A photo from open sources
The current year is drawing to a close. And although we did not wait yet the main event of the year – the end of 13 baktun (cycle of 5125 years) by Mayan calendar, we can not resist the temptation to take stock. We have collected ten key events of the current year in the field of medicine and global health that are simply impossible skip. Our event rating is not entirely standard. We tried to highlight the most outstanding events of the past year, that reveal important issues and shed light on adverse trends in the development of medicine. We will not talk about success, because knowing the weaknesses is much more important. So, let’s start. 10th place: global warming carries the risk of epidemics Gloomy predictions of ecologists about global warming are already starting come true. One of the first swallows on which we can feel climate change is likely to become an increase in intestinal incidence infections. Cases when bacteria are transmitted to humans during eating raw seafood or raw water is no longer rarity in the cool waters of the Baltic Sea. These microorganisms from the genus vibrios (lat. vibrio) can cause epidemics of cholera or other intestinal infections. International group scientists analyzed changes in sea temperature and records from satellites, as well as statistics on cases of infection. The number and distribution of cases in the region Baltic Sea were associated with surface temperature peaks layer of water in the sea. Outbreaks of disease have also occurred in moderate to colder regions of Chile, Peru, Israel, the northwestern United States and northwest of Spain. Climate studies prove growth greenhouse gas emissions increase average temperature the surface of the sea by about 0.17 ° C for every decade from 1980 to 2010 year. In addition to global warming, more frequent and heavy precipitation, which leads to a decrease in salt content in estuaries and coastal wetlands. It leads to that bacteria strains of the genus Vibrio appear in new areas. 9th place: vegetarianism is the future of mankind Photos from open sources We are waiting for the vegetarian world in 2050 year? Photo: nvtgroup.co.uk
Reducing red meat consumption may not benefit only to our body, but also to the environment. results numerous studies hint to us that the rejection of red meat can change our lives for the better. Scientists from cambridge University found that reducing consumption of red meat may lead to a reduction in the incidence of chronic diseases by 3% -12%, and also reduce carbon dioxide emissions almost 28 million tons per year. This year in a study Harvard University involved 83,644 women and 37,698 men who reported their diets every four years and were examined. Scientists also found that beef, lamb and pork increase the risk of death from heart disease and cancer. If red meat is replaced with chicken, fish or nuts, the risk diseases will decrease markedly. Scientists draw even bolder conclusions from the International Water Institute in Stockholm. In the year 2050, when we’ll become 9 billion, we won’t be able to exist, if you keep the current way of eating. Water scarcity and agricultural land will not allow to provide the entire population necessary food. Scientists have concluded that humanity will have to lead a vegetarian lifestyle in order to preserve health and the planet. 8th place: euthanasia is gaining momentum Hippocrates might have felt deep sadness, if I knew that doctors are now helping to die. According to, provided by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, The number of euthanasia cases in Switzerland is growing every year. Behind the last 10 years, about 700 Swiss have passed away prematurely with using euthanasia. In Switzerland, in 3% of cases, the cause of euthanasia became deeply depressed. In March this year in the Netherlands were organized six teams of euthanasiologists who will to go home. For Russia, this issue is still closed, because, according to the currently accepted “Oath of the Doctor of Russia”, the doctor must “show the highest respect for human life, never resort to the implementation of euthanasia. “7th place: Russia takes 97th place in terms of health Agency Bloomberg indexed 145 countries of the world where the population exceeded 1 million human. The health level was calculated by subtracting the index of factors risk from a country’s health index. When assessing the health of residents of countries took into account life expectancy, infant mortality, mortality by age, their causes, expected duration the lives of men and women over the age of 65. For factors the risk was the percentage of smokers over 15 years old, level alcohol consumption per capita, percentage of people having overweight and obesity, the percentage of the population with an increased level cholesterol, high blood pressure, high glucose, percentage of HIV-infected, environmental situation in country, childhood