Wooden figures of “keepers” dug up in Peru civilization chimu

Wooden figures dug up in PeruA photo from open sources

Dokolumbova civilization Chimu, as well as its main city (Chimore State) – Chan Chan, flourished in modern territory Chile from about the X century to the year 1470, when this the dominant “metropolis” of that time with 60 thousand people (not less than 10 thousand houses) was conquered and partially destroyed by the Incas.

And although the Incas did not destroy the state of Chimor, making it only vassal power, the city of Chiang Chan itself from that time began gradually decline. It was finally destroyed already Spanish conquistadors.

Archaeologists have long and carefully studied the ruins of this once prosperous city (the largest in South America Dokolumbova period) rather developed ancient civilization. In 1986, Chiang Chan entered even in the register of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

A photo from open sources

And just recently, archaeologists unearthed something amazing here – black wooden figures 70 cm high, and all of them are in white masked. As the scientists suggested, these were the “keepers”, who protected the city from all sorts of misfortunes. Discovered researchers of these amazing “keepers” in one of the rooms, in the niches of the wall of which stood nineteen mysterious figurines.

A photo from open sources

Note that the rulers of the state of Chimor had something to protect, since the city of Chiang Chan kept considerable gold reserves, silver, he was also distinguished by rich ceramics and other solid handicraft products. However, the “guardians”, despite the beliefs chima in them, could not protect the city from the Incas …

Little is left of the culture of Chim, except for the ruins of wall decorations on ancient stone slabs. That’s why today’s find is for archaeologists of Chile, and indeed for everything scientific world, tremendous value.

Civilization Inca Peru

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