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Imagine that you unexpectedly discovered a “time machine” … Would you really give up the opportunity with just one peephole take a look at what’s going on, say, in 2153? Find out if they fly there air cars, whether a person has become an absolute master techniques and elements, are there wars or do we all live in peace and harmony? Of course, these are all fantasies and it’s sometimes difficult for us to say what awaits us tomorrow … But there are also those daredevils who are not afraid to predict future for years. What is there for years … hundreds of years in advance! Science Seers Forever Curious British Company The BBC (BBC) decided to puzzle its loyal readers with the question: “What will our world look like in 100 years?” People liked it so much fantasize about the future, that the publication literally fell asleep with letters. But one thing is the fantasies of ordinary people, and another thing entirely is that scientists think about this. Therefore comment on assumptions readers were asked by eminent futurologists Ian Pearson and Patrick Tucker. As you know, the main task of futurologists is prediction of the future. But, unlike psychics, for this purpose they are not try to contact space, and use only gifts science and “steal” ideas from the world of science fiction … Of course, some assumptions may seem too unbelievable to you, and in general you will be right. But still it must be recognized that sometimes predictions of futurologists come true. A couple of hundred years ago, no one I would not believe that artificial conception is possible, but a person can will go into space. Moreover, even an ordinary mobile phone and Internet would prettyly shock the inhabitants of the XIX century. Fantasy or reality? BBC’s loyal fans are sure that through for a hundred years, all production will move … to the bottom of the ocean! Thousands of farms under the water column they will produce all the necessary food, and on an unheard of scale. Interesting, but futurologists imbued this idea. True, they made the allowance for farms to be limited. the production of fish and algae to be used for receiving fuel. Why artificially produce fish and algae, and even in the ocean, remains a mystery. Apparently with ecology, things will not matter at all … According to another popular opinion, in the future everyone will learn without exception transmit your thoughts from a distance. According to futurologists, and such quite possible. Even more so, telepathy will become the same usual thing, like storing our thoughts in computer networks! It turns out that cloning, which caused a great public outcry – only the first stage of biological experiments on humans. A century later, scientists will learn how to create perfect people with incredible intelligence, and most importantly, immortality, sure interviewees. Scientists suggest that at first it’s possible only a substantial extension of life expectancy. But after some time, thanks to the possibility of a human connection brain with a computer, immortality will also become available. According to our special nanorobots will circulate in the circulatory system whose main task is to “repair” damaged cells of our body. Experts believe that this is entirely possible despite the fact that now nanorobots exist only in theory. Futurologist Raymond Kurzweil went even further and suggested that by In 2040, nanorobots will enter human life so firmly that our the body will consist entirely of these “little healers.” A then everyone can change their appearance depending on command given to nanorobots. The times of shamanism are long gone and yet many dream that humanity will be able to fully subjugate natural phenomena. Futurologists with this assumption agree only in part. They believe that people can control weather only in especially critical situations, such as when flood or tornado. However, even such opportunities are many would be glad. This is especially true for residents of the regions of increased risk, which quite often suffer from the “vagaries” of nature. Also, according to respondents, the attitude will change significantly in the future. to family values, which is also important. In particular, after a hundred For years, no one will remember that children can be made not from test tubes. Researchers note that now more and more people are resorting to artificial insemination. In addition, science does not stand still and Currently, embryo scanning allows you to determine most of the genetic diseases. And after decades, scientists will be able to select absolutely healthy embryos. Respectively, using artificial insemination, the risk of giving birth to a patient child will be zero. Attitude to the institution of marriage is also will change dramatically, or rather, it will never be like this anymore. Now the newlyweds will begin to conclude an annual contract, confirming their marital status. Futurologists believe that such the alignment of events is quite likely, and first of all it will be associated with a significant increase in average duration. Wang never dreamed of If you seem too incredible previous guesses, we hasten to please you – assumptions themselves futurologists will surprise you even more. So, the researchers believe that