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Ways to solve such important world problems as, say, global warming and pollution – pretty different and sometimes even unpredictable. Your attention – the top 10 most crazy ones.
A photo from open sources 1. Ban plastic bags and light bulbs Activists of China decided to rid the country of “plastic pollution”, completely abandoning consumption plastic bags. And the Australian government is trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy by phasing out sales of incandescent lamps. And those and others restrictions are not feasible because the alternatives are very roads to bring to life.
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2. The limit on emissions into the atmosphere. Many countries of the world. signed agreements to reduce the amount of harmful substances, emitted into the atmosphere by nuclear power plants, as well as various kinds industrial enterprises. True, such restrictions may significantly damage the global economy.
A photo from open sources 3. Construction from garbage One of engineers of the University of Leeds (UK) suggested structural material for building construction, which made from surrounding garbage (e.g. recycled glass, wood shavings, etc.). According to some specialists, the production of building blocks from such material cheaper than conventional ones used in construction. Till this technology is not widespread, but in the future everything is possible!
A photo from open sources 4. Carbon dioxide Due to the fact that carbon dioxide emissions accumulate in the atmosphere, occurs Earth warming. To delay this unpleasant moment, scientists suggested storing excess gas underground in special storage facilities. However, they did not take into account the crazy costs associated with gas compression and discharge, as well as what to do if it suddenly seep out of the ground.
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5. Diet One study in the United States showed that if people refuse to consume red meat, it will decrease carbon dioxide emissions. Also food and an agricultural organization within the UN estimated that the meat industry is responsible for 20% of global emissions greenhouse gases to the atmosphere due to the use of fertilizers (manure), as well as due to the cost of energy necessary for transportation products.
A photo from open sources 6. Worms in the kitchen Turns out worms at home can be very useful! Especially if you place them in your bin. They will gladly turn leftover food in compost that is great as fertilizers. Unless, of course, you are against such pets.
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7. Sulfur It is believed that the smallest particles of sulfur reflect part of the solar radiation and return it back to space. Strong sulfur emissions into the atmosphere occur during a volcanic eruption. Some scientists have suggested resisting global warming with using artificial sulfur emissions. However, they did not take into account the huge the likelihood of acid rain. Photos from open sources
8. Influence on the oceans The idea of ecologist James Lovelock is: to fight global warming, it is necessary to use special pipes that will affect the movement of currents in the oceans, which in turn will allow nutrient-rich waters come to the surface and deliver food to algae, which during the synthesis will absorb carbon dioxide. However, this method is not effective, because even if you conduct this experiment today, the process warming will continue for a very long time. Not to mention about the likely high cost of this innovation. Photos from open sources
9. Iron at the bottom of the ocean plankton absorbs remarkably carbon dioxide, and since iron stimulates its growth, some scientists have proposed fertilizing the ocean with iron. However a number researchers have shown that such a move can significantly harm ocean ecosystem. Photos from open sources
10. Sunglasses Some scientists have suggested protect our planet from global warming with the help of an effect sunglasses. That is, using special orbital apparatuses, scatter solar radiation. The embodiment of this idea on today is valued at trillions of dollars.
Translation by Sergey Vasilenkov
Global Warming Time