Wanga Predictions for 2019

WangaPhotos from open sources of

Just make a reservation that the famous Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga never once called 2019, however, sometimes she mentioned the end second decade of the coming century. Moreover, even with she didn’t say anything concrete about our time, that’s all there were hints and some common phrases that today everyone can interpret as he likes best.

Nevertheless, let’s analyze the most interesting interpretations. vague phrases thrown by Vangelina regarding the future. More Moreover, even a translation from Bulgarian can radically distort the meaning predictions, not to mention many other factors (for example, falsification) capable of reducing all these prophecies to practically to zero.

A photo from open sources

And yet, who cares, let’s read that supposedly Wang talked about our time, and what most people think about it discerning scholars of her heritage:

The actions of a huge country will plunge the whole world into confusion

There can only be three options: this is the United States America, China or Russia. Who the blind seer had in mind no one is given to know, but every nation has the right to interpret this prophecy in their favor. How else? Many in the world hope to the fact that this is still Russia, because our country is always Vanga called the most light and spiritual.

The old order will be replaced by a new, acceptable to man and To god

It’s said that in recent years Vangelina repeated this saying, like refrain, moreover, often specifically indicating the end of the second decades of our century. Experts believe that this is the most optimistic forecast of the Bulgarian forecaster, however now in it is hard to believe. Can it really change so dramatically and so fast? ..

People will kill each other for faith, confident in justice of such killings

But this prophecy is already coming true. Enough track how confrontation in the Middle East is growing, real threat of terrorists acting allegedly on behalf of Allah, and so on Further. In this case, even the migratory wave that swept over Europe, its murderous consequences are quite suitable for this foresight.

The earth will rebel, and many will perish for this reason.

Natural disasters in the form of volcanoes, earthquakes, monstrous hurricanes, incomprehensible climatic cataclysms today with might and main rage on the planet. It seems that in the near future such Earth’s protest will only increase, which is what warned us Wang.


A photo from open sources

Researchers predictions Bulgarian seer constantly mention that she talked about the victory over cancer, old age, about flights to the sun and many other amazing things that will certainly happen in the future, without naming a specific dates, but always emphasizing that a lot depends on themselves people, from their faith and love. And if you take into account the first first of all these words of Vangelina, the main thing can be distinguished – she is beautiful I understood that the future is ambiguous, that it can be radically change, bringing it closer or, conversely, moving the Apocalypse. The main thing, believe in the best, strive for it and everyone to do something for this a little good in his power.

And then, it is quite possible that the upcoming 2019 will become for our civilization a turning point for the better when, like predicted Wang, reign on Earth order that will be pleasing to God and to every person living on our planet …

Wang Earthquake Time Russia USA

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