10 conspiracy theories about downsizing earth population

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Conspiracy theories regarding the extermination of the earth’s population, associated with the assumption that there is some plan to reduce the population of our planet. Overpopulation of the Earth, depletion of the natural resources and malice are some of the reasons why these theories have arisen. And the powers that be just decided to get rid from “extra mouths” to ensure their survival.

You decide whether or not to believe in these theories of conspiracy about depopulation Of the earth.

1. The hunger pact

A photo from open sources

It is believed that the first conspiracy theory arose in France in the 18th century in connection with the “hunger pact.” In this period in many areas France lacked food due to inclement weather and poorly developed agriculture. As a result of this, food prices and other goods went up.

Many of those who belonged to the middle or lower class, believed that an aristocracy or other shadow group regulates prices on cereals to control a growing population. This led to “flour war” – riots and uprisings in the affected territories. IN in the end, an atmosphere of mistrust and fear spurred the French revolution.

2. The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project is a major international project to decipher the human genome. However, there is a theory that this the project is nothing more than a cover for eugenists who develop methods to eradicate the people they consider “lower” and unsuitable for this planet.

According to theory, the ultimate goal of the project is to identify and the destruction of “bad genes” around the world. Genome identification would allow humans to create biological weapons for the inconspicuous sterilization and extermination of the “lower races”.

3. Global warming

The very existence of global warming is subject to numerous disputes. There are also those who believe that the campaign to contain global warming is just a ploy to Depopulation program implementation.

According to theory, a campaign to reduce fossil fuels and substances harmful to the environment, helps to reduce food and energy production worldwide.

Such hunger and poverty created by man will lead to global genocide and the destruction of the global economy, which will facilitate introduction of a new world order.

4. Pandemics

We are used to thinking that pandemics are naturally occurring outbreaks of disease that have existed since time immemorial. However, there is a theory that pandemics are far from natural origin, but in fact are an attempt to exterminate Earth population.

For example, it is claimed that the Spanish flu that brought to the death of 20-100 million people from 1918 to 1920, was nothing else, as a scheme to reduce the world’s population.

Moreover, all outbreaks of disease, including swine flu and Ebola fever are considered artificial diseases created by those who want to reduce the world’s population.

5. The Tablets of Georgia

A photo from open sources

Tablets of Georgia, also called American “Stonehenge” are a monument, origin and destination which remains a mystery.

The towering structure, which is located in Albert County, Georgia State, USA, contains 10 commandments written in 8 different languages ​​considered to be followed for the sake of well-being of humanity.

However, there is a theory that the monument is a guide for instigators of the extermination of the population of the Earth. So in the first commandment it’s written that the world’s population should not exceed 500 million, to “stay in constant balance with nature.”

Supporters also believe that the rest of the commandments also support the scenario of the new world order.

6. Aliens

According to the advocates of this theory, the New World Order, Illuminati and other organizations are just puppets in their hands aliens who want to implement a depopulation plan. So way, exterminating the world’s population will help them reduce resistance when the time comes to take over the world.

Presumably, the people who collaborate with them will saved or rewarded for their efforts.

Supporters believe that aliens work with these people, beginning with the era of Nazi Germany, equipping those technologies for enslavement of the rest of the world. When the plan failed, the aliens left into the shadows and started working with other secret groups to exterminate the world’s population.

7. The film “Green Soylent”

A photo from open sources

In the film “Green Soylent,” filmed in 1973, the action takes place in 2022, where the Earth is shown with depleted natural resources and overpopulation. While rich people live in secluded enclaves and control everything, the rest live life in poverty, hunger and pollution.

The only thing that supports them is mass-produced product of a large corporation called “green soilent.” In the end a detective working on a murder case finds out that “green soilent “made from the bodies of dead people, which is kept secret the powers that be.

Although this is only a film, there is a theory that Green Soylent is a hint of our future and a scheme, which will prepare us for the inevitable: we will become food for others people.

8. Codex Alimentarius

Codex Alimentarius was created by the Food and United Nations Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1963 and represents set of food safety standards that countries can to follow.

According to conspiracy theory, the code is actually a plan to destroy the world’s population through world control food resources.

Codex promotes the spread of genetically modified products instead of natural and gradual rejection of vitamins and minerals. Presumably the ultimate goal is death 3 billions of people through malnutrition and distribution lifestyle related diseases.

The Code is also linked to another plan of action adopted by the UN, titled Agenda 21, which is also considered conspiracy to create a new world order.

9. The extinction of the white race

According to another conspiracy theory, white people will one day die out. As in the theory of “black genocide”, for this scenario there are a variety of methods, such as birth control, mixed marriages, encouraging the influx of migrants.

It is not surprising that such views are held by those who belongs to a group of supermassists who believe that merging with another nation will lead to the extinction of the white race.

10. Lesbian orientation

Another theory of depopulation is the use of people with unconventional orientation to reduce the world’s population.

The promotion of such a lifestyle contributes to the extermination population, as it prevents the production of offspring and continuation of the human race. It is also believed that feminism is a malicious attempt to reduce the world’s population.

Time Global Warming Life

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