The author of this theory is Vladimir A. Fisunov. According to him, a whole series of myths describes at least a few catastrophic waves that came to Earth through significant time intervals after a supernova explosion in Algol 15 thousand years ago at a distance of 28.5 parsec or 93 light years from Of the earth.
A photo from open sources
Earth Supernova Explosion
What are the possible consequences of such an explosion? It’s before Total:
– a powerful stream of hard radiation (from ultraviolet to gamma), which, propagating at the speed of light, reached the Earth through 93 years after the explosion
– an invisible blast wave, consisting of dust, which, moving with an average speed of 12 thousand kilometers per second, it flew on Earth, in about two thousand four hundred years,
– a bunch of space “debris” from the comet-asteroid belt, which revolved around an exploding star, and which was thrown away from the Algol system by a blast wave,
– clearly visible, mainly gas component of the shell a supernova that has experienced significant inhibitory effects with side of the interstellar medium, “raked” it, increasing, due to this, its mass a thousand times.
The first Earth to reach a stream of hard radiation from the erupted stars in visible, ultraviolet, x-ray and, even, gamma spectral region. Let’s see how dangerous it was for residents Of the earth.
The power of the stream coming to Earth:
1051 (erg / s) / 1041 (cm2) = 1010 (erg / (s * cm2))
The power of solar radiation is only 1.4 * 106 erg / (s * cm2) or several thousand times less! Moreover, most radiation spectrum of a supernova lies in the invisible to humans ultraviolet and x-ray region (in the visible part of the spectrum supernova was several thousand times inferior to the Sun in brightness) and she could be admired, completely unaware of that the danger posed by the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.
If at close range and without safety glasses observe the operation of an electric welding machine with a level ultraviolet radiation is only slightly increased, then after 6-8 hours sharp pains begin in the eyes, photophobia appears and lacrimation of the eyes. And here a disproportionately higher level ultraviolet radiation! An analogue can be radiation from a nuclear explosion at a distance of several kilometers.
Loss of vision after viewing an ancient man such fireworks are inevitable! And then the shock and numbness caused suddenly blindness! All this was aggravated by skin burns. Not It is possible that at a period of maximum brightness of a supernova, which came a few days after the explosion, people burned like candles, leaving behind only a charred body, as it was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when Americans dumped on these cities atomic bombs and burned out civilians. It was 15 thousand years ago back such charring, or not, research should show appropriate sedimentary layers.
As for x-rays and gamma rays, they are very strong absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere, so their impact is unlikely had some disastrous consequences and it manifested itself in mainly in the ionization of the upper atmosphere.
Naturally, such events could not go unnoticed ancient man. Stories about them were passed down from generation to generation to warn posterity that one cannot watch on such things, without providing a way to protect both eyes and whole body. And such a warning remained in the myths, and, moreover, is connected it is not with some abstract star, but, specifically, with Algol!
The second wave from the supernova was much larger danger to the inhabitants of the earth. They had time to prepare for impending disaster, because, moving at a speed of the order of 12 thousand kilometers per second, the second wave reached the surface Earth two thousand three hundred years after the first – 12 600 years ago back.
This is perfectly consistent with the time of the death of the culture of the Indians. Clovis. As for the mythical side of things, it is very likely that Plato’s tales of Atlantis destroyed by the terrible cataclysm, about the same time, connected with the second wave from supernova.
The third wave was not as uniform as the others, because it consisted of fragments of comets and asteroids surrounding the exploding a star. Unlike massive stars, they easily accelerated the supernova’s swollen shell, crushing them into fine shrapnel, which flew with speeds less than the initial speed second and fourth waves, but, unlike the gas shell, this shrapnel was practically not inhibited by interstellar media, and therefore reached the solar system much earlier, having dispersed it, gas shell.
The fourth wave was supposed to reach the Earth significantly later, because it consisted mainly of clouds of gas and heavily inhibited by the interstellar medium. The speed of such braking can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, for example, from the density of the interstellar medium, unevenness the fibrous structure of individual shell clouds, magnetic fields and etc.
