What will 2015 be like? Forecast from astrologers

A photo from open sources What will be 2015? Dramatic events the outgoing 2014 make us listen more carefully to forecasts for 2015. What do astrologers and clairvoyants prophesy for us? both the distant past and the present? They basically promise that 2015 will not be easy and the problems will not be solved all at once, but in at the same time, changes for the better will be outlined … Let’s start, according to tradition, with recognized “master” – the medieval seer Michel Nostradamus. The famous soothsayer prophesied in 2015 global natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, forest fires and gas emissions. Because of them in in certain regions, the moon and the sun will not even be visible … And in at the end of the year, according to the forecast of Nostradamus for 2015, the Earth will come great flood caused by massive rains and tsunamis. Big part of Europe will be in the water, which will cause mass death population … And Africa will be gripped by a terrible famine. But this is not yet all. As a result of natural shocks, the dead will rise from the graves, and in some countries it will be necessary to limit the birth rate, as there will not be enough resources. This year, claimed Nostradamus in his forecast for 2015, a new messiah will be born, who is destined to unite the whole world and save the human civilization from “imminent evil.” There will also be a new religion, which will originate in Russia, and by 2040 will spread throughout to the world. People will learn to communicate with animals. Meanwhile, in 2015, presumably in May, there will be another confrontation between Christianity and Islam, which will almost cause World War III the war. China will manage to extinguish the conflict. But even before that there will be attempted assassination of the leaders of the four leading countries of the world. Yet, by forecasts for 2015, this year in the West will be … canceled taxes, language barriers between different nations are destroyed and there will be open elixir of longevity, which will allow people to live up to 200 years. However, many people will die early, as there will be destroy solar radiation … The famous clairvoyant Wang also predicts numerous disasters for the coming year. So much harm and damage will be caused by flashes in the Sun, due to which some people even perish. For a while, humanity will plunge into darkness, and the planet Nibiru will approach the Sun … Like its predecessor Michel Nostradamus, Wanga prophesies a new ecumenical flood, as a result which Europe, Asia, Africa and South America will go under water, and most of the population of these continents will move to the USA, Canada and Russia … In politics, global conflicts will occur. IN 2015 will end a kind of world war, begun back in 2010, but then a major civil war will be unleashed again … It will begin year with a global economic crisis that will entail redivision of the world. Rising unemployment will cause general theft and devastation. But there is good news – according to forecasts for 2015, in Next year, a radical cure for cancer will be found. Modern Russian astrologer Pavel Globa promises us for the future year new social, technological and natural disasters global scale. Mass fires are coming in Siberia, and floods destroy large cities on the Pacific coast. Towards the middle years the number of air crashes will increase sharply. According to forecasts for 2015, Western Europe and the US Expect Serious Recession and Growth unemployment. Russia will continue difficulties with export energy resources, but it will successfully overcome them. Geopolitical disagreements with the EU and the US will not go anywhere, so the next year we will be in the stage of the cold war. But it will become guarantee that over time Russia will turn into one of world leaders, however, like China … Alas, there will be inside the country a lot of problems. Protests May Rise Next Year mood, which can lead to human casualties. how claims another popular astrologer, Vasilisa Volodina, windy, moody and fickle patroness of the year, Blue Goat, will bring with it many unpredictable events, moreover absolutely in all areas of life. So, in everyday life, and in the political arena can literally flare up from scratch conflicts, but they will fade away just as quickly – in the case if you do not fan the fire and make the situation unreasonable actions … According to the forecast for 2015, world currencies will be fluctuate, like this year, which will bring a lot of hassle banking and financial institutions. But by the end of the year, the goat will get tired jump and jump, and finally calm down. Therefore any serious undertakings should be postponed until this period. As for the situation in Ukraine, then almost all forecasters agree on one thing – the world and calm there will not reign soon … Nevertheless, in general, according to forecasts for 2015, the coming year will be more favorable than the previous one. Many areas will come positive changes. Blue Goat will be favorable to those who I used to work hard and go to my goal.

Astrologers Africa Vanga War Water Time Nostradamus Fires Russia Sun USA

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