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The first part of the history of the Earth was deprived oxygen, during this period there was no life on it. Still debate continues over who were in charge biological players on anoxic Earth, but most researchers are looking for the roots of this issue in ancient sedimentary rocks. Most scientists suggest that the amount oxygen on Earth was very insignificant about 2.4 billion years ago until the atmosphere was filled with oxygen. This sharp a jump in the oxygen content in the atmosphere occurred due to cyanobacteria – a photosynthetic microbe that exhales oxygen. How and when did microbes that exhale oxygen appear before still not defined due to the fact that the filling of the atmosphere oxygen was a complex combination of global sharp cooling, the emergence of mineral rocks, as well as the emergence of new species. “We are not yet able to determine what is the cause, but what’s the consequence, “said Dominic Papine, specialist Carnegie Washington Institute. “A lot of things happened almost simultaneously, so there are so many ambiguities. ” to help sort out the geological side of the question Papin studies the range of formations of iron and sedimentary rocks that formed at the bottom of the ancient seas. Daddy’s research focused on special minerals found in iron formations, and which may be associated with the emergence of life and death of the ancients microbes. Minerals of iron, located deep at the bottom of the seas, are the largest source of iron ore. However, this the source is more than just material for making steel. Geologists investigate them, because it is they who have rich history associated with the birth of life on Earth. However, their origin is a very big mystery. The most recent conclusion, to which most scientists came to, is that for their formation of the help of special microelements is necessary, unfortunately, not yet identified which ones. These simple unicellular the sea creatures left nothing to help researchers to recreate their image and understand what they are from themselves present. It is possible that the builder of these iron minerals was cyanobacteria, and oxygen from these bacteria caused oxidation iron in the seas and oceans before the great oxygen explosion. IN if so, if cyanobacteria actually appeared long before the accumulation of oxygen on Earth, several hundred passed million years before the atmosphere was filled with oxygen? Perhaps Papine and his colleagues found the answer to the question in the form complex interweaving of biology and geology. Oxygen from cyanobacteria could be destroyed by methane. In the interaction of these two gases form carbon dioxide and water. They also noted that oxygen cannot accumulate in a methane-rich environment. Methane emerged from bacteria called methanogens, the result absorption by these bacteria of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and became the appearance of methane. In this scenario, methanogens and cyanobacteria prevailed in ancient seas and oceans, but the amount of methanogens was greater, therefore, when they produced methane, it blocked the pathways of oxygen to accumulate, and also heated the planet as a result of the greenhouse effect. But after as the earth became “oxygenated,” the number of these organisms is dramatic decreased, which allowed the atmosphere to fill with this gas.
A life