Pyramids as a defense
Meanwhile, when the explosion itself was seen on Earth (about 15 thousands of years ago) and the moment the second wave arrives (12.5-13 thousand years ago), which initiated a secondary wave in the atmosphere, about two and a half thousand years have passed. Ancient people had the opportunity to take appropriate rescue measures, if not throughout civilization, then, at least, of its individual representatives.
And here a lot depended on the level of their development. If 13 thousand years old ago, humanity, indeed, was not much different from the pack monkeys, he could only contemplate his death, about which it did not even suspect until the time of the disaster. But if the level the development of that civilization was comparable to the level of development modern civilization, then some rescue measures could undertaken, although, of course, there was no question of universal salvation, because the elements were too terrible, caused by second front of the shock wave.
A photo from open sources
Designers and builders faced a very grandiose the task – since for two and a half thousand years it was impossible to create a protective shield for the entire Earth, it was necessary to build a network of highly reliable shelters, at least for the elite. Since in the beginning of design and construction, which began in hundreds years before the disaster, there were too many unknowns, it was impossible was to create a shelter that would give a one hundred percent guarantee salvation of the people hiding in it.
The main uncertainty was the exact time of arrival of the explosive waves, which could vary significantly, given the inaccuracy of determining the propagation velocity of explosive the waves. Without knowing the exact time of the disaster, it was impossible to determine which side of the earth will have the shock wave. Therefore, construction needed to be carried out all over the world in the hope that that someone will still be able to escape.
It was not difficult to assume that crashed to Earth, practically, the flat front of the shock wave should cause three secondary shock waves. This is due to the fact that, as the earthly the surface and its atmosphere are spherical, and therefore the strike was not simultaneous either on the surface of the atmosphere or on surface of the ocean and the earth’s crust.
First he came to the point for which Algol was at zenith, and then with a slight delay to neighboring areas surface of the ocean. As you move away from the epicenter, power blast wave per unit of the earth’s surface, decreased due to a decrease in the angle of attack. It all created prerequisites for occurrence in air, water and the earth’s crust horizontal component of the shock wave, which caused these secondary waves.
The greatest chances were those whose shelters were located on the back from Algol to the side of the Earth. In this case, the secondary waves that had to go around the globe several times, were degrees are weakened. However, even on the side of the earth that at the time of the disaster was turned to Algol, the chance of salvation, too was, although far from the same in its various places.
To make it more clear, I will give a simple example.
Some analogue of such a catastrophe, only in much smaller there was an explosion in the area of Pokamennaya Tunguska in 1908, when in a vast area located in close proximity from the place of the explosion there was a fall of the forest. And only in a small area in the very center of the explosion, the tree trunks remained standing. Happened this is because the blast wave came strictly from above, and, therefore, its lateral component in relation to the trunks the trees were small.
Similarly, at the time of the disaster associated with the arrival of the second blast wave from a supernova, the best chance of not being destroyed, as it does not seem strange, had those shelters on which the shock wave came almost vertically from above. In that In this case, the entire load fell on the rocky base of the shelter and was significantly weakened the most dangerous for such shelters the horizontal component of the secondary shock waves, be it shock wave in the atmosphere, tsunami wave or seismic wave.
13 thousand years ago Algol, as a result of the precession of the Earth, located a few degrees north of the celestial equator. Therefore, the epicenter of the impact was supposed to be in the region of the equator, but already earthly. Shelter construction was most rational in a fairly narrow equatorial strip, where there was the greatest chance that the shock wave will come from above, and not from the side.
High latitudes were not suitable for construction in this regard. shelters on them, since wherever secondary blast wave, it will always have a sufficiently large side component. In addition, since the blast wave demolished part terrestrial atmosphere, then the atmospheric pressure after a disaster dramatically fell, which would inevitably lead to global cooling, which could easily freeze the survivors in disaster. Even if they could survive, then such people would find themselves in terrible conditions similar to living conditions in Antarctica.
Therefore, the optimal areas were located at latitudes not above 30-35 degrees. And since 30 parallel to the south latitude much less land, such shelters were located mainly in the northern hemisphere.
