Curious information about ancient settlements that existed in Siberia and Altai before the mass arrival here Russian people, for some reason, are deprived of the attention of historians, archaeologists and other specialists. Siberia – the land is not historical? Photos from open sources Assessment of Siberia as a “land unhistorical “was first given by one of the creators of the notorious “Norman theory” German in the Russian service Gerard Miller. First Siberian historian says that “immediately before the Russian the conquest of these places by them … owned by the Kyrgyz, pagan Tatar nation … Here and there they still find traces of old cities and fortifications in which these peoples were located. “A similar approach, when the existence of ancient cities in Siberia denied, but not particularly interested in researchers, saved until now. The vast majority of domestic historians still share the assessment given by the “father of history Siberia “by Gerard Miller as an unhistorical land, and in this regard stubbornly do not notice the cities that stood here for hundreds, but what there! – thousands of years before the appearance of Ermak. Archaeologists for a few with the exception, almost no digs of the remains of Russian fortifications, cities and settlements, although there is a lot of information about these signs the highest civilization of the peoples who once lived here.
Photos from open sources Accounting for Siberian cities was laid yet in doermak times. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible commanded “Big Drawing” of the Russian land. Soon, such a map was created, but during the Time of Troubles disappeared, but the description of the land has been preserved. In 1627 In the discharge order, the clerks Likhachev and Danilov were completed the “Book of the Great Drawing”, in which only In the north-west of Siberia, about a hundred cities are mentioned. Yes, indeed, when the Cossacks at the beginning of the XVII century came to Siberia, they didn’t find big cities. But small fortresses, called towns, he met in many. So, according to Ambassadorial order, only in Priobye at the end of the 17th century 94 cities were overlaid with yasak. On the foundation of the past. News of Siberian cities in ancient times came from the Arab travelers. So, at the turn of the VIII-IX centuries, the Arab Tamim Ibn al-Muttawai, traveling from the city of Taraz on the Talas River to the capital city of the Uyghurs Ordu-bylyk on the Orkhon River, reported on the capital of the king of Kimaks on the Irtysh. 40 days after departure from Taraz he arrived in the great fortified city of the king, surrounded by cultivated land with villages. The city has 12 huge iron gate, many inhabitants, crowded, busy trading on numerous bazaars. Al Muttawai saw the ruined city on southwestern Altai, near Lake Zaysan, but couldn’t questions to establish who and when built it and by whom and when was destroyed. The richest ore region discovered by the Russians miners in the Altai mountains at the beginning of the XVIII century, which is now called the Ore Altai, in fact it was opened for many centuries before them. The ore miners only rediscovered it. Faithful search engines a sign served as a development, hastily abandoned by ancient people. Who they are is still unknown for certain; specialists along with publicists call them a miracle.
Photos from open sources Legends about the riches of the Altai mountains were known even in ancient Greece. The father of history Herodotus wrote about arimaspach and “vultures guarding the gold.” According to famous scientists Alexander Humboldt, Peter Chikhachev and Sergey Rudenko, under arimaspami and vultures (flu) Herodotus meant the population Ore Altai. In addition, Humboldt and Chikhachev believed that it was Altai and Ural gold ore deposits were the main gold sources of European Scythians and Greek antique colonies. In the Altai Mountains in the first millennium BC era there was a rich and vibrant culture that was discovered Sergei Rudenko in the years 1929-1947 during the excavations of the Pazyryk barrows. He believes civilization disappeared in a short time, possibly as a result of an epidemic, enemy invasion or starvation. However, when the Russians arrived in southern Siberia, they found that Aborigines, in this case Shors, perfectly cope with metal processing. No wonder the first city founded here in 1618 year, was erected on the site of their town and named Kuznetsk. About it Kubnetskiy’s reply to the Siberian order testifies Governor Gvintovkin. Where settlements were formerly located ancient people, were also built