There are many facts that are not only unequivocally refute the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also say that the story was intentionally distorted, and that this was done for a very definite purpose … But who and why intentionally distorted the story? What real events did they want to hide and why? If we analyze historical facts, it becomes obvious that “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented in order to hide consequences of the “baptism” of Kievan Rus. After all, this religion it was not imposed in a peaceful way … In the process of “baptism” was destroyed most of the population of the Principality of Kiev! Definitely it becomes clear that those forces that were behind the imposition this religion, and later fabricated history, juggling historical facts for yourself and your goals … These facts are known historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and each anyone can easily find them on the Internet. Omitting scientific surveys and justifications, which are already widely described, to summarize the basic facts that refute the big lie about “Tatar-Mongol yoke”: Genghis Khan
Earlier in Russia, 2 people were responsible for managing the state: Prince and Khan. The prince was responsible for government in peace time. Khan or “military prince” took control over himself during time of war, in peacetime on his shoulders lay responsibility for formation of a horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness. Photo from open sources Genghis Khan Genghis Khan is not a name, but the title of “military prince”, which, in modern world, close to the post of Commander-in-chief of the army. And people who wore such a title, there were several. The most outstanding of them was Temujin, it is about him that they usually speak when they talk about Genghis Hane. In preserved historical documents, this person described as a tall warrior with blue eyes, very white skin, a powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which is clearly not corresponds to the signs of the representative of the Mongoloid race, but fully fits the description of the Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov – “Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe”.). In modern “Mongolia” there is no one folk epic, which would say that this country once in ancient times conquered almost the whole of Eurasia, exactly like no nothing about the great conqueror Chinggis Khan … (N.V. Levashov “Visible and invisible genocide “) Mongolia
The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when nomads living in the Gobi Desert, came the Bolsheviks and informed them that they are the descendants of the great Mongols, and their “compatriot” created at one time a Great Empire, which they very surprised and delighted. The word Mughal is Greek origin, and means “Great.” The Greeks called this word our ancestors – the Slavs. No relation to the name of any it does not have a people (N.V. Levashov “Visible and invisible genocide”). The composition of the army of the “Tatar-Mongols”
70-80% of the army of the “Tatar-Mongols” were Russians, the rest 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, in fact, like now. This fact clearly confirms a fragment of the icon of Sergius Radonezh “Kulikovo Battle”. Photo from open sources fragment of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh “Battle of Kulikovo” It clearly shows that on both sides fighting the same warriors. And this battle is more like a civil war than war against a foreign conqueror. Before us are people clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, streltsy caps, the same broad beards, the same characteristic saber blades called “elman”. Genetic examination According to the latest data obtained in the result of genetic research, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between genetics Russians and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols – colossal: “Differences Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from the Mongolian (almost entirely Central Asian) are really great – that’s as if two different worlds … “. Documents in the period Tatar-Mongol yoke During the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke did not not a single document has been preserved in the Tatar or Mongolian language. But there are documents of this time in Russian. Lack of objective evidence supporting the hypothesis of Tatar-Mongol yoke There are currently no originals of any kind historical documents that would objectively prove that there were Tatar-Mongol yoke. But there are many fakes designed to convince us of the existence of a fiction called “Tatar-Mongol yoke”. On all cards that were issued before 1772 and not corrected in the future, you can see the following a picture.
Photos from open sources map of Moscow Tartaria Zapadnaya part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartaria, its borders pass on the following places: – In the west of Riga, Smolensk to Belgorod resting against Little Tartary, more known as the Zaporizhzhya Sich. – In the south – along the Don, rounding the Volga in lower and middle reaches, passing north of Samara and at this latitude resting in the Ural (Riphean) mountains. – In the east – Ural mountains, resting in the Kara Sea. – In the north – bordered by Lapland (Lapland) and Sweden (Sweden). In this small part of Russia, the rules Romanov dynasty. The tsar of Moscow until the end of the 18th century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartary or the duke (prince) of Moscow. The rest of Russia, which occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovy of that time is called Tartaria or Russian Empire.