At first glance, it seems that the safest to be underground shelters that are not so afraid of the side components from explosive waves in the atmosphere and tsunami waves, although, of course, a seismic wave is more dangerous for them than for ground shelters. But underground shelters in case of a similar global disasters have a number of serious drawbacks compared to ground shelters.
One of these drawbacks was disproportionately large. the labor costs of creating an underground shelter compared to its ground option. After all, it is always much easier and cheaper to build ground building of huge stones than hollowed out in very solid rocks comparable in volume to shelter. Moreover, you do not have no guarantee that at the end of construction, and even worse at the time disaster it will be discovered that the rocks had some kind of hidden defect, which will appear at the moment of passing the seismic the waves.
A photo from open sources
But an even greater drawback of the underground shelters was a very large the likelihood that after the disaster it will be under a layer of dirt and debris brought here explosive a wave in the atmosphere and a tsunami wave. In this case, the fate of people those who survived from the catastrophe will be even worse than the fate of those who are in it died because they will be buried alive and will not have no way to get out of your shelter on surface.
The construction of exits to the surface that can resist catastrophic destruction in terms of labor will be commensurate with the construction of a ground shelter. Much it was easier to build a powerful ground shelter, the way out of which was at a considerable height and could not be littered with garbage.
However, since the underground shelters gave some chance to salvation, then ordinary people had to use it, hiding from a disaster in underground shelters, caves, catacombs. And it is necessary to believe that a certain number of people escaped precisely in such Inadequate shelters for this. Not by chance, apparently, the first Christians, waiting for the next Armageddon, fed to the catacombs inexplicable addiction caused by their genetic memory.
Those who were clothed with regalia and power built for themselves and those closest to the shelters that provided the greatest chance to salvation. It’s hard to say whether underground casemates that reduced the reliability of such shelters, but about some of the fundamental features of such shelters make sense mention.
Ancient designers had to solve several problems, because it was necessary to build shelters that would protect against shock wave, subsequent tsunami, a sharp fall in the atmosphere pressure and, with this, cooling. Also shelter must be seismically very stable.
The most effective form for such shelters is a pyramid, perfectly opposing the blast wave in the atmosphere, which should come from somewhere above. Better yet, she confronts a huge wave tsunami. The edges of the pyramid should be located as low as possible large angles to both one and the other waves, similar to how this is done when creating modern armored vehicles. It is achieved when tilting faces at 45 degrees. Given that a blast wave still more dangerous than a tsunami wave, the angles of inclination of the faces of the pyramid increased to 50-60 degrees.
The big problem was the reliability of the front doors, because neither one door could not withstand the explosive impact, and builders were forced to replace them with granite plugs. But even they are not could withstand the direct impact of a secondary shock wave in in the air. It was necessary to minimize its impact on granite traffic jams, which was achieved by their location on the other side of the pyramid, where the blast wave cannot come from, while the plane of granite traffic jams should be as perpendicular to the explosive front as possible the waves.
This could be achieved by slightly shifting the construction site. pyramids from the latitude at which at the time of the disaster was supposed Algol, and since most of the shelters should have been located in the northern hemisphere, then they needed position 20-30 degrees north of the equator. In this case, regardless of the time of the arrival of the blast wave to Earth, secondary waves could come from the south, east or west, but not from North. Having positioned the exit on the north side of the pyramid, builders maximally reduced the threat of destruction of granite plugs .
For this, the entrance corridor should be located as possible parallel to the front of the blast wave. For 20-30 degrees north latitude, maximum blast power per unit of area, was when Algol was located directly above the shelter, while he was at a height of 60-70 degrees above horizon line.
In this case, the front of the shock wave is inclined at an angle of 20-30 degrees to the surface of the earth, therefore, at the same angle the entrance corridor must also be located so that granite cork was minimal. As can be seen from the figure, with such the angles of inclination of the faces of the pyramid, the inclination line of the entrance corridor (yellow) is almost parallel to the front of the shock wave (red line), the effect of which on granite plugs becomes minimal.
This arrangement of the entrance corridor made it possible to solve the second an important task related to entering the shelter, namely, it was possible position the exit at a sufficiently high height, which will allow after disasters get out of the shelter without any problems.
