What did you find in Chile?

What did you find in Chile?A photo from open sources

On April 29, 1975, an article was published in the Bild newspaper the following heading: “In ancient graves, corpses from other stars: a Belgian priest unearthed mummies in Chile with strange faces. ” Of course, a fantastic message for a member of the American astronomical society. Was this welcome evidence? Or – once again – it was just a sensational message, not meaningful? “Bild” wrote: “Belgian priest Gustavo Ae Pege is convinced that many thousands of years ago on our Earth human-like living beings from other planets were buried. Padre Ae Pege lives in Chile as a missionary. For 20 years he engaged in research as an archaeologist. 72 year old a missionary priest cleared 5424 burial sites, some of which, he said, died more than a hundred thousand years ago. Now Padre Ae Pege trusted one Chilean reporter: “I I think that in the graves were also buried alien creatures. At some of the mummies that I found were face shapes that unknown on Earth. “” For this reason, Erich von Daniken contacted Swiss Embassy in Santiago de Chile and subsequently posted a post. I then entered the Daniken group, which I wanted to visit Padre in August 1980. Unfortunately, in two months Before the scheduled meeting, a message came about the death of the priest. IN last January, the opportunity presented itself to call in briefly San Pedro de Atacama (El Loa Province, District II), small beautiful town in the hot Atacama desert, located 318 km to northeast of Antofagasta. In San Pedro de Atacama (2435 m above sea ​​level) there are about 2500 inhabitants, it is located at the northern edge of the largest Chilean salt lake and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the north of Chile. You should definitely visit the Archaeological Museum of R. P. Gustavo Ae Peugeot, he captivates with numerous finds, good composition and a noteworthy collection of skulls with diverse deformations. I was primarily interested in the “mysterious figure in helmet of the astronaut. “This item, put in the grave with deceased, occurs, according to Pater Ae Peuge, from alien creatures. True, I had to ask the museum clerk about her, since I didn’t notice the figure even when I walked around the museum again. The attendant immediately understood what I had in mind: the object stood imperceptibly next to other figures and due to the inclined position in the glass it was inconvenient to photograph it. After comparing with a snapshot in the Bild newspaper made it clear: this is exactly that figure. The minister confirmed that Padre Ae Pege really believed in “los Martianos “(Martian), because of which, however, archaeologists chuckled over it. To my question about other or similar images the head of the museum, a rather taciturn person, replied that this is the only exhibit of this kind. I once again expressed regret for the death of Padre Ae Peuge. Who was this man? What is he in Really discovered? In 1975, he said: “They will not believe me, if I tell you what else I found in the graves. “Jesuit Priest Ae Pege arrived in Chile in 1953 and after two years of work in different ground donkey in San Pedro de Atacama. In 1958, Northern University officially appointed him as an assistant, and in 1963 he proceeded to the construction of the first pavilion of the current museum. Padre Le Peuge received many awards, including from the Belgian king Baudouin, Spanish King Juan Carlos I, Honorary Degree Doctors of Northern University and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. The government of Chile awarded him the title honorary citizen. Unfortunately, the fruits of his tireless labors published only fragmentary. It is believed that the museum’s collection totals today about 380,000 items, the age of some, according to the museum catalog, reaches 11 thousand years. To the Incas the town of San Pedro de Atacama was the center of the Koons Indians, one of Atacamenio tribes. It was a wise people engaged agriculture, leaving hundreds of petroglyphs and geoglyphs, which are now found from Colombia to Tierra del Fuego. Primarily became famous geoglyph “giant of Atacama”, which in 1967 Chilean Air Force General Eduardo Hensen discovered. Find Location approximately 120-meter figure – near the Cerro Unitas Mountains, approximately 80 km from the Chilean port of Iquique, near the Uacra highway – Tarapaca. The figure, according to all sources, is at least 1000 years old. Outlines marked with stones of volcanic origin. According to scientists, such figures had religious or mythological significance. On the Atacama Indians or Atacamenos who called themselves Lycan antai “(people of the Earth), a great influence in religious and the technological relation was provided by the culture of Tiauanaco (Bolivia), whose carriers lived about 600 km. To all that we know today about this culture, we owe mainly to relentless the gathering activities of Padre Le Léger, who for his life collected over 400 whole mummies, 5400 skulls and countless household items of this culture. Padre himself believed that the age of this culture reached 75,000 years (although experts do not recognize). The main finds are located near the sacred Likan-kabur volcano (5916 m), which served as the center of the rites and a natural refrigerator that has preserved corpses to this day. Since the Museum of Padre Le Peuge shows only a small part finds, the question arises, where are the rest. Apparently a significant part of them are in the Museum of the Northern Catholic University of Antofagasta, which due to lack of time I could not visit. Near the entrance to the museum in San Pedro de Atacama, at the facade of the opposite round structure, immediately striking the mummy, commonly known as “Miss Chile.” IN Other mummies and facial features are also stored in the back rooms of the museum. which