diseases, maternal mortality. Research showed that the healthiest people live in Singapore, then in Italy, Australia, Switzerland and Japan. In the top ten also turned out to be: Israel, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany. Great Britain was in 21st place, the United States in 33rd place. Russia took 97th place, next to East Timor, Madagascar, Iraq and Bangladesh 6th place: popular eugenics Founder Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates as part of his program The Great Tasks of the Global Health Program Funds about 80 research programs. Directions of his activity – these are new contraceptive technologies, the development of vaccination and GMOs. IN 2010, Bill Gates talked about the problem at the TED conference CO2 emissions. He introduced viewers to the emission formula CO2 In this formula, according to Gates, the key factor is people consuming services and energy. Therefore, to cut emissions, it is necessary to reduce the number of people. Bill Gates said: “In the world today, 6.8 billion people … soon this number will increase to about 9 billion. If we really spend a lot of work to create new vaccines and health care, protection reproductive health, we can reduce this amount, perhaps 10 or 15%. “2012 did not go empty for Gates. With with the help of scientists from the University of North Carolina he came up with “affordable, affordable, reliable and reversible way for men contraception. “This convenient method is ultrasonic irradiation testicles, after which spermatogenesis is inhibited to a degree infertility. Scientists have discovered that if exposed to ultrasound testicles of rats or monkeys for two times for 15 minutes, then the number of viable sperm in semen is reduced to infertility level. Then the probability to conceive offspring during six months approaching zero. Scientists plan to test the method on male volunteers. 5th place: pharmaceutical chaos Photo from open sources Photo: ODD ANDERSEN / AFP / Getty Images
In 2012, many pharmaceutical frauds were uncovered. giants. Some of them are striking in their scale and cruelty. For example, as a result of testing British vaccines pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline killed 14 babies from poor Argentine families. Journalists are not allowed to run the case on brakes. As a result of investigations, it was found that in The tests involved thousands of children. For each vaccinated child “doctors” received from the company at $ 300-400. Immoral medical the activities of a pharmaceutical company were proven in court, in As a result, she escaped with a ridiculous fine of $ 93,000. GlaxoSmithKline has also been punished in the United States. After about of a nine-year federal investigation, it became clear that GSK rampantly abused laws and carried out illegal drug marketing, fake results safety research, bribing doctors, and also promoted the creation and distribution of dangerous and expensive drugs. Instead having to prosecute each person responsible for the crime, the federal government simply billed over $ 1 billion in the form of criminal fines and $ 2 billion in civil fines. These $ 3 billion – just a small fraction of the profits GSK made. GlaxoSmithKline is the largest pharmaceutical company, the total number of its staff is about 100 thousand people. This is one of the largest (second in the world after Pfizer) pharmaceutical companies for product turnover. Company annually earns revenue of tens of billions of pounds. Company is engaged in the sale of therapeutic drugs (Augmentin, Panadol, Coldrex, Solpadein), and is also well known throughout the world as vaccine manufacturer. The company produces more than 3 daily million doses of vaccines (about 30 types) that come in 176 countries of the world. 4th place: deceptive statins Cardiovascular diseases take leading places in reports on incidence and mortality worldwide. One of the leading theories of occurrence cardiovascular disorders links them to processes atherosclerosis and increased levels of “bad cholesterol.” Statins (lipid-lowering drugs) are used to reduce bad cholesterol levels and warnings atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Thus, it is believed that statins prevent the development of vascular disorders like myocardial ischemia, as well as strokes and heart attacks. Tens of millions take them. people all over the world. However, statins have pronounced side effects. effects. As it became known this year, taking statins is significantly increases the chances of getting diabetes. In study Women’s Health Initiative attended by 153,000 women over 45 years. The study began in 1990. When summed up, it turned out that almost 10% of women taking statins developed diabetes, compared with 6.4% of women who did not take statins. Although the difference seems small, statins invest significant role in the development of diabetes in women. Statins are positioned as panacea for key heart disease and related complications. However, the connection between diabetes and coronary disease hearts are extremely strong. Adults with diabetes 2-4 times more likely to suffer from heart disease or strokes. Then what we treat statins? 