For the Earth, the threat of radionuclide pollution has long been relevant and intimidating. In 2010, this type of toxic threat was recognized as the 6th in terms of danger of prolonged or single impacts on humans and nature. However, most of our residents the planet still does not know that the foci of radioactive contamination not necessarily occur after accidents at nuclear power plants such as Fukushima or Chernobyl. They are on every continent and gradually and consistently destroy the ecological situation and undermine people’s health. Sadly, this happens with the active participation of the man who allegedly tamed the “peaceful atom”. Photos from open sources To date, the top ten Plots contaminated with radioactive waste include: 10. Hanford, USA
Photos from open sources Park of storage tanks radioactive waste from the processing of plutonium, which is part of bombs for Nagasaki, was built in the 1940s in Hanford, state Washington. Despite the use of highly hazardous substances, in the park has always had single-walled tanks. Many tanks under the effect of time has long been rusted and started to leak, and dangerous substances penetrate into groundwater barrier-free for ten years. Now Hanford has two-thirds of US radioactive waste, that is, almost 201 million gallons of liquid waste, 708 thousand m3 solid waste and 200 square meters. miles of contaminated groundwater under ground. Thus, the USA, having received a temporary victory over Japan almost a century ago, created on its own territory real radioactive hell. 9. The Mediterranean Over many years in Italy there was a rumor that the local mafia Ndranget syndicate has long been a kind of business in disposal of hazardous waste, including radioactive waste, right in Mediterranean Sea. For discreet waste collection in the mafia sea get your profit. According to Italian non-governmental Legambiente organization, since 1994 in the waters of the sea disappeared approximately 40 ships loaded with poisonous and radioactive waste. If true, then splashing in the waters of the Mediterranean unknown amount of nuclear waste whose true danger will open when containers with hundreds of barrels of radiation lose integrity or permanently decompose in water.
Open Source Photos Estimated Drop Points radioactive waste in the Mediterranean. 8. The coast Somalia There is evidence that the above Italian mafiosi were not limited to the vastness of the Mediterranean Sea for carrying out his radioactive business. Probably in for similar purposes they used Somali water and soil, unprotected by the government. There by agreement with local bandits dumped and disposed of nuclear waste and toxic metals, namely 600 barrels of toxic and nuclear waste, as well as radioactive waste from hospital activities. According to participants UN Environment Program All Rusting waste barrels washed on the Somali coast during the tsunami 2004, fell into the water back in the 1990s, not without the help of the mafia.
Photos from open sources Illegal nuclear and toxic waste in waters of Somalia. 7. Chemical plant Mayak, Russia industrial complex Mayak, located in the northeast Russia, for many decades, a nuclear installation, which in 1957 there was a terrible nuclear accident. During the explosion released up to 100 tons of radioactive waste. However information about the explosion was classified until the 1980s. after declassification it became known that before the explosion, that is, starting with 1950s, waste from the lighthouse constantly dumped into the environment space in Lake Karachay. This led to local pollution water supply channels with radioactive elements and nothing suspicious local people for decades every day continued to use such water. Experts suggest that Lake. Karachay can be safely called the most radioactive place in the world, after all, living near him and working on the Lighthouse are more than 400 thousand people are constantly exposed to radiation, concentration which in some places is so high that in an hour it can kill a person.
Photos from open sources Pollution zone near the plant Lighthouse. 6. Sellafield, UK Located in the west coast of England, Sellafield was originally an industrial facility producing plutonium for nuclear bombs but later turned into commercial structure. Almost immediately afterwards in Sellafield hundreds of accidents began to occur all the time. About seriousness accidents says the fact that two-thirds of the factory buildings themselves have long been classified as nuclear waste. Unfortunately, the plant continues discharge approximately 8 million liters of contaminated waste into the sea daily turning the Irish Sea into the most radioactive sea in the world.
Photos from open sources Map of Sellafield plant, UK. 5. Siberian Chemical Plant Mayak is not the only place in Russia, badly damaged by radiation. Siberia is still based one chemical enterprise in which more than 40-year stockpile of nuclear waste. Liquid waste is stored in open pools, poorly insulated containers hold more than 125 thousand tons of solid waste, while underground storage facilities are about to begin to leak, supplying radiation to groundwater. Wind and rain has already spread pollution in the environment, and various local accidents led to plutonium leakage and explosions, spreading radiation.
Photo from open sources Image of the Siberian Chemical plant on the map 4. Landfill, Kazakhstan This Kazakh the facility was previously a place for testing the Soviet nuclear weapons. Nuclear bombs were tested at the Testing Ground, citing the fact that the territory here is completely deserted, although in this area About 700,000 people lived at that time. For 40 years (since 1949 by 1989) the USSR organized 456 nuclear test explosions, which is not could not affect the state of local nature even for hundreds kilometers from the landfill, because the effect of the desert winds no one canceled. Annually held exercises became public only with the collapse of the USSR. According to preliminary estimates, 200 thousand people could directly suffer from almost direct the impact of “training” radiation on them, and in the future undermined it turned out that not one generation of the Polygon neighbors had health.
Photos from open sources Test nuclear sites explosions in Semipalatinsk. 3. Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan This Kyrgyz city is on the list of the most dangerous in terms of radiation from places on the planet not due to nuclear explosions or waste chemical industry, and because of the ways of mining fossils in local mines and materials which in doing so are used. It was in Mailuu-Suu that the mining of uranium and its processing, after which in the vicinity of the village grew 36 individual mountains of radioactive waste with a volume of more than 1.96 million m3. Since sometimes occur in this part of Kyrgyzstan earthquakes, radioactive debris shakes every now and then it gets into rivers, from which hundreds of thousands of people use water.
Photos from open sources The world community is extremely concerned volumes of uranium waste in Mailuu-Suu 2. Chernobyl, Ukraine Chernobyl, where the worst and the worst happened the largest resonance nuclear accident in modern history, so far pore has the highest levels of radioactive contamination. IN exclusion zone covering two states, Ukraine and Belarus, people are still not allowed to enter without much resolution, although 27 years have passed since the disaster. In 1986 the first wave of radiation after the explosion hit more than 6 million people. From 4 to 93 thousand people died instantly or shortly after the accident. The level of released radiation was 100 times higher than that. after the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. 70% of radiation got to the territory of Belarus, since then it has been growing steadily number of cancers.
Photos from open sources Exclusion zone in Ukraine after the Chernobyl disaster has an approximate area of 2,598 km2, in Belarus 266.1 ha. 1. Fukushima, Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami (March 2011) led to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Consequences of this accidents may be as long-term as those of Chernobyl, after all, this is the first such a massive nuclear disaster since 1986 of the year. After damage to three of the 6 operating reactors from Fukushima in the sea spilled a huge amount of hazardous substances. Signs of radiation were seen even 300 km from the coast of Japan. The exact amount of released radiation has not yet been determined, difficulties arise with the assessment of possible damage to the environment Wednesday.
Photos from open sources cesium-137 after the Fukushima accident.
Great Britain Water Time Health Earthquakes Kazakhstan Russia Siberia USSR USA Ukraine Japan