What are we preparing for?

What are we preparing for?Photo from open sources

About a thousand kilometers from the North Pole, at Svalbard archipelago, the world’s largest repository was built seed. If as a result of a nuclear war or some other global cataclysms some of the plants will disappear from the face planets, then they can be re-diluted using samples from Svalbard. Now the bank has 270 thousand seeds, but in total there More than 4.5 million samples will be stored. The storehouse is cut down in rock, at an altitude of 130 meters above sea level – this excludes the possibility of flooding due to impending global warming, melting ice and rising sea levels. Seeds are stored in three large rooms measuring 27×10 meters. From the surface to them leads along a long corridor with a door system providing tightness. There is maintained a constant temperature – 18 degrees of frost in Celsius. But if the refrigeration units suddenly fail, the temperature will not rise above 3. 5 degrees of cold, because the storage is located in the permafrost zone. All grains scientists pack tightly in bags, which are then put in boxes and fill up. Low temperature and limited oxygen availability slow down the aging process of seeds. Doomsday Vault as nicknamed the bunker, neither earthquakes nor direct hits are terrible nuclear bomb. The bunker on Svalbard was built for two years. During this time three times had to increase the estimate of the project, and the initial price has grown to nearly ten billion dollars. “It is very expensive, – Project Manager, Deputy Minister of Affairs, acknowledged Norwegian Food and Agriculture Greta Helen Aven. – But as a result, we got a unique repository and can be sure that no plant species on our planet will disappear бесследно”. A photo изopen sources However, scientists, as sane people, never put all the eggs in one basket. Immediately after opening Norwegian Doomsday Ark scientists from European Space Agency (ESA) announced that they are also going to build a similar repository. True, not on Earth, but on the Moon. Executive Director of the International Research Working Group Dr. FOING of the moon said that this leaves more chances to save life, if our planet collides with a giant asteroid, a climate catastrophe will occur or a nuclear one will break out war. ESA experts have surpassed the Norwegians in another. Besides seeds, they suggest storing all the basic knowledge on the moon of humanity. This is DNA information about living things, instructions for smelting of metals, data on diseases and methods for their treatment. IN in general, if as a result of some cataclysm humanity will be thrown back, then all the lost knowledge people will receive again, as if on a silver platter, from a night star. By the way, over time supposed to bring to the moon and frozen embryos of the inhabitants of our planet.

A photo from open sources

According to Bernard Foing, the first experimental An information base on the moon is planned to be built by 2020. And on a full reel “ark” will be loaded in another 15 years. As on Svalbard, the repository will have to be cut in the rocks or in the bowels Moon to protect it from meteorites, radiation and extremes temperature. As energy sources will be used solar panels and possibly a nuclear reactor. To a reasonable question: “How can mankind thrown back be able to get so the necessary knowledge from the moon? “- Dr. Foing also has an answer. At certain intervals from Earth in storage will receive a certain signal confirming that we, earthlings, so far so good. If in one far from wonderful moment the planet is silent, then special transmitters from the storage will begin continuous broadcasting to the Earth of all available information. AND will do this until a cancellation signal arrives from the planet emergency regime. According to Foing, it can be dozens, and even hundreds of years until earthlings restore their receivers and transmitters. Broadcasts will be in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French.

A photo from open sources

Is this a refuge for millionaires?

The project is intriguing. But it seems even more interesting if you learn about that Foing in his report mentioned some four thousand more bunkers on Earth, where “shelter will be provided, stocks food and water for people who survived the disaster. ”Like, in First of all, information from the moon will go there. Read more on the scientist refused to talk about this topic, saying that the project is still to the end not developed. The fact that someone is seriously talking about the creation of shelter bunkers on the planet, no one had previously suspected. Of course, most developed countries have similar shelters in case of nuclear war. But their score goes to tens, perhaps hundreds. And the scientist from ESA announced FOUR THOUSAND structures.

A photo from open sources

Although the “seed bank” on Schpitsbergen is owned Norway, it was mainly built on American money billionaires led by Warren Buffett (the richest man on Forbes magazine) and Bill Gates. And therefore a logical question arises: is the “Doomsday Vault” not on Schpitsbergen is also one of those four thousand shelters about which said Dr. Foing. Altruistic decision to create The World Seed Bank is a wonderful thing. But didn’t the world decide the financial elite worry about their own security on case of global cataclysms? By the way. Or maybe we are not the first? When the Americans were going to send a man to the moon then seriously engaged in her research. And it turned out that the abnormal phenomena on Earth satellite occur indecently often. Astronomers notice lightning on a lifeless planet, flashes of blue or red colors, dark spots, and in some cases the surface of the moon begins to blur, as if in a fog. In 1968, NASA released catalog of abnormal short-term lunar phenomena. It describes several thousand such “miracles” over the period from 500 BC e. before today, which no one can explain.