It was also important that in the case of the location of the entrance to the north side of the pyramid, the pyramid itself served as a beautiful shield from the dirt and debris carried by the tsunami wave coming from one from the south. In this case, the amount of garbage in the north side of the pyramid was significantly smaller than on other sides pyramids (naturally, if a tsunami wave came from the southeast or southwest, on the opposite side of the pyramid, there were also enough trash, but predict which side it will be, in the beginning of construction was practically impossible). It allowed significantly reduce the height requirements at which The exit from the pyramid is located.
Given that the entrance should have been located on a significant height, and the entrance corridor had a slope of 20-30 degrees, size the pyramids had to be significant, which in turn increased wall thickness and, accordingly, protective properties shelters, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome for those taking refuge in her people.
As noted above, a pyramid is an optimal shape, and for ground shelters, and for exits from underground shelters. Since about the explosion knew beforehand, then the ancients had the opportunity at least to prepare for it. All over the world they had to build many pyramids. And, indeed, the ancient pyramids discover in the most unexpected places.
In addition to the well-known pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru, they are found in China, Crimea and a number of other places. IN in our country, such shelters have too few chances to survive on for tens of thousands of years due to destructive exposure to severe frosts. All that could remain of them – these are bases covered with a thick layer of debris and debris. therefore to discover the remains of the pyramids of Russia is possible only with careful and targeted search, which no one has done before.
It is useless to ask official science about how representatives of ancient civilizations so far apart, not having the opportunity to conspire among themselves, managed to build identical structures on the continents, divided by an irresistible water barrier in the form of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
There is only one possible explanation – on Earth, long to modern civilization, which is approximately 5-7 thousand years old, there were other highly developed catastrophic civilizations. But such the explanation is unlikely to suit representatives of various scientific denominations that have managed to turn the history of human civilization in a huge house of cards. If from such a structure to take out at least one card, it will collapse and bury under its the wreckage of many of their unfortunate builders who came up with and postulated a lot of frankly crazy ideas. Someone did it for mercantile reasons, someone was afraid to tell the truth, because what will be made a mockery of him for the whole “scientific world”, and someone purposefully lied to achieve his purely selfish, political goals.
To achieve such synchronization in silence about the truth about previous high-tech civilizations is possible only if there is a certain focal point whose leaders pursue their narrowly selfish goals that fundamentally contradict interests most of the inhabitants of the earth. After all, the repeated death of all previous civilizations, no matter how powerful they are a very important lesson for us that these people are trying to hide by everyone affordable ways. Without knowledge of this lesson, we cannot prepare for future disasters that sooner or later will happen on earth.
Therefore, we will not look around at the cries of those who have already prepared for warm places in already built ultra-reliable shelters – well-fed to the hungry, not a decree, but try, as best as possible, to study the experience of our ancestors! And we will begin its consideration with the most preserved at the moment ancient structures used as shelters – the Egyptian pyramids, which are completely comply with the requirements advanced in the previous chapter, based on possible direction of arrival of a blast wave from a supernova in Algol’s system 15 thousand years ago.
Shelters must:
– have an angle of inclination of the faces of 50-60 °. – the entrance to them should located on the north side. – downward corridor going from entrance into the pyramid, have a slope of 20-30 °.
From the majority of the pyramids, even in a particularly different favorable conditions for this, Egypt, remained only ruins. In a more or less not destroyed form, there are not so many of them preserved. Of the ones that survived, the most interesting are three pyramids from the complex in Giza (Cheops, Chefren and Mykerin), two pyramids in Dashur (Red and Lomannaya) and the Medum pyramid.
The most famous is, of course, the great pyramid of Cheops in Giza. Its base has dimensions 230×230 meters. Height, originally, it was 146.6 meters, but for some reason it lost its top ten meters of masonry (only on the south side preserved several blocks from the next row). Almost 300 cubic meters of limestone blocks, about a meter high and weighing about five tons each, are believed to have disappeared already in “ours” time.
