Prediction of abnormal solar activity which immerses the earth in technological chaos, made back in 2008 and now not justified. Photos from open sources The second day of all the news feeds in The Internet is full of predictions about the end of the world, which will begin 21 September The other is worse – the sun will burn the earth, will global blackout due to the strongest in history magnetic storm planets, and much more, which, in the end, will lead to the death of mankind. The reason for the birth of such allegations there is. This is a global forecast made by American scientists. Academy of Sciences four years ago. Then the scientists analyzed data on solar activity, tried to predict what could occur in the event of a severe solar storm. Such under assumptions should happen in September 2012.
The sun will throw in our side of a cloud of red-hot plasma, the so-called “ideal” electromagnetic storm, the consequences of which will be comparable to the fall of a giant asteroid, or even nuclear war. According to the scenario, electricity may turn off, all computers will exit out of order, satellites hanging in orbit fall to the ground … In short, disaster film “2012”. However, forecasts are predictions, but scientists are clearly miscalculated. The last serious outbreak in the sun was recorded September 1, 2012 Two days later stream charged particles reached Earth and brought our magnetic shell into slight confusion. Since then, the luminary has behaved quietly. According to all agencies tracking space weather, from 21 on September 23, solar activity “will be low.” how reports “The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory”, over the past there were three flashes in the sun on a day, but not one of the streams moves to the earth. So the inhabitants of the planet can sleep peacefully. At least at least September 22, the end of the world will not come. And electricity in sockets will definitely be, unless of course in your house does not burn out anything.
NASA GIVES ANSWER TO THREE NAIVE PEOPLE’S QUESTIONS 1. Is there a danger of giant solar storms in 2012? – Solar activity has a regular cycle with peaks of approximately every 11 years. At these peak moments, solar flares may cause interruptions in satellite communications. But now the engineers are trying create electronics that are protected from solar storms. Not no special risks associated with 2012. Next sunny the maximum falls on 2012-2014. According to forecasts, it will be the average solar cycle, no different from the previous one. 2.Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? – nothing the worst will not happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet got along with The sun is more than 4 billion years old, and trustworthy scientists in all over the world, do not see threats to its continued existence. All began with a prediction discovered by ancient Sumerians that The planet Nibiru is heading for Earth. Disaster was first predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the end the light was postponed to December 2012. Then these fables were associated with the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar during winter solstice in 2012 – hence the end of the world at 21 December 2012 3. Can a meteorite hit the Earth in 2012 year? – Earth is always threatened by impacts of comets and asteroids, although this is very rare.
The last big influence of space the body was 65 million years ago, which probably led to extinction dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers conduct research, there’s even such a “Space Guard” that explores large near-Earth asteroids. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as big as the one that killed the dinosaurs. This work done openly – you can follow all the news on the site NASA, and you can see for yourself that nothing will happen in 2012. WHAT PHYSICIANS AFRAID The last solar storm, the strongest Of all those described by man, it happened in 1859. Then shone not only the north pole that takes over the solar bombardment. Unusual radiance seen even in the Caribbean and to Peru. Then the telegraph systems failed, and the compasses didn’t could understand where the north is, where the south is. According to the analysis of layers of ice crust on pole, similar abnormal storms occur once every 500 years. But also less powerful storms that occur about once every 50 years, capable of destroying space satellites, disrupting radio communications and cause a global power outage. Of course calendar there are no such events, but scientists speculate that in case anxiety to be prepared.