3rd place: vaccines leave questions B recently, scientists are trying to create vaccines almost on every case. If this goes further, then soon we will have to every day to do some vaccination. However, this year, scientists from Harvard Medical School found that in theory vaccination is not all clear. The theory goes that in order to the body could cope with the infection, it needs to be helped by stimulating the production of antibodies against pathogen antigens. It is possible achieved by having this infection, or by introducing it into the body a vaccine containing a weakened or killed pathogen. So acquired immunity is formed. New evidence proves that innate immunity plays a perhaps more important role in the fight against infections than acquired. Scientists believe that acquired immune antibodies are not able to fight some infections. However, innate immunity can easily overcome them if it is not to interfere. Researchers believe this can go a long way. for further analysis of the role of antibodies in the fight against similar viruses attacking the nervous system, such as rabies virus or West Nile fever. This year, data were also received on the association of mercury-containing vaccines with the development of autism. Study scientists from the University of Pittsburgh found that in macaques vaccinated MMR vaccine, biological changes observed (problems with gastrointestinal tract), as well as changes in behavior, similar to those observed in children with autism. Many from cubs of monkeys who received standard doses of childhood vaccines, symptoms of autism appeared. The results were presented at International Autism Research Meeting (IMFAR). IN currently a team of scientists from the University of Pittsburgh insists on a series of large-scale studies, which have never been done before. 2nd place: bacteria took the last bastion of Vancomycin died the death of the brave. is he personified the last hopes of pharmaceutical companies in opposition to the microworld and antibiotics. Now he is no longer is invincible. The deadly strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become resistant to it. It must had ever happened, and it happened. Doctors believe that although the deadly strain has not spread beyond US hospitals, last-line antibiotic vancomycin can’t now be considered a panacea. Now there is a VRSA that is not afraid of either one antibiotic from the pharmaceutical market. what further? Perhaps this does not mean the end of everything, but will lead to a new development. There are many alternatives to antibiotics that have far fewer side effects. For example, colloidal silver, bacteriophages, plant components. 1st place: GMO associated with the development of cancer, GMOs lead to multiple tumors. GMOs lead to multiple tumors. Collage: Cyril BELAN / Great The Epoch Times Although the experiment with the use of GMOs on people in real life have been stretching for many years, large-scale there were practically no studies. In 2012 were published data from two studies that dispelled safety concerns GMO. At the conference “Days of protection against environmental hazards”, which took place in Russia since April 15, scientists have proposed to introduce in Russia’s temporary moratorium on the use of GMOs. The fact is that according to the results of the experiments of the National Association Institute for Genetic Safety and the Institute for Ecology and Evolution them. Severtsov RAS, genetically modified organisms are harmful for mammals. Russian scientists have found that GMOs lead to extinction: laboratory animals already in the 3rd generation lose ability to reproduce. The second study was conducted scientists from the University of Caen in France. All previous studies limited to a period of 90 days. For the first time in a rat study fed for life one of the best-selling GM corn sold around the world, resulting in animals developing multiple organ damage. Dr. Michael Anthony, Genetics Expert modified products, Royal molecular biologist college in London, so commented on the results: “It’s just an incredible number of tumors that develop early and very actively, in particular, in female animals. I am amazed at these extremely negative health effects. “French team scientists are not trying to cause a panic, but once again insists on large-scale abandoned research manufacturers of GM products. After all, the governments of many countries take the side of DuPont, Monsanto and other biotechnology giants, who assure the safety of GMOs, and do not require any evidence. Cyril BELAN
Bill Gates Viruses Water Time Global Warming Life Health Israel Climate Netherlands Peru Russia USA Epidemics