Where the huge stone blocks from the top of the pyramid could “teleport” is completely incomprehensible. Fall under the action they couldn’t own weight – no earthquake can move multi-ton stones from the center of such a site by a good five meters, without having to destroy the pyramid itself. For people to take stones from the top would be the height of stupidity – there are many more affordable sources of raw materials for construction. There is only one option left – a huge side force – a secondary shock wave in the air that has carried the least durable part of the pyramid. The most powerful tsunami wave that arrived much later completed the shock wave business.
Significant lateral effects on the pyramids in Giza say destruction on the small companion pyramids of the pyramid of Mikerin, shown in the figure. It is clearly seen that the most serious destruction occurred on the north and northwest sides the pyramids. It seems that the destruction caused by explosive a wave that came either from the north or from the north-west, which, in case of a supernova explosion in the Algol system, it is hardly possible because the wave was supposed to come from somewhere in the south, and not with North.
Companion Pyramids (filmed from the northeast side)
A photo from open sources
Really, companion pyramids suffered as a result of a completely different disaster? In principle, this is also possible, because three companion pyramids located next to the Mycerin pyramid could be built on the model (or they themselves served as such a model) three great pyramids by representatives of another civilization, which either did not possess such a powerful technical base, or did not need in such powerful shelters.
In this case, it becomes clear why to build both large and small pyramids on one site (for example, in in the event that the pyramids are just heavy-duty exits from underground shelters, then for reuse it was necessary to make new entrances in the form of newly built pyramids). Great pyramids were built to protect against explosion supernova in the Algol system, which occurred at a distance of 28.5 parsec, while small ones were built, for example, to protect the second from explosion gorgon stars, which occurred at a distance of 100 parsecs.
And, since the power of the blast wave has passed the distance of 100 parsec, about 10 times less than the one that came with distances of 28.5 parsecs, then the size of the pyramids, on which they depend their protective properties are also different. True, in this case, small the pyramids were supposed to suffer from both the first and second blast waves.
Since the second wave (from Algol) was much more powerful, then the main destruction was to produce a blast that came from one of the southern directions. In addition, the remains of the southern row masonry on top of the Cheops pyramid, they say that on it It was not the south that was destroyed, but its north part. Those. the destruction of the pyramids in the complex of Giza occurred due to the unidirectional effect of a certain force at once on everything the pyramids.
Such synchronization makes the presence of the human factor (pulling stone blocks) unlikely.
So could a blast coming from the south to produce the damage that are visible in Fig.2.2? Given the fact that the first impression is often not entirely true, consider which side of the pyramid should undergo the greatest destruction in the event of a wave from the south-west 2.3. Red arrows show the direction of arrival of the blast wave (in this case, we do not take into account significant vertical component!), green – projections of forces acting on stone blocks located in different edges of the pyramid.
Distribution of loads on various edges of the pyramid.
A photo from open sources
As can be clearly seen from the figure, to the southwestern (SW) corner of the pyramid the heaviest load, but … The stone block located on the southwest side of the pyramid has nowhere to go – it rests on other stone blocks that take the brunt and do not allow him to shift to the sides. At the same time, stone block on the northwest side, although experiencing less load, but it has support only with one – eastern side. On the north side, he’s nothing to rely on, but, meanwhile, there is a significant northern component, which pulls out such a block from masonry.
A similar story was, as we recall, in the case of collapse forests, after the Tunguska explosion, when all were felled trees, except those that were at the epicenter of the explosion. That’s in in our case, the northwest side was destroyed in a significant more than southwestern.
It follows from the figure that the blast wave that caused damage companion pyramids (and the one that blew the top of the Cheops pyramid) came, not from the northwest, and most likely from the southeast! Wherein blocks dropped from the top caused the northwest side of the pyramid additional damage that is clearly visible on the left (pictured) pyramid. The epicenter of the explosion, most likely, was somewhere in the Pacific. This is confirmed by the fact that there are evidence (for example, in Ollantaytambo) that a number of megalithic South American structures were destroyed by the huge tsunami that came with west, whose height reached several kilometers.
However, let’s get back to the Cheops pyramid. Tilt angle her side edges (52 °) lies within the limits required for shelter (50-60 °). The entrance to the pyramid (1 mx 1.2 m), as expected, It is located on the north side at a fairly high altitude. From there is a downward corridor at an angle of 26.5 °, which is wonderful fits into the requirements (20-30 °) for shelters.
