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What will 2015 be like? This question excites many. Soothsayers and astrologers offer a glimpse into the future and learn some secrets.
Michel Nostradamus Forecast
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Even more “paint thickened” Nostradamus. In the days of his life the soothsayer predicted global disasters for 2015. is he talked about volcanic eruptions, gas emissions and forest fires.
According to the seer, it is precisely because of this that the inhabitants of our planet are not can even see not only the moon, but also the sun. And at the end of the year A global flood is waiting for the earth. It will cause rain showers and tsunami. They will immerse most of Europe in water. This will lead to big victims.
Nostradamus also spoke of the terrible famine that will arise in Africa.
The famous diviner narrated that the world would appear new messiah. In the future, he will unite the earth and save civilization from “imminent evil” in which people will gradually begin dive.
Moreover, Nostradamus believes that it is in the near future a completely new religion will be born. According to him, initially she will appear in Russia, but in the very near future already spread to other countries.
In addition, judging by the records of Nostradamus for 2015, between supporters of Christianity and Islam will happen another confrontation. As a result, it almost breaks out in the Third world war. Fortunately, this conflict will be stopped with China.
Forecast of Pavel Globa
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Much more pessimistic is the forecast of yet another contemporary of Pavel Globa. He prophesies that there is nothing worth waiting for in 2015. If speaking generally, serious global public expectations should be expected and natural disasters.
The famous astronomer predicts that the United States and the European Union are waiting significant economic downturn, unemployment will increase.
In Russia, against this background, there will be difficulties with the sale energy resources. Due to the geopolitical differences between Russia and the USA, the world will be in the stage of the cold war.
Forecast Vasilisa Volodina
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According to the modern astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, the year will be full of surprises and surprises. The Blue Goat will bring them which is a symbol of the upcoming 2015. Its signs are frivolity, inconstancy and moodiness in all spheres of life. No one can ever guess what the Goat will do next. instant! Therefore, you can expect in the coming year all that whatever.
Conflicts, according to Vasilisa Volodina, will often flare up on the empty place. This also applies to family matters and the general situation in the world. But passions will also easily fade away, if ordinary citizens and politicians are smart enough not to aggravate the situation.
Financial institutions will also experience a slight shock from volatility Goats – you need to be prepared for any fluctuations in the course of the world currencies.
Having run up and frolic, by the end of the year the Goat will get tired and calm down. This period will be the most favorable for any kind of undertakings.
Wanga Forecast
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In some statements, Nostradamus was supported by Wang. They are concern disasters and conflicts. Seer predicted strong outbreaks in the sun, because of which people will suffer and many will die. Phenomenon on the star will turn off all devices operating on earth, and humanity will be plunged into darkness, and will appear planet Nibiru – between the sun and the new planet and the Earth will rise, predicted Wang.
In addition, Wang promised global conflicts and the repetition of some kind of civil war.
She also predicted unemployment, which will reach its the peak that theft and ruin will suffer.
From the good news – Wang said that in 2015 there will be found a cure for cancer.
Forecast for Ukraine
Amid the conflict in Ukraine, many astrologers make a forecast just for this country. Predictions vary, but seers converge in one – in the near future peace, order, tranquility and stability is not worth the wait. A redistribution of power awaits Ukraine, bloodshed and turmoil. However, this is understandable without an opinion. astrologers.
General forecast
In general, according to most astrological forecasts and factors, 2015 is expected to be calmer and more peaceful than previous. To many, he will bring positive changes and will be loyal to those who work hard and go to their goal, if, of course, on the way Do not catch a flood or flash in the sun. Tatyana Bobyleva
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Shaman Andrei Dondukov
As the past year has shown, the mind cannot understand Russia. Even if this mind day and night comes into contact with higher forces. So, in June this year, the supreme representative of the main shaman of Tuva – the shaman Andrey Dondukov – saw the official entry with sacred vision Russian input to Ukraine. However, in the end, the troops were never introduced. Perhaps that is why Dondukov refuses to give forecast for 2015. But the esoteric Zaynap Abdurakhmanova willingly predicts the near future. According to her, she saw her with the third eye, absolutely everything that awaits the Russians next year. A only good things await: oil will no longer fall, moreover, the price per barrel will rise to $ 90. The drop will finally stop ruble – the dollar exchange rate in 2015 will not rise above 49 rubles. Next year’s inflation will be only 6%. Sanctions will be tightened, but will not affect the economic situation, assures the esoteric: in the end, the economic crisis will not happen. A if it does, it’s very small. Happy fate awaits and LPR �with the DPR: by 2017, they will be part of Russia. Military action on Ukraine will end in the spring, says Zaynap Abdurakhmanova. The Medvedev government will step down before the New Year. “IN I don’t see this government next year, “said the esoteric. Poroshenko in the presidents of Ukraine is not observed in the fall next year. But Putin can be seen in the presidential chair until 2018th. However, this does not mean that after this date it is no longer will be in the presidents. “Further I don’t see him, because to us too not everyone shows. Maybe he will be president after 2018, maybe no, “reassured the esoteric fans of Vladimir Vladimirovich. However, “colleagues” with Zainap Abdurakhmanova do not agree. So, the shaman Yelena Batyr “sees” next year a sequel falling oil prices, the ruble, inflation and worsening economic situation. A astrologer, president of the Moscow Academy Astrology Mikhail Levin does not see the location of the planets the accession of parts of Ukraine to Russia neither in 2017, nor in any another year. “DNR and LC will never be part of Russia,” – assures the astrologer.
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Astrologers Wang War Time Life Nostradamus Pavel Globa Russia Sun USA Ukraine