Great Britain has many historical mysteries, and one of them is the Shell Grotto, which located in Margaret in Kent. This decorated many shells underground corridor more than twenty meters long was discovered in 1835, and its origin remained a secret. Almost all surface areas of the walls and ceiling of the Grotto covered with mosaics made entirely from local shells origin. The total area of the mosaic is 190 square meters; the creation took 4.6 million shells. Photo from open sources
The Shell Grotto consists of an underground passage of approximately 2.4 m in height and 21 m in length, ending in a rectangular room (altar chamber) about 5 by 6 m. About the middle in the tunnel placed a massive pillar of rotunda. There is a museum near the grotto, Gift shop and cafe.
A photo from open sources
The purpose of the construction is unknown, and various theories of it construction vary within 3000 years. Alone speculations connect the Grotto with the Templars, others with the ancients Phoenicians. The last statement recently finds everything more adherents in pseudoscience because some the patterns laid out by shells evoke associations with the Phoenician characters.
A photo from open sources
These assumptions are fueled by the fact that the name of the county of Kent, where Margate is currently believed to be going on from the name of the Phoenician goddess Tanit. Despite the fact that many consider some fragments of the panel as a crocodile, owl or turtle, the abstract nature of these images makes these sentences highly subjective.
A photo from open sources
Due to the fact that scientific attempts to date the Grotto with radiocarbon analysis failed, today is the age The design is uncertain. Among other factors, analysis prevents the soot, which covered the shells over time operation since in the 1800s for lighting The sights used were Victorian lamps.
A photo from open sources
Lighting with lamps caused the once colorful surfaces, which, moreover, are under constant exposure to water and moisture. In addition, it was found that the mainsail in the XIX century was rebuilt several times: a new arch was added, so called the “altar” as well as some panels and niches were deleted and then restored.
A photo from open sources
The original floor was also completely dismantled. During World War II eastern wall of the so-called “altar” The camera was destroyed by a bomb. Mysterious shell grotto with every year more and more heats up the interest of tourists from all over the world, who wish to admire the work of the unknown masters.
A photo from open sources
And there is something to see: thousands of multi-colored sea shells the inhabitants are skillfully laid out in the form of intricate patterns that do not leave anyone indifferent, creating in the head of each spectator an endless stream of associations and versions of origin.
A photo из открытых источников
A photo из открытых источников
Фотоfrom open sources Entrance to the attraction in 1867
Фотоfrom open sources Gift shop and cafe near the Grotto ракушек
Фотоfrom open sources Time