Which country suits you with the zodiac sign

Which country suits you according to the zodiac signA photo from open sources

Aries (March 21 – April 20). In ancient times, Aries patronized Sparta. Sparta’s successor today is Germany. Astrologers advise Aries to visit this country without fail. Alternatives: Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Venezuela, Israel and Turkey. Cities: Birmingham (England), Verona (Italy), Krakow (Poland), Marseille (France), Naples (Italy) and Florence (Italy). Taurus (April 21 – May 20). Taurus is ruled by Venus. IN Astrology, this planet is correlated with flowering and fruiting. Therefore, Taurus should definitely choose vacation spots with a rich nature: Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Argentina, Belarus, Greece (islands), Georgia, Denmark, Ireland, the Caucasus (as a whole), Cyprus and Oman. Cities: Dublin (Ireland), Palermo (Italy) and Istanbul (Turkey). Gemini (May 21 – June 21). In ancient times Gemini favored Greece. At the moment, a similar “cosmopolitan” are the USA. Regions: North America, North Africa, Sardinia and Wales. Countries: Belgium, Greece, Egypt (Lower) and Canada. Cities: Bruges (chocolate capital of Belgium), Versailles (France), London (England), Melbourne (Australia) and San Francisco (California, USA). Paq (June 22 – July 22). Cancer is a sign of purity, humanism and keeping traditions. The most striking example of a Cancer country is India. Also suitable: Algeria, Netherlands, Armenia, Morocco, Tunisia and Scotland. Cities: Venice, Genoa, Constantinople, Milan and Stockholm. Leo (July 23 – August 23). Leo Country is eternal demonstration of one’s own daring, beauty and strength. To such countries can safely include Ukraine and Spain. In part corresponds to the type of Leo France is a country of creative people and “world podium.” Options: Italy, Lebanon, Peru, Romania, Sudan, Turkestan, Czech Republic. Separately, astrologers advise the Alps. Cities: Jerusalem, Damascus, Baden, Bombay, Prague, Rome and Chicago. Regions: California (USA), Sicily and Philadelphia (USA). Virgo (august 24 – 23 September). Astrologers traditionally associate the Virgo sign with Japan and Switzerland. Travel Options: Crete, New England, Brazil, Croatia and Andalusia (Spain). Cities: Berlin, Paris and Riga. Becy (24 September – 23 October). Equilibrium, style and grace. These are the external characteristics of Libra. From modern countries most clearly reflects this image of England – “the land of true Lady and Gentlemen. “Also suitable: Austria, South Africa, Burma, Hawaii, Greece, China, Libya, Monaco, USA (south) and Japan. Libra Cities: Antwerp (Belgium), Vienna (Austria), Copenhagen (Denmark). Scorpio (October 24 – November 22). Scorpio in force character suitable “biting” country. These are all Islamic states. Astrologers especially highlight Iran and Afghanistan. Less extreme Options: Australia (Queensland), Malaysia, Norway and Syria. Regions: Bavaria (Germany). Cities: Washington, Ghent (Belgium), Liverpool, Medina (Saudi Arabia), Munich, New Orleans and Frankfurt Oder (Germany). Sagittarius (November 23 – 21 December). Sagittarians are idealists. A typical example of idealism in literature – Don Quixote. Where is his homeland? That’s right, in Spain! Alternative recreation options: Australia, Portugal and Ceylon. Cities: Avignon (France), Baghdad (Iraq), Budapest, Cologne and Stuttgart (Germany). Capricorn (December 22 – January 20). Capricorn is best served by conservative countries. The ideal is Germany (better, its western part). To exclusively Capricorn countries also include: Korea (and North and South), Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Mexico. Cities: Brussels, Warsaw, Hesse, Dresden, Moscow and Oxford. Wadley (January 21 – February 19). TO Aquarius countries belong to Japan, Finland, Lebanon, North European part of Russia until about Tula. Travel Options: Chile, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Russia, New Zealand, Lithuania and Iraq (southern part of the country), Ethiopia. Cities: Bremen and Hamburg. Fishes (February 20 – March 20). Typically Fisheries considered Egypt (where people live in a special rhythm), Iceland and Portugal. From areas within countries under the auspices of Pisces are Normandy in France, Calambria in Sicily. More options: Antilles, India, Indonesia, Malta and Uruguay. By the way, from cities Pisces will suit St. Petersburg.

Australia Astrologers Africa Germany Egypt Italy India Islands Peru Russia USA Turkey Ukraine Japan

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