The second pyramid is just as good in meeting these requirements. Giza is the pyramid of Chefren, which has a base of 215×215 meters. Her height is 143.5 meters. The angle of inclination of the faces is about 53 °. entrance the pyramid is located on the north side, at an altitude of 15 meters. From it there is a descending corridor at an angle of 26 °. Those. and in this case Three basic shelter requirements are being met.
Even the smallest of the three great pyramids of Giza is the pyramid Mycerin also adheres to these requirements. Her foundation 108×108 meters, height a little over 60 meters. The angle of the faces about 48 °. The entrance to the pyramid is located on the north side, high enough above the ground. From it goes downward at an angle of 26 ° corridor.
It is impossible to imagine that such coincidences design features are completely random. Especially since other great pyramids have similar oddities Of Egypt.
So the dilapidated Medum pyramid with the base 144×144 meters, originally, had a height of 118 meters, which corresponds to the angle of inclination of its faces at 58.5 ° and consisted of a series of steps, two of which are currently under the surrounding pyramid ruins, two more visible miserable remnants, and from the fifth remained just a ledge that rises about 45 meters.
A photo from open sources
A few more steps of the Medum pyramid were completely destroyed (and the human factor here is also unlikely – pulling a pyramid into pieces is no less complicated work than its construction, so the destruction of the upper steps of the pyramid is the result of the impact of lateral forces from the blast wave and the subsequent the tsunami behind it). The entrance to the pyramid is located, as it should be on north side of the pyramid, at an altitude of about 20 meters from the base of the pyramid. From the entrance there is a descending corridor, which falls to 27 meters.
Two pyramids in Dashur do not depart from these canons – Red (northern) and Broken (southern). Red pyramid (base 220×220 m, height 104 m) got its name due to the fact that limestone, of which its inner masonry is composed, has a reddish shade. The angle of inclination of the faces is about 45 degrees. Pyramid entrance (1 mx 1.3 m) located at a height of 31 meters on the north side the pyramids. From him, just as in the previous pyramids, comes downward corridor.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Broken pyramid (base 190×190 meters, height 104.7 meters) got its name because at an altitude of 47 meters changes the angle tilt their faces from 54.5 degrees to 43.35 degrees. But in unlike the pyramids described above, the broken pyramid has more than one, and two entrances located high above the ground: one on the north, and the second is on the west side.
A photo from open sources
It makes sense to dwell on the features of the Broken Pyramid, since it stands out sharply from other pyramids. To explain reasons for the change in the angle of inclination of its faces during construction, usually, there are two possible reasons, but none of them is credible. The first reason is that the Broken Pyramid began to collapse already during its construction due to unreliable foundation. In this case, it is completely unclear why after an even greater increase in the load on the foundation at the end construction, it ceased to collapse.
And the second – because of a possible accident during the construction of the pyramid in Medume (the slope of its faces is 58.5 °), when the outer layers of the Medum the pyramids collapsed as a result of prolonged rains. But also this version cannot be taken seriously, since the destruction of the Medum the pyramid did not happen during its construction, but significantly later.
In contrast to these versions, the assumption of a supernova explosion in Algol’s system allows you to give your own – much more logical explanation. Moreover, here, also, various options are possible.
For example, the reason for the changes could be clarified over time construction, which was carried out over dozens, if not hundreds years, data on the coordinates of the future epicenter of the explosion. If at the beginning construction designers proceeded from what was necessary provide maximum protection against blast waves in the air (hence and an increased level of inclination of the side faces), then when the height the pyramid under construction reached 47 meters, it became clear that the explosive the wave will come mainly not from above, but from the side and the builders had to significantly reduce the angle of inclination of the faces, which increased the strength tops of the pyramid. Refined data on the epicenter of the explosion of steel and the cause of the second exit from the pyramid.
Another possible explanation is that since there were several nearby supernova explosions, then the pyramids also did not once used as shelters (cannot be excluded and the possibility that the pyramids were originally built for completely different goals, and found their second use as shelters much later), and therefore repeatedly rebuilt.
Egypt Time Stones Peru Pyramids Russia