White Gods – the first founders of Egypt the state

In China, Egypt, Central and South America, in different historical eras and under different names they unexpectedly came and just as suddenly disappeared, giving birth to themselves many legends.

White Gods - the first founders of the Egyptian statePhotos from open sources

They ruled tribes and peoples, gave them their knowledge, taught them to cultivate the land and build cities, and after of this mysterious White Gods left, promising to return when the time will come.

According to one of the ancient Egyptian legends, the state of Egypt was created by nine White Gods. The texts on the walls of the ancient pyramids say that the gods had blue or green eyes, and Diodorus of Sicily claimed that the Egyptian Goddess of hunting and war Nate was blue-eyed.A photo from open sources

According to one of the ancient Egyptian legends, the state of Egypt was created nine white gods. The texts on the walls of the ancient pyramids state that the gods had blue or green eyes, and Diodorus of Sicily claimed that the Egyptian goddess of hunting and war Nate was blue-eyed.

These ancient white-skinned people of South and Central America became prototype of Native American myths about Quetzalcoatl, about other fair-skinned gods who came from overseas.

In the most ancient Egyptian chronicles, more than once mentioned mysterious nine White Gods who became the first founders ancient Egyptian state. Historical confirmation is that the very first dynasties of the pharaohs who ruled the first The Egyptian kingdom was white-skinned. They had blue eyes and they wore long beards.

Helicopter, tank, fighter, bomberA photo from open sources

Helicopter, tank, fighter, bomber

Also, in the National Museum of the History of Cairo are statues with depicting the pharaohs and their wives (around the 3rd millennium BC) from the 4th dynasty, who had all the signs of a white race.

Pharaoh Menkor and his wife, Hemerarnebti II, 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BC)A photo from open sources

Pharaoh Menkor and his wife, Hemeernebne II, 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BC)

Numerous archaeological discoveries that confirm the existence of the mysterious White Gods dates from the beginning of the XXth century. Statues and small figurines depicting white bearded gods were found in Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Guatemala.

Pharaoh Rakhotep and his wife Nofret, 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BC)A photo from open sources

Pharaoh Rakhotep and his wife Nofret, 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 years before AD)

Today, some museums in Europe are stored ancient manuscripts with images and references to the mysterious White Gods who are the founders of most the most ancient civilizations. However, for some reason, this information is available. only to individual people. For everyone else, access to this information closed.

Bust of the Egyptian noble lady of the 4th dynasty, approximately 2600 BC.A photo from open sources

Bust of an Egyptian noble lady of the 4th dynasty, approximately 2600 BC

In Central and South America, the White Gods were especially revered. They are occupied the highest steps in the hierarchy in numerous pantheons Gods of Central and South America.

Queen Khetop-Sherry II, daughter of Cheops, 4th dynasty (2575-2467 BC)A photo from open sources

Queen Khetop-Sherry II, daughter of Cheops, 4th dynasty (2575-2467 BC.)

The ancient Olmecs, who were the founders civilization of ancient Mesoamerica, there was a tradition of their coming on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, on which they formed civilization. Legend has it that the ancestors of the Olmecs sailed to the shore Gulf of Mexico on a giant ship from the east. This The expedition was led by a leader named Wimtoni.

Nofret - the wife of Pharaoh RakhotepA photo from open sources

Nofret – the wife of Pharaoh Rakhotep

Along with the colonists on the ship were white-skinned sages with long beards. When did the ship with the settlers come to the shore, and they began to build their first settlement on the coast, the sages left the settlers and headed for the dense selva to find people living on this earth. Ten after years old white sages returned back and announced that they had fulfilled their mission, and then white-skinned sages boarded the ship and sailed on east, to where they came from.

Yuya, an Egyptian nobleman of 1400 BC, father of Tiye, wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep IIIA photo from open sources

Yuya (Yuya), Egyptian nobleman 1400 BC, father of Tiyu (Tiye), wives of Pharaoh Amenhotep III

According to one of the ancient Egyptian traditions, the Egyptian state created nine White Gods. Graffiti of the ancient pyramids they say that the gods had blue eyes, and Diodorus of Sicily assured that the goddess of hunting and war Nate had blue eyes.

It is likely that the ancient Olmec legend of the white sages, that appeared on the shores of Central America with their ancestors Olmec, is closely associated with the White Gods. Traditions of the ancient Mayans they talk about God with a beard in white to five long clothes. is he appeared from the east and for a long time taught people how to cultivate land properly, how to build houses, how to observe stars, as well as writing.

the red-haired goddess, from the tomb of the pharaoh MerneptahA photo from open sources

red-haired goddesses from the tomb of the pharaoh Merneptah

He taught people to adhere to the laws of justice and goodness, and after he returned back to the east, but promised to return, when the time comes. Mayans called God with a beard the Feathered Serpent or Kukulkanom. The religious cult of Kukulkan, which was established at Mayans, Toltecs and Aztecs adopted, as well as many others Mesoamerican peoples. Toltecs and Aztecs called the White God Quetzalcoatl.

