooms “the ancient Chinese manuscript Tui bei tu (” Tui Bey Tu “), allegedly written back in the 7th century, or even much earlier.

A photo from open sources

These are 60 drawings with explanations in the form of verses. Both very symbolic, foggy and multivariant in interpretation. it sort of like quatrains of Nostradamus, which only become understandable after an already accomplished event.

So in this case, it is believed that 55 pictures of poems come true, because the events described in them (as it turned out later) come true exactly with predictions, for example, coming in Celestial to the power of the Communists.

In this case, the interpreters are interested in the remaining “cards”, in 56 of them (see below) depict two soldiers personifying two continents. Between them is the ocean in which fish scurry (this is the fleet). Birds are fighting in the sky (planes). Poem to this drawing allegedly explains that the collision in this case does not depend on soldier, this is a technology war between East and West, where the mushroom is on top, and below is fire.

A photo from open sources

That is, a world atomic war is inevitable, which, apparently, he will do well, but he will not destroy the world. From this point of view, everyone scared Chinese coronavirus cannot be a global catastrophe, how pessimistic journalists, conspiracy theorists and even ufologists shout about it (it seems, and what kind of sideways does it hurt them?).


I would like to finish this article on an optimistic note, since the remaining four cards of the Tui bei tu manuscript allegedly promise our civilization is a union of East and West under a common spiritual leadership, peace and prosperity throughout the planet. Except last card number 60, which indicates some external interference unfavorable to humanity. But it will be, apparently, not yet soon. And will it be at all? ..

Viruses War China Airplanes Epidemics

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