Unknown prophecies of the approaching third world war

Unknown prophecies about the approaching third world warA photo from open sources

In continuation of yesterday’s article, “The United States and Iran: will there be a third world war? “let’s talk about what they wrote about this planetary catastrophe other prophets, from among those who more than once in his predictions hit the nail on the head.

We’ll immediately clarify that today under the term “third world” we will consider only a possible thermonuclear war (without any interpretations), which for our civilization may end or complete collapse, or push it back to the level of the Stone Age.

A photo from open sources

One of the heralds of prophetic truths, of those who have a lot of attention devoting to the theme of the approaching third world war, there was someone Adrian Shot (Adriaan Snyman), who released Die in 1997 laaste loopgraaf “. It contains unique predictions African prophets, in particular, a certain Zener van Rensburg (Siener van Rensburg) – Boer of the Republic of South Africa, who lived and philosophized at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries (1864-1926 gg.).

A photo from open sources

According to Shotan, this prophet did a lot. accurate predictions, for example, foresaw the death of a bourgeois general Koos de la Rey during the Second Boer Sea war (1899-1902 gg.), predicted the first world war and the spread in the world of communism and fascism. Unfortunately, many his prophecies are recorded in the form of visions that are African himself the prophet could neither understand nor interpret.

Based on them (apparently, well understanding and interpreting everything this is in the second half of the 20th century), Adrian himself is shot in his book predicts the events of September 11, 2001, emphasizing that these “terrorist acts” will be the beginning of preparations for the third world the war. According to him, Zener van Rensburg foresaw this terrible world carnage, which will begin due to conflict in the Middle East. Here, for example, that he wrote about this:

In the summer (year unknown) skyscrapers of New York instantly will turn into ruins – this will be the revenge of the Arabs for the fact that the Americans done with them. So begins the third world, which will be monstrous and destructive.

A photo from open sources

Russia, according to the predictions of the African prophet, in which during this time, the rule of the military will be established, together with China will perform against the union of the USA and European countries, and will practically seize the whole Western Europe but will be stopped in Spain using secret superweapon. It is allegedly used by the United States and Germany.

Here is such an amazing prophecy. If you believe in him, then literally tomorrow of the third world (using nuclear weapons) it’s not worth the wait: firstly, summer has not yet arrived, and secondly, in Russia did not seize power by the military and it is not known when they will seize it, and finally, something is hard to believe in the U.S. secret superweapon and Germany. Especially the United States, since the Yankees would have long been shocked them like a bogeyman for the whole world. How Once Intimidated the whole world with atomic bombs, dropping them on the peaceful cities of Japan. Not it is thought that the psychology of American leaders for half a century in this plan has changed for the better, judging by the behavior Trump, rather the opposite …

War Time Germany Russia USA

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