A photo from open sources The main astrological event of the first month of the year – Mercury’s turn to retrograde motion. Turn will happen on January 21, the day after the transition of the Sun to sign of Aquarius, however, we will feel the influence of the mentioned retrograde much earlier – January 6th. It will be expressed in increased sensitivity of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems – and the closer to January 21, the stronger. General preventative advice – dress according to the weather, avoid crowded gatherings, keep under controlled nutrition, daily routine, avoid conflict, no one not supporting them when they arise. And remember – if you be reasonable, then the New Year holidays, like January in general Generally, they will pass without unpleasant consequences. Aries In the field special attention – the skin, as well as teeth, hair and musculoskeletal apparatus. Visits to a dermatologist, dentist, trichologist and orthopedic surgeon – each of these specialists, respectively will help get rid of both current and probable problems in the above structures of the body. Caring in advance prevention, you can relax with a light heart. Taurus you have the risk of falls and, unfortunately, injuries is very high – and into the zone The most at risk are the pelvic bones, joints, and thigh bones. Avoiding the most unpleasant – fractures – will help correctly matched shoes. Take away while the street is snowy and slippery high heeled boots and boots the sole. As for sprains, or, it seems, slight bruises – if it happens, do not self-medicate, contact to the traumatologist! Gemini Warm the “lower floor” – in the zone urinary system risk! Limit and use strong alcohol and coffee – now they can provoke inflammatory processes are as easy as hypothermia. Be moderate and in other desires, remember the golden principle of health: in excess is all harmful. Better tune in to positive – instead having to freeze in the frost in thin pantyhose, short light skirts and thin off-season trousers and boots, and even going over with alcohol, getting out from party to party, “nork” in a cozy warm house, on a soft sofa, and in company write down your favorite people or a rumbling cat in front of the TV tangerines and sweets. Feast Cancer with libations and pickles, as well as cold weather, alas, can create sharp digestion problems, in the field of urology, or, worse – with kidneys and liver. Your only salvation is abstinence. In addition, try to eliminate all sorts of stress, which means – stay away from large crowds. And since crayfish love homely warmth and comfort – the flag is in your hands: relax for glory and Do not forget to recharge with vitamin salads and fruits. Leo. The endocrine and digestive systems are very tense. so much so that excess of communication and harmful products (spicy, salty, fried, fatty, alcoholic) can affect your well-being in the most negative way. Only one way out – to spend at least part January in the spa conditions, to cleanse the body, follow a diet after holiday overload. Therefore pamper yourself – get out to the holiday home, or more often make forays for city - skiing, breathing clean air (but not supercool). Virgo Take care of the state cardiovascular system, especially vessels should be protected brain. Therefore, alas, the dry law is now written to you: health is more expensive than traditional libations. After all, the same wine it used to be just berry juice – so what’s stopping you from replacing alcoholic drink is a healthy vitamin drink – grape, apple or any other favorite juice? Libra Festive shoes and clothes can cause foot problems (corns and aching bones of the legs), as well as acute discomfort in the chest and abdomen (tight-fitting underwear, especially with supportive inserts, although it decorates, but harms the blood circulation – with all of of the ensuing problems). Conclusion? Choose outfits without fanaticism – beautiful but comfortable. And then the holiday will be good (and its consequences) – breathing heavily, chest and stomach presses, legs hurt … Scorpio Dancing until you drop and even in model shoes can affect you in the most negative way – overloading and tiring legs, you run the risk of overloading the veins in the legs. And varicose veins and no one needs thrombophlebitis! And generally, be reasonable in your entertainment – now the risk of serious colds is high – to tracheitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Therefore, love yourself – relax, be lazy at home, the benefit of the holidays is long. Sagittarius Protect the musculoskeletal system and endocrine system that are currently at risk. At the first Opportunities change shoes for slippers. And remember: frequent stay amid large and noisy gatherings with overly loud musical decibels, can cause insomnia. Better tune in a good rest on long holidays – in a cozy bed, covered with pillows, in the company of good, pleasant books or movies, with a mug of flavored tea or cocoa. Capricorn The face and lower parts of the spine are most vulnerable now. Be be careful with unfamiliar cosmetics, especially if you apply carnival makeup. Also stay away from candles and fireworks display. Choose casual shoes strictly according to the season – the same applies to the festive: it is best to wear it at a low heeled shoes. Aquarius Take time to visit the orthopedist and book corrective insoles – now it is very important to care for the feet legs, and then you will have no problems either with the ankle or with knees, not with the spine. In addition, the genitourinary system now weakened, there is a risk of catching an infection, or a cold, therefore, insulate yourself and strictly follow hygiene. Fish Be careful and restrained with drinks – and then you won’t have to worry about the kidneys and the entire urinary system, as well as fight high blood pressure. However, discard the narrow high-heeled shoes in favor of comfortable and natural materials, so as not to harm the veins on the legs. Comfort is the key health and good mood. Astrologer Olga Fost
Health Time