A photo from open sources

And the Ukrainian astronomer is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Alexey Arkhipov put forward a hypothesis about the presence on the moon of some alien objects and called for their quest. Who knows, maybe perhaps, the brothers in reason left some banks for us on the moon knowledge? Loan shelter days?

Full Newsletters: Department of Analysis and Strategic decisions (?) (project “CNL-000/1”) On faxes of some highly respected firms not only in Russia but also abroad receive faxes of the following contents: Concerning the CNL-000/1 project, Chapter I Bring to your attention information that the Department of “Analysis and Strategic Decisions” completed the formation and preparation of the CNL-000 project. In the territory There are only three places in the Russian Federation that have required security status. In this regard, in the framework of the project “CNL-000/1”, preparing auxiliary (subordinate) special object to continue life on Earth. The object is intended for creative, successful and purposeful middle layer of the gene pool of mankind whose families can give rise to a revival and maintaining various technologies of civilization and production processes, as well as its protection from attacks by other organisms. At the same time, we inform that the vital activity of the indicated object “CNL-000/1” is carried out at the level of the modern village with all conviniences. A photo from open sources The village has universal protection, details which are copied from the main facility “CNL-000”. Draw attention that the level of passive and active safety in “CNL-000/1” is at almost the same level. Comfort below. Applications, in free form, from employees and Fund Participants accepted in the prescribed manner. Other persons must pass appropriate registration. Individuals and legal entities, consisting in the regular structure of the FPSM are included based on the following rationing: 1 + 4 (employee + 4 people). Rest of calculation – 1 + 2. Applications are accepted by fax, special postal address or E-mail (SSL protection). After consideration are sent conditions for inclusion in the specified project. Please note that Persons on the CNL-000 project have the opportunity additionally include any people they need in the project “CNL-000/1”, without review procedure. In case of occurrence preconditions for the onset of a cataclysm (disaster) is made prompt notification and delivery to the place of new residence. Chapter II APPENDIX: The Foundation, in an additional manner, invites individuals, their employees and Participants to long-term cooperation aimed at maintaining well-being and the safety of the gene pool of humanity. One of the main areas in the implementation of the statutory activities of the Fund, is support in performing tasks prescribed in federal laws and other current regulatory acts units of the relevant State departments. Moreover, structural units of the Fund are studying various kind of interethnic and earthly relations, as well as their reasons occurrence. The Department of Analysis and Strategic Decisions ”, under the project“ CNL-000 ”, is preparing special object for the continuation of life on Earth. Aforementioned The object has the following basic characteristics: 1. Safe constant environmental conditions; 2. Extremely safe strong sedimentary cover of ancient platforms; 3. Total absence large and small deflections and faults in the earth’s crust; 4. Availability reliable supply of fresh (drinking) water; 5.Maximum resistance to global natural and man-made disasters. Analysis of incoming information from our independent foreign and Russian sources indicates that in the near future, a global natural disaster will occur. Indicated cataclysm will provoke several technological disasters chemical and nuclear character. In this regard, a large-scale, in terms of power, strengthening the natural component of the cataclysm immediately several directions. Characteristics of these areas the following: 1. Earthquakes, worldwide, from 6 to 15 points, in depending on the foundations of earth platforms and the proximity of mountain areas; 2. Tsunamis, across all continents, with water heights from 310 to 645 meters; 3. Magmatic faults will appear on all continents, some of which cross the central cities; 4. In the tens once the activity of active volcanoes intensifies, extinct and awake many new ones will appear in various places. 5. Accidents at chemical and nuclear plants will result in emissions into the atmosphere, as well as in Earth resources (water, land) of a large number of poisonous and radioactive substances. 6. Almost everywhere, will pass extremely heavy rainfall from 4 to 15 days, depending from the location. From 1 to 5 annual rainfall will fall out. Relatively fewer others, the mainland will suffer “Eurasia”, and from the states – the Russian Federation. Russian Federation will remain the only state to survive global catastrophe with minimal material, technical and human losses. However, in the Russian Federation completely disappear, in a short period of time, in the flood, St. Petersburg. On the territory of Moscow there will be a break in the earth’s crust, which will subsequently fill with water and will divide the city into two parts. Most of the eastern european and West Siberian plains are covered for a short time (from 5 to 27 days) water element. On these plains, earthquakes up to 7 points. In the vicinity of mountainous areas and faults of the earth’s crust, by 2-3 the score is stronger. On the East European Plain will be very major fault in the Timan Range. In the Ural mountains a giant igneous rift, volcanic activity, earthquake and inbound water will lead to full the destruction of settlements located from the mountains at a distance from 50 to 500 km. Territories of the following divisions of Russia: Altai Krai, Altai Republic, Khakassia Republic, Tuva Republic, Irkutsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Chita Region, Amur region, Republic of Sakha, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin Oblast, Magadan Oblast, Chukotka Autonomous district, Koryak autonomous region and Kamchatka region will pass through large magmatic faults. Some territories will collapse mostly earthquakes that are especially strong near mountainous areas. Other areas will be affected predominantly by water elements. European states will suffer greatly. Such states as Italy, Greece and France will completely disappear (southern part), including Turkey. Together with them, gradually, the Mediterranean Sea will almost disappear. After