Who were the mysterious white-skinned missionaries originating centers of culture and civilization in numerous corners planets and in different time periods? Most likely, the White Gods were Atlanteans or Hyperboreans who survived the disaster.

Blond satellites, from the grave of Djehutihotpe, Deir al-Bersh, Middle KingdomA photo from open sources

Blond satellites, from the grave of Djehutihotpe, Deir al-Bersh, Middle Kingdom

Or maybe, from time immemorial, there is a secret order, which wants to preserve and transmit ancient knowledge in order to revive and create a new civilization from people who survived after world catastrophes or re-emerging nations.

There is also a version that some time after the death Atlantis or the exodus of the population of Ancient Hyperborea after coming The ice age, the descendants of the disappeared civilizations took over The goal is to disseminate once lost knowledge. Maybe, some of this knowledge came to the backgammon of India, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, and then began to spread to other parts of our the planet. Note that it was here that one after another began to arise the first sources of civilization that are known from the Ancient Stories.

White Gods - the first founders of the Egyptian stateA photo from open sources

White Gods – the first founders of the Egyptian state

Scientists studying this riddle turned their attention to most interesting facts – on the cult views of the most ancient Mesoamerican peoples, primarily the Toltecs and Mayans, influenced certain aspects that have a parallel with biblical teachings. For example, in the state of New Mexico in the USA, researchers found some clay tablets that were made around the era Mayan civilization formations and contained ten major Christian commandments!

The strangest and most mysterious was that all the text on tablets was written in the ancient Semitic dialect.

Gods of EgyptA photo from open sources

Gods of egypt

The next sensational find was a stone with the inscription, carved in hebrew. This incredible find dates back to 1650. BC. The Native American tribes who lived on lands where found an unusual stone, there was an ancient legend about “White-skinned preacher. “He allegedly came from the east, healed people, taught crafts and sciences, and also distributed the Divine revelations. ”

White Gods - the first founders of the Egyptian stateA photo from open sources

White Gods – the first founders of the Egyptian state

These myths about bearded White Gods from pokon centuries took place on territory of South America. For example, the supreme deity in the Empire The Incas were considered the White God, whose name was Kon-Tiki Viracocha.

In the city of Cuzco, which is the capital of the Incas, was located the ancient temple destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors was Giant statue of the White God Viracochi. This statue had features European in a long robe and sandals, similar to those that Worn in Rome or Ancient Greece. The statue itself was very struck leader of the conquistadors Francisco Pizarro.

White Gods - the first founders of the Egyptian stateA photo from open sources

He recorded this event in his memoirs, describing what he saw Similar images in the paintings of Spanish and Italian artists. Similar statues were found in other Inca temples that were dedicated to Viracochi. They had European facial features, their bodies covered long loose hoodies, all wore sandals. Spanish soldiers assumed that this was the image of St. Bartholomew, which reached Peru and the temples that the Incas erected were also dedicated to this saint.

Confirmation of the stay of white people in the territory Excavation of the South American Continent giant ancient necropolis near the Paracas Peninsula in Peru. These findings confirmed the hypothesis that white-skinned people inhabited the American continent even in the most ancient historical times that are still denied by official science.

White Gods - the first founders of the Egyptian stateA photo from open sources

Also in the necropolis were discovered the mummies of people with all signs of being a white Nordic race that was confirmed by genetic analysis. This completely unknown light people, according to scientists, came to South America much earlier Native American tribes. Most mummies had straight light blond or red hair and blue or green eyes. Fabrics, clothing, dishes, tools and other items that were found in burials, were made very skillfully, which indicated the highest level culture of this people.

White Gods - the first founders of the Egyptian stateA photo from open sources

Most likely, the white population of America, who lived near Paracas Peninsula or elsewhere on the continent has become a way to create the legends of the White Gods, who are known by the names Kukulkan, Kon-Tiki Viracochi and Quetzalcoatl. Sensational however finds in the necropolis on the Paracas Peninsula, and could not shed light, from where and when the mysterious white-skinned people arrived in South America. Probably everything has its time and once the answers to everything questions will be found …

Time Egypt Inca Civilization Stones China Mummies Peru Pyramids Pharaohs Mayan Civilization

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