Trump is the last 44th president of the United States

Trump is the last 44th president of the United StatesPhotos from open sources of

The great American prophet and mystic Edgar Cayce who almost never made a mistake in predicting the future, said that the 44th president of the United States of America will be the last. World in recent years, he lived in the expectation that after the reign of Barack Obama this superpower parasitic on the suffering of many countries and peoples will finally cease to exist.

But … this did not happen, as we know, now Obama has been replaced by Trump, and the USA continues to exist, no matter what. Casey comes out like many other famous seers talking about the last 44th the president of this country were mistaken?

It turns out that – no. As the researcher of this phenomenon writes Eugene Gigauri, in the practice of counting American presidents just an annoying mistake crept in. Fact that stephen grover Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th president, but nobody does not pay attention. But apparently in the heavenly office, which gives information to the prophets (see below the film, how they received them, to for example, Casey), US presidents are considered by their heads, and not somehow otherwise. After all, if you count on the head, then the 44th president it turns out just the current trump. He goes out and will the last …

But what about the prediction of the famous Vanga in this case, which the 44th president of America called black? Turns out to Barack Obama, it was clear to everyone that the last head of the White House will be “black” in essence, but not in the face, but when suddenly there was a black president, and even the 44th (by mistake of calculation), then Vangeline’s words seemed to have double confirmation. And everyone It became clear: Obama is America’s last leader. Just on that’s all, as they say, and pierced …

Predictions about the last years of the US begin come true

And the seers’ predictions about the fate of the United States, however, are slowly start to come true. And Trump’s rule may very well be the last.

Here is what John the Evangelist wrote about this in his book “Revelation”: the most powerful and influential power in the world, mired in ideologies of sin and war, this overseas Babylon will fall into three islands. It is no coincidence that the elder calls the USA Babylon, because in in this country, the seer notes, almost all nations will be gathered and all the languages ​​of the world.

The soothsayer of the abbess Hildegard Bingens, revered great saint (Church Teacher), wrote about the same nine hundred years ago, when America was not even discovered by Columbus. She also, like John the Theologian, emphasized that this would be State of many tribes with different skin colors. And waiting for this terrestrial power terrible earthquakes, huge waters and unprecedented hurricanes that will sweep away everything in its path, destroying life on that earth. Russian monk Gilarion predicted the same the natural disasters that befall America for the sins of its people, the rape of this great country on individual islands.

It’s already clear that North America, where the United States is located, starts shaking, and shaking thoroughly. One supervolcano Yellowstone is worth it. At the moment he starts again seriously bother scientists.

And what is happening with the Oroville dam and reservoir (see video below), the destruction of which due to heavy rains threatens completely disrupt normal life throughout California?

The tectonic faults of North America are in such critical condition that are about to break this continent into separate parts. And the Americans at this time continue to mine shale oil and gas using technology that even in seismically calm, Ukraine in due time caused earthquakes. Feast in Time of Plague…

Barack Obama Time Life Earthquake US Islands Edgar Cayce

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