Photo from open sources
One of the most interesting story artifacts Earth, are the ancient maps of our planet, and even the ancient globes.
It turns out that the latter “came” to us not only from the Middle Ages (The oldest is considered the Hunting-Lenox copper globe, dated 1504-1506 years, although his “leadership” is serious disputes the Stefan Messin globe made in shell ostrich egg), but even from a much more ancient world.
For example, in 1984, an expedition of scientists led by Elias Sotomayora, discovered in the La Mana massif (modern Ecuador) many stone artifacts, among which especially stood out the oldest earth globe. Of course he is far from traditional for us round shape: apparently, the master of this atlas is not especially bother with this problem, taking for work the first suitable boulder. In addition, there is a hunch that the creator of this of the globe perfectly understood that our planet doesn’t really perfectly round shape.
But this is not the uniqueness of the oldest globe, but that the location of the continents and continents on it is somewhat different from modern. And if it’s easy to trace on this stone atlas, for example, the Italian peninsula, Greece, India, the Persian Gulf, then, from East Asia onwards towards America, the picture clearly does not coincide with today’s maps of the Earth. Here suddenly a mysterious continent is discovered.
A photo from open sources
At the same time, Florida and the Caribbean on this stone globe find impossible, but in the Pacific Ocean, just on the equator line, a “huge” continent appears. And Japan merges with it, i.e. no island nation that we call today The country of the rising sun does not exist.
Mysterious continent on the stone atlas of the Earth, many researchers recognized the legendary continent of Mu, about which he told the world in his time scientist M. Kimura. He believed that Mu also plunged into the water, as no less fantastic Atlantis described by Plato.
A photo from open sources
For this reason, stone globe researchers even suggested that Atlantis and Mu could very well be one and the same mainland, just the information about them came to us in different interpretations and names. In favor of this theory, for example, genetic link between modern Japanese and Indians. And if orthodox science refutes it because of the huge water barrier (ocean) between these peoples (their ancestors), then the presence an unknown continent on a stone globe makes this connection and possible, and logical.
Academic science, we note, was skeptical of stone atlas, as well as to other amazing artifacts of Elias Sotomayor. Moreover, it does not seem to determine the age of this globe possible (radiocarbon analysis is not acceptable for stones, although some researchers believe that this boulder is at least 12 thousand years), which means that one cannot say with accuracy when he was created, what civilization was capable of such, like that, what is really reflected in this atlas. Some questions to which there are no exact answers, some assumptions …
Atlantis Ancient artifacts