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In recent years, only talk of how global the warming that threatens the earth with many great troubles. However is the devil so terrible as the proponents of such a prognosis paint him, and is he at all?
According to a professor at the British University of Northumbria Valentina Zharkova, a group of advanced scientists, and not only Foggy Albion, but also in many other countries, exploring sunspots and comparing them with similar patterns of behavior The suns in the past came to the conclusion that the activity of our luminary declining. And why in the future the Earth will not be global warming, and cooling of the climate. We are on the verge of a new small ice age that was last time on our planet in 1650 – 1850 years.
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But even this is not surprising, says Zharkova, but the fact that such the theory is not only not discussed or studied by orthodoxy from science, the scientists who put it forward, immediately began to shut up. On fear approaching global warming today hundreds are earned billion dollars, and therefore all sorts of other theories, let them be even overconvincing, do not fit into the already hyped process – a kind of religion of warming. Those who oppose her are likened today to Galileo Galileo or Giordano Bruno, only they’re not afraid of the bonfires of the medieval Inquisition, times have changed, disagreeable today simply cleaned – quietly and quietly, for example, with they have car accidents, unconvincing heart attacks occur or a person suddenly disappears without a trace.
Global cooling can come from the other side.
There is another theory of global cooling that awaits The earth. It is connected with the fact that a supervolcano is about to explode Yellowstone, after which there will be a nuclear winter on the planet. Moreover, hysteria around the volcano, researchers say, is pumping specifically, although perhaps before the global eruption of this the fire-breathing monster is actually still centuries and centuries old. But everything is going precisely to the fact that the supervolcano will be blown up, and blown up artificially – in the same way as it was destroyed on September 11, 2001 New York’s mall.
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True, this time the ruling elite of the USA and the Illuminati are at stake there is a much bigger jackpot: they no longer need a war on terrorism untie, and destroy the United States, thereby writing off all debts obligations and even crimes to humanity. That North America will perish, and on Earth that same small one will come ice age, few of these cash aces care, they have long been prepared for their comfortable lives (and their numerous attendants) a whole country in Africa.
That the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano will lead to the death of all Earth – this, of course, is a lie – the same field is a berry that global warming. People must be intimidated, so that they were manageable. But the consequences of the destruction of the United States and the collapsed world economic system will be colossal and very heavy. And then there was a sharp cooling on the planet …
A photo from open sources
Does the leadership of Russia know about this? Of course he knows researchers say, and takes certain measures, and how military as well as financial and economic plan. As he knows that this catastrophe can happen even before the election of a new president USA, that is, according to the scenario predicted by many great seers pointing to the last 44th “black” Bely master at home.
Volcanoes Global Warming Ice Age Russia USA