We are not the first civilization on Earth – and we must not last

We are not the first civilization on Earth - and, presumably, not the lastA photo from open sources

This conclusion can easily be reached if we turn to called “inconvenient artifacts.” They are only inconvenient for our orthodox science, which by no means wants to to acknowledge that on Earth before ours there existed at least still several civilizations (Lemuria, Atlantis, Hyperborea), although, perhaps there were much more, say, dozens or even hundreds.

Let’s start from the most distant point on the earth’s timeline of being. In South Africa there is a rock near the city of Klerksdorp, in which they found before and still find amazing corrugated balls, disc-shaped and spherical objects, all-metal or hollow, with white patches or with a “sponge” light sponge inside material. These artifacts are at least 3 billion years old. Who made them and for what purposes, we will never understand this, more that from that civilization, apparently, this is the only thing left …

A photo from open sources

Fast forward to billions of years ahead, because, ourselves You see, from that old time there were almost no traces. In the first half of the 19th century in the Dorchester county of the american state Massachusetts in explosive mining of Precambrian rock formations age (more than half a billion years) two fragments were discovered (as then it turned out) a metal vase made of zinc alloy with a large share of silver. And this vase was decorated decorative elements in the form of flowers and vines, inlaid with silver. Moreover, the quality of performance speaks of the highest skill of the manufacturer of this vessel – representative civilization, which separates from humanity 500 million years. That’s what Scientific American talked about in June. 1841, but for some reason did not become a turning point in revising the history of the earth.

A photo from open sources

Move on. Among the “inconvenient artifacts,” two stand out shoe print: one – shoes discovered by a trilobite collector By William Meister in the shales of Utah (age 500-600 million years), the second – fashion sandals, found by geologist John Reid during mineral exploration in Nevada (age 250-600 million years).

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

And how do you like the find in the Partizan district of Primorye a small product made of crystalline grains moissanite cemented by the same moissanite mass. Today for of obtaining crystalline moissanite, no more modest in size jewelry, huge energy and considerable labor is spent resources, why this material is much more expensive than diamond. Make from this rarest material on Earth is something more – we don’t have just such technologies. And hundreds of millions of years ago – someone is easy did it.

A photo from open sources

You can still remember the iron pot (age over 300 million years), discovered in 1912 by employees of a power plant Oklahoma City of Thomas, London Hatchet, found by Mrs. Emma Khan in June 1934 near the American the town of London. This product is made of pure stainless hardware technology that we do not possess. And to him – 150 million years.

A photo from open sources

Add to that the imprint of the human palm (Glen Rose, state Texas) 110 million years old, petrified human finger (Axel-Heiberg Island of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago), which is at least 100 million years old.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

And there are a lot of such “inconvenient artifacts”. And they all talk about one thing – humanity is far from an exceptional phenomenon, before it were and other civilizations. How much – this we do not know and, apparently, do not we will never know. There were sunk into oblivion. We will leave, and perhaps only leaving stingy traces, not very “comfortable” for the next civilized society. Although, who knows, maybe it will be much wiser than us, and therefore neither hide, nor defame, nor more will not destroy the traces left by us? ..

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