literally in a couple of years, special computers will come to light which will have not only high power, but also some human abilities! Cars will no longer be just a kit insensitive iron. Now they will be able to reason, feel and even create! Already by 2018, computer experts predict will be able to scan his master and based on this determine his state of health. So, the lines in hospitals to the therapist at least halved, which can not but rejoice. Feeling taste will help the machine calculate the recipe for the perfect dish. Thanks developed hearing, the computer will be able to determine the cause of the crying child Report structural weaknesses before they even collapse. A if you suddenly become lonely, the car will be able to sympathize with you and to console. On the other hand, the huge attention that is now given to technology, can lead to much more global change than a talking computer. And perhaps a similar situation maybe only fans of movies about robocop can please … Cyber future Americans are serious people: they love all kinds programs and reports. As an example, a research program “Sky Horizons” (Blue Horizons), on which scientists from different countries present to the audience their reports on technologies of the future. At the next such meeting, experts from The US Air Force showed a visual video, telling about trends towards blurring between the machine and by man. In other words, they literally stated that people real cyborgs will soon supersede (simply put, humanoid robots)! Researchers believe that the first push to the advent of the cyborg society is the creation of chips with artificial “brain” that completely imitates the work the original. IBM recently completed model calculations electronic brain, which means that the era is not far off truly self-thinking computers. Further more… And until the robot is almost impossible to distinguish from ordinary person. Remember how in the movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger “Terminator”? Scientists have chosen the motto of the material provided. Einstein’s grim quote: “Technological progress is like an ax in hands of a pathological criminal. “Not very positive, right? Especially when you consider that cyborgs will eventually be able to replace human labor and, as a result, will fall upon the world of people general unemployment. At least scientists from the Air Force are trying to predict possible countermeasures that should minimize the negative effect and prevent the next one from happening Apocalypse. At the moment, expert development is under classified as “secret”, and mere mortals are not available. My light mirror, say. … how will we look in 100 years? FROM everything is clear to the neighboring cyborgs, but will man himself change? Anatomy specialists, thanks to whom we now know how the distant descendants of Homo sapiens looked sure that during evolution, the appearance of modern man will suffer significant changes. Of course, this will not happen in a hundred years, but in a thousand. But yet … Let’s start with the good news: average growth will increase I and will be from 1, 83 to 2.13 meters. On the other hand, “the intestines of a person will decrease significantly and will not need large amounts of fat and sucrose. Thus it will be decided a problem with obesity, “says Dr. Stemmer. Which means high slender men, so adored by the female half of the population, will become meet more often. But the rest of the changes in the human body are a very dubious pleasure. Our hands will hang down almost to the knees, and the fingers will become unnaturally long. Teeth will become thinner due to the fact that only soft food that does not require strong chewing. To some extent, we we will remind humanoids – big eyes and disproportionately small mouth. And, as a result, the main source of communication there will be facial expression and eye movement. Here, just without telepathy not enough. Futurologist Robin Mannings sincerely believes that women with looks more lucky. At least all my flaws they will be able to fix using special cosmetics, which able to change its color depending on the mood and experienced emotions. Scientists did not miss and quite juicy details. In their view, if male “fertility” will be gradually decline, as is happening now, then in size the gonads will also decrease … But most importantly, our brain! And why? Yes, because the main job of memorizing and information will be handled by computers. Of course, perceive the predictions of futurologists as the ultimate truth not worth it. So, in the late 1920s they predicted the appearance of special seedlings from which they would grow at home, but how It’s known that nothing of the kind happened. “It’s generally hard to talk about these predictions are strictly scientific predictions. When a scientist speaks about the future, he uses his imagination, “- protects their colleagues Gregory Benford. On the other hand, there are positive examples. For example, Alvin Toffler wrote in the 70s the book “Shock of the Future”, in which he described the future news can instantly travel around the world, same-sex will appear marriages, and violence will increase. Now we don’t think all this is something awesome, but then it was different. So, everything is possible … Time Robots Fish