Photo from open sources Popular fame Vasily Nemchin obliged astrologer Pavel Globe: in his publications he cites passages from ancient texts with the predictions of Nemchin, which, unlike many other prophets, did not try to clothe the future in expression foggy, but clearly and clearly walked through the events of the future.
So, he told about the revolution of the seventeenth year, the horrors of Stalin repressions, manned space flight … Nemchin spoke practically about all more or less significant events and indicated specific dates. For example, in 1945 he promised Russia “great joy”, and He described the year 1990 as “the time of the demonic flight” – in this year, according to Nemchin, Russia will face a complete collapse and destruction, and under the slogan of the revival of former greatness will destroy the last thing left.
One cannot but agree that this all happened, therefore, for the first time Nemchin’s prophecies published in the early 1990s produced a strong impression. Now it seems strange, which is surprising accurate forecasts until the 90s of the last century gave way, gently put it not quite right. Predicted prophecies not in a hurry to come true, and the declared leaders come. Thank god in 1997 – 1998 meteor shower did not hit us, which “many lands” was to turn “into deserts.”
To clarify the situation, experts turned to Leninskaya library, but in vain: in its archives could not be found not only books by Vasily Nemchin (which is quite natural), but also references contemporaries about him (but this is strange). In one place only it was said about a certain astrologer Nemchin, but his name was Nikolai and he lived he is in the XVI, and not in the XV century, and in Italy, and not in Russia. Our country the astrologer visited only on short visits. Information about any of his works and prophecies, except custom-made horoscopes, do not preserved.
A photo from open sources
Nevertheless, according to Pavel Globa, he owns almost the only copy of the book Nemchin, which is not going to publish. Well, it remains only to envy the famous an astrologer who owns such a valuable thing, which, apparently, takes in the collection of Globa a worthy place. After all, as at different times the astrologer himself admitted, he fortunately became the owner of the original and unique texts in the world, Ranier Nehru – medieval eastern fortuneteller. And also Globa, again on According to him, the only person who owns a full copy “Avesta”: it turns out that Alexander did not destroy her at one time Macedonian, no matter what historians interpret. I think, and this labor from the “secret library of the Globa” humanity is not destined see…
After that, it is reasonable to assume that the missing Liberia (library of Ivan IV the Terrible) could find shelter in the apartment famous astrologer … Speaking seriously, the listed the facts are alarming, as are Globa’s reluctance to submit to court public scientific examination of unique books supposedly available to him. Yes, and the predictions of the “great master” have recently become something very similar to poking a finger at the sky, and without a clue, what the “stars” or “prophets of Russia” actually say, and not only, the labors of which he supposedly possesses …
Astrologers Time Pavel Globa Russia