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Lake Vostok in Antarctica is a unique aquatic ecosystem that was isolated from the earth’s atmosphere and surface biosphere for millions of years. His study plays a huge role in the study of climate change in recent millennia. Russian polar explorers when drilling wells to unusual Antarctic Lake East discovered ice crystals that physicists became interested in, reported to journalists, the head of Roshydromet, Alexander Frolov. “Very interesting, unexpected application – Kurchatovsky became interested in this ice institute. They say that there the crystals are not lake ice, but mainland – these are giant crystals measuring 5-6 meters. And they have an extremely regular shape, “said Frolov. The lake East in Antarctica is a unique aquatic ecosystem that was isolated from the earth’s atmosphere and the surface biosphere on for millions of years. His study plays a huge role in study of climate change in recent millennia. At the beginning February 2012, the drilling team of the 57th Russian Antarctic expedition after decades of drilling for the first time penetrated the hidden under the four-kilometer stratum of the Antarctic ice lake. Analysis of the first water samples of the East showed that they practically do not contain microorganisms.
Antarctica Climate