can not compete with the filigree beauty of “Miss Chile.” IN In connection with these mummies, the fact that at the base is rounded the rocks in Arica, a large port city in northern Chile, turned out to be Chinchorro culture mummies, whose age, according to archaeologists, is 7810 years old. So these 96 copies are good preserved due to the dry climate, are the oldest the mummies of the world. They are better preserved than Egyptian mummies, which are on 2600 years younger. Professor Dr. Marvin Allison of the Institute Anthropology University of Tarapaca, which determined the age mummies by radiocarbon analysis, believed: “For their system burials required, obviously, a well-developed public structure. “And Sylvia Quevedo, anthropologist at the National Museum Natural Sciences, even wrote: “Judging by the found mummies, knowledge of this mysterious people in the field of human anatomy were much deeper than knowledge in Egypt. “It is striking that for the most ancient Mummies used a higher “technology”. However the most impressive in the Museum of Padre Ae Peuge variously deformed skulls. In general, there are five types of deformations; however, only one type is displayed in the windows. The minister took me to an enclosed space inside the museum, in which on wooden floor-to-ceiling racks were stored thousands deformed skulls. However, during the inspection I failed detect alien skulls. Skull deformations are a phenomenon common all over the world, therefore on me first of all impressed with the number of copies presented here. Other museums at best have three or four similar skulls – and here there were 5,000 at once! Erich von Daniken wrote in two books about these strange heads: “They are found in North America, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Patagonia, Oceania, in the steppe belt of Eurasia, in Central and West Africa, in the countries indicated in the atlas, in Central Europe of the early period (Brittany, Holland) and, of course, in Egypt. “Australia is the only continent that doesn’t not a single case of such finds has been recorded. What is it the backstage side of cranial deformity? “Cranial deformation usually serves as decoration and in most cases associated with bodily manifestations of high social status, “- said in a 1981 Smithsonian publication This point of view is not shared by everyone. In the case of Pharaoh Akhenaten reasoning goes in the opposite direction: “We we assume that the unusual morphology of the head of this pharaoh led to the advent of a new and transient fashion and that people have warped their heads their children to follow this fashion … Another conclusion from this messages are as follows: rulers who had an unusual skull morphology in natural causes may have favored the heyday of such fashion, which, as in the case of Akhenaten, later did not become unchanged part of the cultural tradition. “And so around the world, and in some partly until the 20th century? Scientists who posed such questions as early as 1901, was Georg Kohler from Bamberg. In his dissertation “Artificial deformation of the skull,” he wrote: “Among those mentioned human body malformations artificial deformation of the skull undoubtedly occupies an exceptional place … We are completely it is not known for what purpose the first deformations were made, if generally can go about the goal; in folk traditions, too, nothing about it not said. We learned about this only later, when such custom to a certain extent turned into law. “True, in two the page the author nevertheless poses an interesting opportunity: “According Torquemade (Spanish author, 1615), this method of deformation, giving the head the shape of a tower, was used only in royal families: it was a special royal privilege when the royal Incas origin was allowed to apply such deformation to sons. ” This begs the main question: did the Inca rulers imitate skulls of their gods? Would they like to be equal to the gods? It is amazing that such deformations of the skull were practiced back in XX century, for example, mangbetu, living in the upper river. Uele in the jungle in the northeast of the former Belgian Congo (modern Zaire). Or at the Amazonian tribe kanivo, who lives at the mouth of the river. Pachitea and in upper river. Ukayali, as well as among the Indians rankele and pampas in Patagonia (Argentina). Near us, such a custom persisted in Normandy. and Gascony until the 19th century, and even in Lapland and Crete such a custom was generally accepted until modern times. Remarkable appearance such a custom in ancient cultural and historical places, such as the area around Lake Titicaca, Chavin (Peru), Yucatan (Maya), Brittany (megalithic culture near Karnak), Salisbury in England (near Stonehenge) and Crete (the first highly developed culture in Europe). Is it possible to draw a conclusion about the connection with the appearance of the gods? What did Padre Le Peuge say there? “Some of the mummies that I found there were such forms of faces that are unknown on Earth. ” Does he mean deformed skulls? But since padre was knowledgeable in archeology, a man who certainly knew deformed turtles, the question remains: what are the other “forms persons, “he said, he saw? Two days were not enough to attack the trail of mystery Padre Le Peuge. However worth taking further investigations. If something alien was found, it is clearly somewhere hidden by the competent authorities. It is possible that before his death, Padre Le Peuge managed to personally take care of so that “alien form faces” do not fall into the hands of scientists earlier time. He understood that the time had not yet come for this: “I don’t believe if I tell you what else I found in the graves. I do not want talk about it so as not to disturb the world. ”

Time Egypt Inca Civilization Mummies Peru

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