Tyumen, Tomsk, Omsk, Semipalatinsk, Barnaul and many other Siberian cities. For instance, it is reliably known that in the vicinity of the Oktyabrskaya metro station of modern Novosibirsk there was a large fortress of a local tribe Zattyrt (in Russian – Chats). It ended June 22, 1589 16-year war of the Moscow state with Khan Kuchum. Governor Voeikov gave him a fight at the site of the current Novosibirsk hydroelectric station. Khan Kuchum for some time he was hiding in the fortress from the chase, but then he accepted the decision to leave, having parted forever with his Siberian Khanate. Her the ruins survived until the arrival of bridge builders. And in 1912 their described by Nikolai Litvinov, compiler of the very first reference book Novonikolaevsk. By the way, Nikolai Pavlovich in the years 1924-1926 headed the Rubtsovsky district health department. However experts, as mesmerized by continuing to repeat about the “richest history of Siberia, “reluctantly peeking back centuries. As if they have deal with the legendary city of Kitezh, immersed in the lake … Russian natives In 1999, an ancient city was discovered, located in the Zdvinsky district of the Novosibirsk region (until 1917 it was territory of Altai), on the shore of Lake Chicha. Age of settlement turned out to be sensationally great – VIII-VII century BC, that is, in much earlier times than the appearance in Siberia is the first city of the Hunnic era. This confirmed the hypothesis that Siberian civilization is much older than it seemed. Judging by excavations and fragments of household utensils found here There were people of European appearance. It is possible that Chichaburg was the intersection of the paths of various peoples, the center of Ancient Siberia. The first mention of a shopping trip along the Ob to Russian merchants is noted 1139 year. Then the Novgorodian Andrii went to her mouth and brought from there a big load of furs. Interesting for us is what he discovered. at the mouth of the Ob, a Russian settlement in which bargaining existed, on which, as it turned out, the Russian merchants had already exchanged their goods for excellent Siberian furs. There is a little information published, in particular, in the book of Leonid Kyzlasov “Ancient the city of Siberia “that Russian merchants in the XII – early XIII centuries traded with the cities of the Kyrgyz Kaganate. Amazing but perfectly preserved mummies of women and men discovered in mid-1990s on the Altai Ukok plateau, belonged not to the Mongoloid, but to the Caucasian race. A jewelry and elegant products of the Scythian, or “animal” style, dug by bouglers in the ancient mounds of Altai, also testify to the high culture of the ancients living here peoples, their close ties with the world, in particular, with Asia Minor.
Photos from open sources Near the borders of the Altai Territory and Kazakhstan archaeologists have discovered large settlements of the Bronze Age, called by them not quite successfully – proto-cities or settlements, claiming the status of cities. These are unfenced formations, occupying unusually large areas – from five to thirty hectares. For example, Kent occupies 30 hectares, Bugula I – eleven, Myrzhik – three hectares. Around the settlement of Kent within a radius of five kilometers the villages of Baishura, Akim-bey, Domalactas, Naiza, Narbas were located Kzyltas and others. Descriptions of both flowering and destroyed ancient Siberian cities before Ermak can be found at authors such as Tahir Marwazi, Salam at-Tardjuman, Ibn Khordadbeh, Chan Chun, Marco Polo, Rashid ad-Din, Snorri Sturlusson, Abul Ghazi, Sigismund Herberstein, Milesku Spafarii, Nikolai Witsen. Reached us the following names of the disappeared Siberian cities: Inanch (Inange), Kara-Sairam, Karakoram (Sarkuni), Alafhin (Alakchin), Kemijet, Hakan Hirhir, Darand Hirhir, Nashran Hirhir, Ordubalyk, Kamkamchut, Apruchir, Chinhai, Qian, Eli, Arsa, Sahadrug, Ica, Kikas, Kambalyk, Grustina, Serpenov (Serponov), Kanunion, Kossin, Terom and others. A large number of previously unannounced Siberian cities contained in the Remezov Chronicle. “Drawing book of Siberia” Semyon Remezov and his three sons can be safely called the first Russian geographic atlas. It consists of a preface and 23 cards large format, covering the entire territory of Siberia and differing an abundance and detail of information. The book presents handwritten land drawings: Tobolsk city and posadov with streets, Tobolsk city, Tara city, Tyumen city, Turin prison, Vekhotur city, Pelym city, and other cities and neighborhood. Newspaper “Altai Pravda” Author: Anatoly Muravlev
Photos from open sources
Altai Time Siberia