Vesuvius is preparing for a serious eruption: Why does it bother California people?

Vesuvius is preparing for a major eruption: why is it worrying the people of California?A photo from open sources

Indeed: from the US state of California to Italy, as It says a huge distance. Why are Californians with anxiously watching the events around the volcano Vesuvius?

And he actually showed recently a whole a series of small eruptions that caused not only numerous forest fires, but also forced local authorities evacuate the inhabitants of the city of Torre del Greco, which is located at foot of Mount Vesuvius. According to La Repubblica di Napoli, the front fire caused by volcanic eruptions already extends over a mile, and smoke is visible from anywhere in the Gulf of Naples.

The fact that the awakened Vesuvius excites Italians (and not even all the inhabitants of this sunny country, and mainly those who lives in western Italy), it is understandable, but in what way, the state Americans are involved in this event. California? The fact is that the famous prophet Edgar Cayce, whom in the USA they worship almost God and believe in all his predictions, at one time predicted an incredible scale earthquake in The United States, after which California will simply go under water. AND the beginning of this terrible tragedy for the inhabitants of the American state California sleeping prophet called the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

A photo from open sources

As soon as Vesuvius wakes up (it is not clear whether it can be considered today that the volcano has already woken up, or is it just waking up?) he said, then exactly three months later an earthquake will occur in North America – and that will be the end for Californians, as the ocean will swallow California and even take over part of Utah. Edgar Casey predicted many different events, and his “predictions” were always amazingly accurate. Recall that he predicted a great future for Russia, and for the USA, complete collapse and oblivion. And this despite the fact that this prophet was an American and, in general, a patriot of his country …

Time Volcanoes Earthquakes Italy Russia USA Edgar Cayce

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