the cataclysm, in place of these territories there will be a mountain system high from 3000 to 8000 meters. Due to the unusually strong fault under The Atlantic Ocean and an unstable platform most of South America will plunge into the water element. North America the most will suffer from earthquakes and tsunamis about 645 meters high. The impact of this wave will take the eastern part of North America. The height of the tsunami on the coast will be about 65 to 132 meters. The energy of these tsunamis, over 20 – 30 kilometers from the ocean, will destroy hundreds of settlements in the USA and Canada and destroy large number of human lives. The western part of the mainland is very greatly affected by earthquakes and magmatic faults and eruptions. In the United States and Canada, only one exists. a place where almost 100% safety is ensured and necessary normal conditions of existence. Besides, in the result of this disaster will completely disappear for a long or a short time, large and small islands, as well peninsula. This circumstance will lead to practical the complete disappearance of certain nations and nationalities. As a result strongest earthquake and tsunami, completely, within a few days (from 2-4 days), the state of Japan will disappear, which will lead to the earthly community has lost many of the developed, as well as developed modern technologies of the future. For a short period of time, suddenly, hiding under the UK water. However, through a few days, a small part (approximately one fifth) will seem out of the water. Strongly, almost 2 times reduced population of the state of China. On its east coast will fall tsunamis from 100 to 194 meters high. Tsunami data energy on 35 – 50 kilometers from the ocean, will destroy hundreds of inhabited points of China and destroy, almost instantly, a large number of human lives. Northern China is heavily will suffer from earthquakes and magmatic faults. After Disaster in China will begin severe hunger and disease. In the territory China, there are 2 places where almost 100% safety level and necessary normal conditions existence. Australia will suffer moderate destruction. However, on her the territory will be global cooling in a short period time, from -10 to -35 degrees below zero. This circumstance will put life in Australia virtually hopeless position. After a while Australia will be characterized the complete absence of the summer period. Minimum temperature from -7 degrees below zero. In addition, spaces and settlements, in contact with the seas, oceans, large lakes and large rivers will be the first to hit the specified global natural disaster. Above setting, with increasing capacity, will last about 10 days. On the 7th day there will be a peak activity that lasts 1-3 days. This circumstance virtually eliminates habitual life on the surface Of the earth. In addition, we inform that the vital activity of the indicated Object CNL-000 is carried out in several modes: 1. Standard mode – living conditions at the level of prestigious cottage villages. The territory of the village is open to external influences. IN This mode provides only a limitation of the territory of the village from various kinds of atmospheric phenomena (heavy rain, hurricane). The sun and air freely affects the village and nature. 2.Extreme mode – living conditions. 1. However, the territory the village is protected from any air and earth disasters of natural nature (earthquakes, heavy rain, hurricane, tornado). The sun unhindered heats the village. Air is sucked out atmosphere and forcibly circulates through the village and nature, with imitation of the characteristic components for air flow. 3.Super-extreme mode – living conditions p. 2. Village and the surrounding nature is completely isolated from any penetration from the outside. Air is produced and circulated in a closed loop. If man-made radioactivity, water level or radioactivity allow the sun, then the inhabitants of the village live “as if in the usual for people setting. “However, if one of the conditions is violated, then a completely artificial daughter “planet” is created, whose life activity is autonomous. Persons ready for the specified cooperation (interaction), please send to our mail address, fax or E-mail (SSL-protection) a brief information sheet, in which indicate the following parameters: – installation data; -direct communication methods (telephone, mail); – education and available professional level (experience in a particular activity, including number of organizational, in which areas); – work experience (for which directions); – level of health (which are available diseases of a constant nature, the more often you are sick, the presence of allergies, the presence of surgical operations on organs); – mental health (there are any deviations, which nervous system); We remind you that there should not be any attached files in the questionnaire. Specified an information sheet is required to compile a medical record for inclusion in the project CNL-000. Chapter III Employees and Participants of the Fund The following Social Security is provided: 1. Preparation, Submission and normalization of almost any tax violations on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad (including very difficult cases); 2. Settlement of banking violations at the deputy level Head of MSTU Central Bank and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; 3. Settlement of issues with Heads of regions and local governments on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad; 4. Settlement of issues in the Court and the Arbitration Court (Moscow, Region, Supreme Court and Supreme Arbitration Court), including the number of regional authorities in the Russian Federation and abroad; 5. Settlement of issues with units under the President of the Russian Federation and other states; 6. Prompt decision of other specific questions. Chapter IV We draw your attention to the fact that the Fund has the opportunity to provide effective support for nonprofit basis, in relation to Social Security in the implementation of activities of organizations and their employees leading entrepreneurial activity in the transportation of goods, on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond. The fund conducts work aimed at strengthening internal as well as external well-being and the foundations of the Russian state. The fund offers: 1. 1. To reduce the cost of delivery of products by almost 2 times. 2.2. To minimize the risk of transportation of goods. 3. 3. Reduce delivery time due to various bureaucratic delays. SECRET ASYLUM IN THE URALS?

