Who and why are deceiving us, frightening overpopulation the planet

Who and why are deceiving us, frightening the overpopulation of the planetA photo from open sources

How many people living on Earth know that in the middle nineteenth century population of the planet was about a billion human. But even fewer who are wondering where for a half centuries took another six and a half billion?

According to the official version, this became possible because we became live better, overcome the most terrible diseases, drastically reduced infant mortality, in connection with which the duration increased human life. But is it?

Let’s figure it out

Let’s start with the first paragraph. We did not live better, rather vice versa. If you take food, then a century and a half ago humanity has mainly consumed natural food, not refined and even more so unmodified. Same can say about the purity of water, air, not to mention modern continuous chemistry in all spheres of human life – where here take health and increased based on this life span? Maybe cars have added health to us, TVs, mobile devices and computers? ..

A photo from open sources

Now about the success of medicine. Overcome one terrible disease, for example, plague, cholera or tuberculosis, we immediately get from Almighty another, no less terrible and deadly, say, AIDS, cancer, a bunch of cardiovascular diseases, massive depression and so Further. That is, in this regard, we are not very advanced, more Moreover, modern orthodox medicine along with pharmacology rather kills a person than heals. Extend the lives of people these two octopus could not in any case.

Now about child mortality. Even if we admit that she abruptly declined, it does not solve anything, rather the opposite. One and a half centuries due to the high mortality of children, the selection of the most hardy individuals, because parents after the death of one child started another, third, fourth … No one lived without children, and even have one child per family, as is now customary in civilized countries, it was nonsense.

Have human lifespan increased media?

Why, then, modern man began to live longer and managed in a century and a half, suddenly increase the number of inhabitants of the planet almost eight times? And this despite the constant, and also world wars that did not exist before, despite weapons mass destruction, which again no one knew before? Paradox, and more!

A photo from open sources

And the casket just opens: with the advent of the media, especially the radio, then television and, finally, the Internet, an ordinary person became it’s easier to confuse and stupid, inspiring him that on Earth it’s too a lot of people and soon there will not be enough resources to feed all this horde. Surprisingly, it was with the advent of television in every home the population of the earth suddenly mysteriously with three billions jumped to six – in some twenty to thirty years. To lie and inspire people to lie is becoming easier and more pleasant.

Who and why did it take

A reasonable question arises: who needs it and why? It turns out – to the world government in the person of the Illuminati, who It’s easier to keep people in slavery. After all, thanks to such a lie, it’s easy to tell earthlings that wars are justified to some extent, because they lead to a decrease in the number of inhabitants and so overpopulated Earth, which is in the order of things poverty, hunger and other troubles. This is indeed a natural phenomenon with such a huge number of earthlings – not all you feed, no natural and energy resources here Enough! Not to mention the fear of the near future, in which these the Illuminati prophesy to us fifteen, twenty, and even more billions of inhabitants on the planet.

A photo from open sources

But how many inhabitants are there on Earth? It turns out like one and a half centuries ago, no more than a billion people. However, if you if you want to know more about all this – see the documentary the film “The myth of the number of earthlings.”

War Life Health

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