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It is noteworthy that at the moment, relations between Russia and Great Britain, namely the British The Daily Post news agency introduced its readers with Wang and her prophecies about Russia – a country that will soon become a superpower, with the only superpower in the world, and its glory will be the glory of the great ruler and warrior Vladimir.
A photo from open sources
After Vladimir Putin won a stunning victory on past elections and re-elected president of Russia, these words as not relevant, not only for Russians, but also for the West. Since they can’t understand in any way that without Russia the world is will perish what exactly Russia is destined from above to play the role of savior modern civilization, and therefore to all who oppose this, a miserable fate awaits. Prepared not by Russia, but by the Highest forces.
The West now would not hurt to get acquainted with the prophecies the holy fool Vasily the Blessed, who lived under Ivan the Terrible, there are five hundred years ago, however, a future that unfolded in front of his inner eye, he saw well up to the present day. It was St. Basil who said that Ivan the Terrible, despite the fact that a real blood drinker will be revered in Russia, that will come again one similar king who will build an empire, although he himself will a great blasphemer.
A photo from open sources
The holy fool said also that in Russia the royal throne would fall and bloodshed and turmoil will reign for a century (1917 – 2017 years, approx. author) until the Great Warrior (Great Horseman) who will save the state from robbers and thieves, yes they will kill him – and there will be a great cry from all over the country. However then the Great Sovereign will reign on the Russian throne, and here he is will lead Russia into a golden age. And Russia will be the greatest spiritual power in the world before which everyone else will kneel state.
Interpreters of St. Basil’s prophecies are still arguing who such a Vladimir Putin in the vision of the holy fool is the Great Warrior, which will be replaced by the Great Horseman, or the Great Horseman himself. But not the point is this. As practice shows, true prophets, to whom can be attributed to both Wang and St. Basil, may be mistaken in details, but in the main they are not mistaken. And it means to be Russia the greatest power, and in this case prevent the divine hardly anyone can do fishing, despite all the evil attempts, intrigues and huge money that are invested today in undermining Russian state …
Vanga Vladimir Putin Russia