Wanga’s prediction: “Everything will melt like ice…”

Wanga's Prediction:Photo from open sources

Shortly before her death, the great Bulgarian forecaster predicted that everything in this world would melt like ice. And only Russia and the glory of this great country will remain. Russia will turn into a powerful empire, but now an empire of the spirit. And nothing and no one cannot stop this superpower in its exaltation. She will soar a mighty eagle over the world, and even America will bow before it knees.

However, why did the Gospel take frozen water for such a comparison, that is ice. This blind woman never said anything in vain another thing is that her words were not always correctly interpreted by people, for example, as was the case with the city of Kursk, which supposedly goes under water.

Today, looking at global climate change, and in most are negative, you suddenly realize that Wang is not in vain turned for comparison to the main natural wealth of our planets – water and ice. Glaciers play a crucial role in creating weather at every point on the earth. And while in the oceans worked like the watch is its main course, everything went like clockwork. And suddenly this a unique natural mechanism began to malfunction, which is now seen from how mercilessly began to whip us weather anomalies, since none other than man turned out to be the cause disturbances of ocean currents.

US first crime against humanity

But how is it that this man has done such a thing in his ignorant frenzy? According to progressive researchers, whom no one listens to and even shut their mouths, point reference planetary environmental disaster must be considered end of April 2010 when the Gulf of Mexico as a result conspiracy exploded oil refining platform Deepwater Horizon. The consequences of this disaster were terrible for ecology – almost five million barrels of crude oil fell into Atlantic Ocean.

A photo from open sources

To eliminate the consequences of this colossal accident required tens of billions of dollars, company management British Petroleum seeks help from US President Barack To Obama. However, the White House administration has gone over the summit of light ways, deciding with the management of British Petroleum just submerge an oil slick on the bottom of the ocean – practically hide from the public. To this end, the ocean in addition to the huge a few million gallons were poured corexitis and other dispersants. At the same time, the journalists were reassured – everything will be fine, there is no reason for unrest!

As progressive scientists found, floating oil could still removed from the surface of the ocean, although this would require large of money. But when dispersants got into the water, precipitating oil to the bottom, then purification of the ocean has become impossible – such a technology has not yet exists in our world. And this “bottom oil”, spilling over and injuring all living things, in addition, began to destroy the Gulf Stream, which over the past six years has practically changed its speed and direction. But almost one hundred percent depended on the Gulf Stream comfortable climate of North America and Western Europe, because this powerful ocean current (its equivalent power is approximately million nuclear power plants) carried fifty million cubic meters to the north warm water per second.

A photo from open sources

And now this is no longer there, and the consequences of such recklessness are still in front. A series of floods has already swept across Europe and America, frosts, abnormal prolonged downpours and at the same time heat and drought. And the Gulf Stream at this time carries its warm waters to the northern latitudes, starting to melt the ice here, which threatens humanity with new disasters and troubles.

US Second Crime Against Humanity

However, the Americans in their quest to save and decide the problem of small blood has not only thrown into the ocean millions of tons chemical reagents that actually sank oil to the bottom. Realizing that thereby virtually destroyed the Atlantic Ocean, Obama administration with British management Petroleum decides to take even more drastic measures and resets artificially bred organisms into the ocean – the bacterium cynthia, even without imagining the consequences of such a move.

Since the late eighties of the last century, the American Synthetic Genomics Inc developed this bacterium, which, supposedly, could eat oil and thereby fight oil spills in the sea. In 2007 was received and Cynthia is patented. However, at the time of the decision to throw Cynthia on the fight against crude oil that settled on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and literally killed everything living in it, serious trials with this nobody has ever carried out a bacterium. However, this did not stop US leadership.

A photo from open sources

Cynthia actually ate oil for a while, but already soon, multiplying and mutating, she preferred to devour more “tasty” organic, that is, all living things that are in the ocean, finally reaching the people who live on the shore, fishing, swimming … Already in 2011, it became clear to everyone that Cynthia led to a new disaster, because even then among the inhabitants of the Mexican a wave of so-called blue flu swept through the bay.

A photo from open sources

They were infected by those unfortunate people who swam in the coastal waters, then ulcers appeared on their body, internal hemorrhages, failed airways, which ultimately led to death. It turned out that this is how the bacterium Cynthia works against which today there is not a single medicine. It’s not clear in this case, scientists around the world were surprised why it was a bacterium, eating teft so resistant to suppression? No coincidence already soon progressive researchers of this phenomenon began to talk about that Cynthia was just a biological weapon that the United States was preparing. They tested it, admittedly, very criminal in relation to the planet as a whole (the bacterium Cynthia will soon appear in coastal waters of Europe and Africa) and short-sighted even in relation to his to the people.

Water battle

So what do we have for today. On the one hand, rejected Gulf Stream – as much as eight hundred kilometers, which will soon lead to the total loss of ice by Greenland, Alaska glaciers will also suffer, Himalayas, Andes, Kilimanjaro and so on, even Antarctica is good will get. America and Western Europe thanks to this received more severe and unpredictable climate, which over the years will be only get worse. It would seem that in this case Russia should generally to freeze. But something went wrong as seen from the first sight. In the Russian Federation, the climate is becoming increasingly warmer and fertile for farming. Turns out that Americans first of all put a pig on their own Europe, which constantly looks Yankees in the eye.

A photo from open sources

Finally, let’s recall once again the words of Vanga, who warned that the greatest wealth on Earth will soon be water. After all, if if there are no glaciers, then rivers, lakes will begin to grind, swamps will dry out – fresh water will become less and less. And that day is not far, like many seers predicted when a liter of drinking water would cost more expensive than a kilogram of gold. By the way, the battle for water has been going on for a long time, for example, Gaddafi found a unique supply of fresh water (underground lake), which would have been enough for Libya for at least five hundred years, and built (for free) water supply throughout the country. So here are the Americans destroyed this water supply in the first place …

A photo from open sources

But the Yankees and their people are also barbaric, just remember their so-called shale revolution, thanks to which shale gas corporations and oil, almost poisoned all the groundwater in the country – to drill wells for fresh water production at the development sites already will not work.

But does it really concern the cash aces of America and Europe, which do not care about the interests of ordinary people, whether their own, especially strangers? Here the devilish spawn. The only consolation is the words Vangelins – everything will melt like ice. This must be understood in such a way that with time will go into oblivion and all this bastard and atrocities on our blue planet …

Barack Obama Wang Water Time Gulf Stream Climate Russia USA

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