Photos from open sources map of Great Tartaria in the 1st edition The British Encyclopedia of 1771 on this part of Russia is written The following: “Tartaria, a vast country in northern Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartaria. Those Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan living on northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India and finally Tibetan living northwest of China ” (see subsection “Great Tartaria”). Strange but in the second edition Encyclopedia Britannica, you will not find any mention of to this country … Where did the name Tartaria come from … Before coming Christianity, in Russia there was a Vedic worldview. it it was precisely a worldview, a worldview, and it was not at all a religion. Our ancestors did not blindly believe in anything or anyone, not even trying to understand what is behind it. The word “faith” used to have a completely different meaning – “Know Ra,” or “Know how everything works,” or “Enlightenment with Knowledge.” Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, as now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those days. People who in their development have gone much further than others, and who could control space and matter (manage weather, heal diseases, see the future, etc.), called The Magi. Those of the Magi who knew how to manage space on planetary level and above, called Gods. That is, the meaning of the word God, our ancestors did not at all what it is now. Gods were people who went much further in their development, than the vast majority of people. For the average person their abilities seemed incredible, however, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each god had their limit. At our the ancestors were patrons – God Tarh, he was also called Dazhdbog (the giving God) and his sister are the Goddess Tara. These gods helped people in solving problems that our ancestors could not solve by yourself. Before the Flood, namely 13019 years ago (for 2010) between Antlany (Atlantis), which by then already split off from Russia, and Russia, there was a war for world domination, during which Antlany tried to conquer the country of her ancestors. IN the end of this war by the Black Priests – from Antlani was climate and nuclear weapons were used, which led to planetary disaster – the Flood and the beginning of the ice age, as a result whose highly developed civilization of our ancestors, from space level when people freely moved from one planet to another, just like we are flying on airplanes, it was dropped to the level primitive communal system … So one era was replaced by another, where one civilization has changed to another. So, the gods Tarh and Tara again taught our ancestors how to build houses, cultivate land, writing and much more that was necessary in order to survive the disaster and eventually restore civilization. Therefore, more recently, our ancestors said to strangers “We children of Tarkh and Tara … “. They said that because in their development, really were children in relation to those who had significantly gone into the development of Tarhu and Tara. And residents of other countries called our ancestors “Tarhtarami”, and later, due to the difficulty in pronunciation – “Tartars.” Hence the name of the country – Tartaria … And how follows from the meaning of the word, “Tartaria” has nothing to do with it does not have modern Tatars, just like the Mongol Empire has nothing to do with modern Mongolia. Mongolian Tartaria (Mogul Empire) is located on the site of modern Pakistan, while modern Mongolia is in the north modern China or between Great Tartary and Chinese Tartaria. Between the Mongol Empire of the eighteenth century and modern Mongolia – thousands of kilometers away, they lie along different sides of the greatest Himalayan mountain range on earth, and completely different peoples inhabited them. So by looking at maps of the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries, we will see a minimum nine to ten different Tartaria, which suggests that more more recently, they were parts of one whole, one Slavic-Aryan Empire in the Middle Ages in Western Europe called the Great Tartaria. The reason for the appearance of such an amount Tartary is a budding from the Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartary) outlying provinces as a consequence of the weakening of the Empire in the result of the invasion of the hordes of the Dzungars (ancestors of modern Kalmyks), who captured and completely destroyed the capital of this Empire – Asgard of Iria in 1530 AD This city is now called Kitezhgrad and according to legend it was not destroyed, but was hidden from the enemy water. But even after the loss of the outlying provinces at the end eighteenth century Slavic-Aryan Empire was the largest country of the world and included part of southeast Europe, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, a significant part North America and many islands and archipelagos … “(N.V. Levashov “Silent History of Russia”).
Photos from open sources Igor Tischenkov
War Time China Russia Siberia