Some tourist groups making their way through the Bashkir mountain Yaman-Tau, sometimes unidentified people see in the sky flying objects. These are mainly luminous balls, cigars and discs, which the locals noticed. Why do UFOs gravitate towards a mountain occupied by the military and partially closed to visitors? No one knows the answer … What is hiding Yaman-Tau?

Фотоfrom open sources

The mountain looks like a huge gently sloping dome with a flat top. There are the remains of a military unit and a concrete landing Helicopter landing pad. Legends are floating around Yaman-Tau, though of a modern nature – closedness is explained to the local population uranium ore mining or radioactive disposal waste. All confidently talk about the existence in the bowels of the mountain deep mines. West of the mountain, near the village of Kuzelga, grew the town of Mezhgorye, and to the top there are power lines, railways and roads. Communications are clearly visible from space, which at one time disregarded American satellite intelligence. The top-secret military facility has several names: in 1979 it was Ufa-105, then until 1999 – Beloretsk-16. Also have names: Fir station, Solnechny village … Nearby processing plant, concrete production. Nobody working there Doesn’t know what this complex is for. By unverified rumored to be a system of mines with a diameter of 30 m and a common about 500 km long. The mines are distributed in sections, of which the number is 8. The closed zone is partly due to increased radioactivity in this area. In the middle of the century, many prisoners died here. the development of uranium rocks from which radon gas is released. Despite the fact that the mysterious construction site on the mountain is an object increased interest in U.S. intelligence since 1992, Pentagon intelligence does not have accurate, comprehensive data, what is this object like? Guessing about his appointment it is possible to infinity. The only thing that is known reliably Yaman-Tau is the highest point of the South Ural mountain range. Her height – 1640 m. The internal volume of the mountain is estimated at 268.3 billion cubic meters. m. The figure, like the object under construction itself, is colossal. To be maybe this is a bunker for the Russian government in case of nuclear war? Geologists from water exploration say that if the area around the mountains are covered with thermonuclear charges, then the water inside the complex will be Stay clean for over 300 years! A few years ago the facility was mothballed and all builders had to work on a rotational basis on the construction of various civilian facilities in other places in Bashkiria. Any signs of de-preservation and continuation of construction is currently not observed. Mountain is the property of GOK (State Defense Committee) and declared them secret territory. Kosyvinsky’s military secret stone

Koshvinsky stone is a mountain range near the village of Kytlym, having a height of 1519 m. Many years ago, the military settled here. They built an underground facility in the mountain and laid a tunnel to it. Locals say that they “drilled through Kosva all the way through – here something like a point of contact. “Using antennas, they monitor the passing by air. Trunk pass over the occupied territory corridors from Europe to Asia. In the sky every half hour, or even less, Inversion traces appear. In the ICAO directories, the station has code “SEROV” … The former activity of the secret base is still felt then: the site is surrounded by barbed wire, next to the building camp, a concrete road turns into a quarry, there are barrier, semi-abandoned hangars, huge tank and concrete the entrance to the tunnel at the foot, lampposts are arranged around, and protective color cars often sweep along the highway … According to a former KGB officer in the bowels of one of the mountains (Yaman-Tau or Kosvinsky stone) is the military command post of a special destination. This is a huge “sphere”, capable of withstand a direct nuclear missile strike. Thanks shock absorbing and technical features (something like large springs) the sphere extinguishes the wave from the impact, i.e. – in simple words – she “hangs” in the void deep underground.

Australia Altai War Water Time DNA Life Health Earthquakes Stones China Moon Moscow Plants Russia Sun USA

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