White Americans are rapidly dying

White Americans are rapidly dying outPhotos from open sources of

British and American economist Angus Deaton, being a Nobel laureate, reported that the number The light-skinned population of the United States is rapidly declining. According to the expert, a similar trend has been observed already Fifteen years. Economist research results published the other day in the scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences “.

It was not even mixed marriages when the Americans were to blame Caucasian race have children with blacks, Asians and Hispanics, and high mortality rates among representatives of a wide layer of the white population of the United States. Fair-skinned Americans ruin alcohol, drugs, obesity, and excessive passion for antidepressants, painkillers, sleeping pills and others medicines.

In addition, suicide has increased in recent years. among the descendants of European migrants. Most vulnerable to suicide turned out to be poor and poorly educated Americans in ages from forty to fifty years. In the United States sixty-ninety white suicide rates among white citizens percent higher than in neighboring Canada. Fortunately representatives the white population of America with higher education the last decade to lay hands on significantly less often.

Angus notes that since the beginning of the new millennium, mortality among the country’s dark-skinned inhabitants more than doubled, and among Hispanics – about sixty-five percent. All the specialist made the above conclusions, having carefully studied the data American Health and Population Ministries.

Deaton reports that if the US government does not take appropriate measures to combat alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity and by the irresponsible use of dangerous medicines, America may lose an entire generation of white citizens. Also the nobel laureate hinted that mixed marriages also don’t add to the country pure Caucasians, but because the birth of mestizos in America should approach more responsibly.

At the same time, in the United States, as well as throughout the world as a whole, rapidly The influence of the Chinese nation is expanding. Today, the Chinese, and in particular their Chinatowns are increasingly claiming control of the global economy, and the Chinese themselves are rapidly spreading around the world, including and in the United States, Russia and the EU. Authors of the new documentary project “Chinese Gambit” trying to explain in what is the secret of the Chinese ethnic and economic miracle and how soon the whole world will be ruled by the Chinese whose genes turned out to be much stronger than the genes of all other peoples of our the planet.

China Russia USA Economy

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